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We use money every day to pay for things we buy. We pay with either coins or paper notes. This sort of money is known as cash.

Almost anything can be used as money. In the past people have used shells, beads, cocoa beans, salt, grain and even cattle. Coins have become popular because they are easy to carry around and they last for a long time.

Coins were first used in China. Ancient Greeks also used them as early as 600BC. They were stamped with the mark of the country for which they were made. The stamp also showed how much each coin was worth.

Early coins were made of silver and gold and were worth a lot of money. Later coins were made of cheaper metals but people agreed they were worth the amount (金额) stamped on them. Later, people began to use paper money as well as coins. The value of the paper was not high but banks agreed they were worth the amount written on them.

The earliest form of trade was when people simply swapped things. This was called bartering.

Money has been made in all sorts of shapes and sizes, especially in ancient China.

American Indians used beads and shells made into decorative patters as money.

Coins have been used for centuries. They are easy to make and last a long time.

Banknotes are a written promise to pay a certain amount of money.

Credit cards and cheques are sometimes used instead of money.

【小题1】People can only use paper notes to buy things.
【小题2】Chinese people used coins before 600BC.
【小题3】Stamps are a kind of money as well.
【小题4】If you travelled to ancient China, knife-shaped money might be seen.
【小题5】One advantage of coins is that they are long lasting.
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Tree Planting Day is an important day in the world. Today, many countries have such a holiday. In China, Tree Planting Day is on March 12. It is a day to remember Sun Yat-sen. Sun Yat-sen was a great person in China. However, few of us know that he was the person who encouraged people to plant trees in China.

Tree Planting Day in China was started in 1915. From 1916 to 1928, Tree Planting Day was celebrated on the Chinese Qingming Festival each year. Sun Yat-sen asked people to stop cutting down forests in many of his books and speeches. He even planted trees himself with many people. Sun Yat-sen died on March 12, 1925. In order to remember Sun Yat-sen, Chinese people decided to set Tree Planting Day on March 12 every year.

Planting trees is good for our Earth. Trees can not only make the environment beautiful but also give us forests, stop soil from losing, protect farmland and change climate. They can make the Earth a good place for us to live in. Without trees, our lives will be difficult. For example, we can’t get fruit or oil from trees. Therefore, it’s important for everyone to plant more trees on Tree Planting Day.

【小题1】When did Tree Planting Day start to appear in China?
A.In 1915.B.In 1916.C.In 1925.D.In 1928.
【小题2】What did Sun Yat-sen do to ask people not to cut down trees?
A.He wrote many books and gave lots of speeches.
B.He set Tree Planting Day on March 12 in 1925.
C.He celebrated the Tree Planting Day every year.
D.He started Tree Planting Day in China in 1915.
【小题3】What does the word “They” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
【小题4】What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The ways to protect trees.B.The activities on Tree Planting Day.
C.The history of Tree Planting Day.D.The importance of planting trees.
【小题5】Why does the writer write this passage?
A.To show us some helpful ways to save more trees.
B.To tell us what people usually do on Tree Planting Day.
C.To tell us something about Tree Planting Day in China.
D.To ask us to learn from a great person in China.

There’s no question that Americans love both dogs and cats. About 48 percent of families in the U.S.own dogs and 38 percent own cats. But one thing many people can’t agree on is which animal makes a better pet.

Cat lovers say their pets are easier to care for than dogs. They point out that cats don’t jump on visitors. Also, it’s cheaper to own a cat. Cat owners spend $ 300 to $ 800 less a year than dog owners do. Besides, dogs mess up the house by chewing(咬) things like shoes.

Still, dog owners say the money they spend is worth it. They argue that dogs are more social than cats. Also, scientists say that dogs are smarter than cats. Dog lovers point out that dogs help people, too. For example, dogs can be trained as service pets for people who are disabled.

Here’s what two kids think.

I have both cats and dogs, but I’d rather own a cat at any time. Dogs are noisy and make a mess. Cats are much quieter, and they’re better companions(伴侣).Cats are the perfect size for sitting on my knees. Also, it’s easier to take care of cats.

Michelle, 12, New York

There are many reasons why dogs are called “man’s best friend”. They are playful and love their owners, and you can teach them cool tricks. Cats mostly just care about eating and sleeping. Also, dogs can be service pets and even lifesavers. A cat isn’t going to protect your home from burglars(窃贼).

Logan, 14, Washington D.C.

【小题1】Families with dogs are       more than those with cats in the U.S.
【小题2】In Paragraph 3, an example is given to explain that dogs      .
A.can help peopleB.are smarter than cats
C.can be trained easilyD.are more social than cats
【小题3】From the passage, we can know Logan      .
A.is 2 years younger than Michelle
B.lives in the same city as Michelle
C.has both cats and dogs like Michelle
D.has a different opinion from Michelle

People all over the world use colorful little squares of paper to help them remember something. Some people even use them to create works of art: These little squares are called Post-it Notes. One of their creators, Spencer Silver, recently passed away at 80.

Silver first started working on the notes in 1968, when he was working for technology company 3M. He discovered a kind of weak glue (胶) that didn’t leave behind any residue (残留物) when it was taken off. But he and his partner Art Fry came up with the idea of putting the glue on small pieces of paper to create notes that could be easily moved from one place to another. They borrowed some yellow paper and went to work on their creation. The Post-it Note was finally born in 1974.

However, it wasn’t brought to market until 1977 and didn’t really take off until 1980. Today, it is one of 3M’s best-selling things. The company makes more than 50 million Post-it Notes every year. Silver, a creative chemist, had 37 inventions during his time at 3M. He was included into the National Inventors Hall of Fame for his achievements.

These days, Post-it Notes are made in many different colors. sizes and shapes, including fruit and animals. They are useful for many things. You can use them to take notes, mark your place in a book, give someone a reminder, or even ask someone to a dance. You can even see them in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

【小题1】What can we know about Post-it Notes?
A.They are big squares of paper.B.They didn’t seem very useful at first.
C.They are easily moved.D.They were invented in 1968.
【小题2】We know that Spencer Silver ________.
A.didn’t become famous until 1974
B.invented many things in his life
C.got into the National Inventors Hall of Fame this year
D.was the most creative chemist at 3M
【小题3】What does the underlined word “take off” mean?
A.succeedB.start sellingC.stop sellingD.leave
【小题4】Which of the following can be put in ?
A.At first, it didn’t seem very useful.B.It caught huge attention when many people found the functions.
C.It was able to keep things clean and tidy.D.Silver didn’t pay any attention then.
【小题5】What is the news in the story?
A.One of the creators of Post-it Notes recently passed away.
B.Spencer Silver won a prize for creating Post-it Notes.
C.Post-it Notes celebrated their 80th birthday.
D.Spencer Silver created a new type of Post-it Notes.
