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Every year, there are two days when the day is as long as the night. They are the Spring Equinox and the Autumn Equinox (春分和秋分). In 2024, the Autumn Equinox will be on Sept. 22nd. After the Autumn Equinox, China will have cooler days. So on this day, people hold some special activities to celebrate it.

Standing eggs on end

On the Autumn Equinox day, thousands of people around the world try to make eggs stand on end. This Chinese custom has become the world’s game. Usually, eggs about four or five days old are better for the game.

Sending the autumn cattle (秋牛)

The so-called “autumn cattle” is a piece of red or yellow paper printed with solar terms (节气) and a picture of farming cattle. On the Autumn Equinox, people often take these papers from house to house and say or sing some words with good wishes. They may get some pocket money for doing this.

Eating qiucai

Qiucai is a kind of wild autumn vegetable. It’s thin and about 20 cm long. Every Autumn Equinox day, some people in South China go to pick qiucai in the wild. Then, they put qiucai into soup with fish. It’s believed that it can clear their bodies and make them healthy.

【小题1】Which activity on the Autumn Equinox has become the world’s game?
A.Eating qiucai.B.Flying kites.
C.Sending the autumn cattle.D.Standing eggs on end.
【小题2】What is the “autumn cattle”?
A.It’s an animal.B.It’s a story.
C.It’s a good wish.D.It’s a piece of paper.
【小题3】Why do people eat qiucai?
A.To be thinner.B.To make the fish soup taste better.
C.To celebrate the coming of autumn.D.To clear their bodies and keep healthy.
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【小题1】 Alice is learning Chinese culture and becomes interested in Chinese beautiful poems. She is eager to read more.
【小题2】 Having learned Nu Wa Repairs the Sky, Jenny is required to give a talk about old Chinese mythical stories in her class. She has to get more information.
【小题3】 Hans needs to write a report about the three kingdoms from ancient China for his history class. He wants to add more details to his report.
【小题4】 Cathy likes reading books that are funny and encouraging. She needs to read a book for fun during her holiday.
【小题5】 Jimmy is interested in stories of the heroes in ancient China. He wants to write an article about it for his Chinese class.
A.Romance of the Three Kingdoms
It tells the stories of the wars among three kingdoms—Wei, Shu and Wu. It describes their political relationships at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.
B.Water Margin
The whole book describes the great stories of 108 Liangshan heroes. They didn’t want to follow their emperor, so they fought against him. However, they didn’t succeed.
C. The Book of Songs
It was first known as a classic in Han Dynasty. It is also regarded as the earliest existing collection of Chinese poems and songs.
D.Ghost Stories
Many of the stories in this book are about foxes and ghosts. The writer Pu Songling wanted to reflect the Chinese society in the 17th century.
E. The Classic of Mountains and Seas
It is about Chinese mythology(神话学). There are many mythical stories about men and nature like Hou Yi Shoots the Sun and Chang’e Flies to the Moon.
F. A Dream in Red Mansions
The novel talks about the life of two cousins from two big rich families. The love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu is the theme of this book.
G. Journey to the West
This book is about the amazing adventures of San-zang with his three followers, the smart Monkey, the greedy Pig and the kind Sand. The story is full of humour.

You may have seen such a photo: with a long white beard (胡须) and wearing a bamboo hat, an old fisherman stands on a boat. Huang Quande looked like this when tourists took photos with him on the Lijiang River in Guilin, Guangxi. He became so famous on the internet that many believed the fisherman on the back of 20-yuan renminbi banknote (纸币) was based on (基于) his image (形象). Sadly, Huang died at the age of 94 on Feb 18, 2023.

According to Jimu News, Huang shows the true spirit of the Lijiang River. He was a positive and kind man. In his 90s, Huang could still move his boat with speed. After he gave up fishing and became a photo model in 2008, he took photos with tourists worldwide.

The image of the fisherman on the back of the 20-yuan banknote is not just about one man. Instead, it is a cultural symbol (象征) that makes the Guilin landscape (风景) what it is, said Guangming Daily.

In fact, on the back of renminbi banknotes, there’re the most iconic (标志性的) landscapes in the country. Each of them carries its own cultural value.

The renminbi pictures have helped make the landscapes even more popular among tourists. Following the banknotes from 1 yuan to 100, Pan Jinyu from Chongqing had a banknote tour when he was 21. “I want to finish a ceremonial (有仪式感的) journey and feel the beauty of our country,” Pan told Chongqing Economic Times.

【小题1】From the article, we can know that Huang Quande _______.
A.was young but acted like an old man
B.was a famous model when the picture was taken
C.made a living by rowing boats for others
D.became a photo model at the age of nearly 80
【小题2】According to Guangming Daily, the image of the fisherman stands for _______.
A.fishing as a traditional job
B.the kindness of old men in China
C.a cultural symbol of the Guilin landscape
D.the positive spirit of the whole country
【小题3】What does the underlined word “positive” probably mean in Paragraph 2?
【小题4】Where is the passage probably from?
A.A travel poster.B.A newspaper.
C.A science talk.D.A story book.

“Bing Dwen Dwen” and “Shuey Rhon Rhon” are the mascots(吉祥物) for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the Paralympics(残奥会). Here are their self-introductions.

Hi! I’m Bing Dwen Dwen. I have a cartoon image(形象) of a panda wearing a spacesuit, which looks like a winter sportsman from the future. “Bing” means “ice” in Chinese, which is a symbol of winter sports. “Dwen Dwen” suggests health and shows the spirit of the Olympics, including a strong mind and a healthy body.

Hello! My name is Shuey Rhon Rhon. I look like a red lantern, just like the lanterns hanging on homes and streets to celebrate Chinese New Year. On my head are paper cuts of pigeons(鸽子), “Shuey” means “snow” in Chinese. “Rhon Rhon” are two different Chinese characters(象征) communication among different cultures.

The idea behind these two mascots is to connect traditional Chinese culture with the Games. The panda is designed with its modern appearance to show our great expectations for the Games and our welcome to the whole world. The vivid red image of “Rhon Rhon” reminds people of the celebration of China’s Spring Festival.

【小题1】“Bing Dwen Dwen” is a cartoon image of ________.
A.a pandaB.a pigeonC.a lanternD.a spacesuit
【小题2】What does “Dwen Dwen” show?
A.The cool spacesuit.B.The same pronunciation.
C.The different characters.D.The spirit of the Olympics.
【小题3】What does the mascot “Shuey Rhon Rhon” symbolize?
A.The strong mind of all athletes.B.Athletes from different cultures.
C.The friendliness of the Olympics.D.Communication among different cultures.
【小题4】The idea behind the two mascots is to ________.
A.stress the importance of healthB.show traditional Chinese culture
C.celebrate China’s Spring FestivalD.introduce ways of communication
【小题5】Where can you probably find this article?
A.An advertisement.B.A storybook.C.A sports magazine.D.A science book.
