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Here’s a volunteer club named Blue Sky. If you’re interested in one of the following groups and want to do some volunteer work, you can join us.

Teaching Group
You need to be at least 16, a high school student, and be good at all of your subjects. Your main job is to teach those whose parents work far away in a big city. Just work on weekends.
Nursing Group
You must be above 15 and your main job is to look after the old in the old people’s home on weekends.
Caring Group
You mainly help the patients’ children in the hospital. As long as you’re free, you can do the volunteer work at any time. The only requirement is that you must be above 14.
Cleaning Group
If you’re over 13, you can do it. Your main job is to do the cleaning in the history museum. You can volunteer there from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm from Tuesday to Sunday.

【小题1】What does Bill need to do if he joins the Teaching Group?
A.Teach the left-behind children.B.Look after the children.
C.Care for the old people.D.Clean the park.
【小题2】When might John volunteer if he is in the Nursing Group?
A.On Tuesday.B.On Friday.C.On Saturday.D.On Monday.
【小题3】What can we learn from the text?
A.Fifteen-year-old David can volunteer in the Teaching Group.
B.Volunteers in the Nursing Group need to do the cleaning.
C.Volunteers in the Caring Group mainly work in the school.
D.You can volunteer 7.5 hours a day in the Cleaning Group.
知识点:志愿服务应用文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
When I was 19 years old, I was at a dance club. It was a very cold night. As my friend and I were walking to my car, a man walked up to us. Behind him was a woman pushing a *stroller   with a child inside. The child had a jacket on but it wasn’t *zipped. The man began to tell us that he wanted to borrow some money for the night to get his wife and kid into a hotel …out of the cold. He had a job but no place to live and was waiting for his first *paycheck. He said he could get our address and send the money back to us.
My friend reached into his pocket to give this man a $20 bill. As the man was holding his hand out to take the money. I put my hand on my friend’s hand and said, “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
I told him about how my mother works in Seattle and every day people ask her for money. She said they make more money than she does, simply by *begging for money. These people were scamming those with soft hearts. And if they were truly worried about their child, they would have at least zipped his jacket or covered him with his *blanket.
My friend said “Michelle,I know there are people that take advantage of (占便宜)others. I also know there are people that are one paycheck away from being homeless. If I give money to 10 people and only one of them really needs it and uses it for the right thing, it is *worth it.”
I am now 37 years old. But I do remember that the experience changed the way I look at different situations.
【小题1】The man borrowed money to ___
A.find a hotel for his wife and child
B.buy food for his wife and child
C.let his child join in the dance club
D.pay some bills
【小题2】What does the underlined word “scamming” in Paragragh3 probably mean?
【小题3】Michelle’s friend didn’t accept(接受)his advice because he____
A.thought that someone might really need help.
B.had enough money to give away to others
C.didn’t think that the man tell a lie (谎言)to him
D.had pity for the kid in the cold weather
【小题4】What lesson did Michelle learn from his friend?
A.Some poor people often tell stories to win pity.
B.Never believe what a stranger says to you.
C.Look with pity instead of only thinking someone might be telling a lie.
D.The homeless need love rather than money.

It was a cold winter afternoon before Christmas. My parents and I were sitting on the bench (长椅) at Washington Union Station, waiting for the train. A boy sat near us. His old jacket and dirty hands seemed to show that he was homeless.

“He must be cold and hungry. Maybe I should help him,” I said to myself.

Just at that time, a man walked to him, “Excuse me, I bought two boxed meals for my son and me, but one is enough for us. We hate to waste food. Can you help us?”He handed the boy a boxed meal.

The boy thanked him and opened the box happily. Suddenly he stopped. He ran to an old woman in dirty clothes, “A man brought me this warm meal but I just finished eating. Can you help me?” He placed the box in the old woman's hands.

“Sure, son, but you need to share the sandwich and cake with me. It's too much for me.”

We were all touched. Dad went away and soon returned with two cups of coffee and a salad. He went to the boy and the woman, “Excuse me ...”

I ran into a supermarket and bought something with my money. It was so cold that afternoon but I felt warm inside.

【小题1】The story happened at a _____.
A.bus stopB.restaurantC.train station
【小题2】The underlined word “us” in Paragraph 3 refers to _____.
A.the man and his sonB.the man and the boyC.the boy and the man’s son
【小题3】The boy gave the boxed meal to the old woman because _____.
A.he wanted to eat her foodB.he wanted to help herC.He didn’t like the food.
【小题4】What can we learn from the story?
A.Good things come to those who wait.
B.We should ask for help when in trouble.
C.A small act of kindness can make a big difference.

The Cat Man of Aleppo tells a true story of an unbelievable man named Alaa. Alaa chooses not to leave his beloved hometown when the civil war in Syria reaches his city. He stays behind as an ambulance driver and helps with medical work.

Gradually he finds a lot of cats that have been left behind as people leave the country. Alaa and his neighbors begin working together to take care of the cats. Word about “the Cat Man” spreads and donations from many countries arrive. More and more people join him in caring for the cats. And a sanctuary(避难所) is built to house the cats and other animals. Alaa’s voluntary work soon spreads to the wider community—a playground, the digging of a well, and an orphanage(孤儿院). This book is about humanity(人性) at its finest. It will no doubt encourage kids and adults like to do what they can to make a difference to the world.

Besides its amazing true story, another great thing about this book is how it came to fruition. One of the two writers Irene Latham first learned about the Cat Man of Aleppo in 2016. She wanted to write about it but said I knew I wanted to share this story, but I wasn’t sure how — I am not from Syria...” Several years later, Irene met Karim Shamsi-Basha, a writer from Syria and knew the people of Aleppo.

The two finally worked together on this story. Irene and Karim’s partnership is a beautiful example of collaboration(合作) when sharing stories outside of our own communities.

【小题1】What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?
A.The writers of the book.B.Background of the story.
C.A beautiful city in Syria.D.Doctors and nurses in Aleppo.
【小题2】Which of the following words can best describe Alaa?
A.Smart and outgoing.B.Friendly and humorous.
C.Happy and independent.D.Brave and kind-hearted.
【小题3】The underlined part came to fruition in the last paragraph can be replaced by “_______”.
A.was completedB.was translatedC.was discussedD.was praised
【小题4】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Alaa looks after the cats all by himself.
B.Alaa in the book is an imaginary character.
C.Many people left their cats behind during the war.
D.Irene Latham once lived in Syria for over two years.
