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In America, it is not polite to telephone someone very early in the morning. The time of the call shows that the matter is very _________ and requires quick reply. It is the same to _________ telephone calls after 11 p.m. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he thinks it’s a matter of life and _______. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance.

In social life, time ________ a very important part. In America, guests may ________ that they are not highly respected (尊重) if they get the invitation to a dinner party only three or four days before the party date. But it is not the _______ in all countries. In other parts of the world, it maybe ________ foolish to make an appointment too early because it is easy to be forgotten.

The ________ of time is different in different parts of the world. So misunderstandings happen between people from cultures that treat time differently. To be on time is valued ________ in American life. For example, if people are not on time, others may think they are impolite. In the United States, no one would keep a business partner ________ an hour because it would be too impolite. A person who is five minutes late will say a few words of explanation to show his apology.

A.staying upB.waiting forC.going withD.learning about
知识点:文化差异外国文化礼仪与习俗 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Most people who celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day aren’t Irish. Every year on March 17, hundreds of thousands of people celebrate this Irish____ all over the world. There are parades in New York, London, and Tokyo. There are all-night parties in Argentina. People ____ and have fun in the streets of Australia and New Zealand. And of course, there are some celebrations in Ireland, too.
What is Saint Patrick’s Day? Saint Patrick was a priest hundreds of years ago who made many Irish people ____ Christianity(基督教). He was actually born in Britain, but he has become an important ____ in Irish culture. There are many stories about him, ____killing all the snakes in Ireland and speaking with Irish ancient kings. Saint Patrick’s Day is a religious holiday to remember____, but today it is also a day for celebrating Ireland and Irish culture in general. So____do people celebrate it? The most____way is to wear something green. Green is one of the colors of the Irish flag, and Ireland is also famous for its beautiful green countryside. If you forget to wear green, you may get pinched(捏、掐), ____ pinching people who forget to wear green is another Saint Patrick’s Day tradition. But perhaps the second most common way to celebrate, if you are ____ enough, is to drink lots and lots of Irish beer. Remember only adults can drink beer. Otherwise, you will be punished for being too young.【小题1】
A.take inB.hand inC.bring inD.believe in
A.for exampleB.along withC.instead ofD.such as
Thanksgiving is an American festival. It is celebrated ____ the fourth Thursday in November. It is a time for a special dinner among family and friends. People make short speeches and give thanks for their food.
We have celebrated the festival ____ the first pioneers from England arrived in America by ship in the ______ century. While they were crossing the Atlantic, many people died and after they landed, their first winter was worse ____ any English winter. The local people, the Native Americans (土著印第安人), taught the pioneers how to grow corn. The following year they celebrated together by eating a dinner of the new food.
We still celebrate Thanksgiving today with a traditional dinner. The ____is always the most crowded room in our house because we all help prepare the food. We lay the table and then before we begin dinner, my father gives thanks for the food, ____ we remember why we celebrate the festival. We usually eat too much, but it is only once a year! We often talk a lot and tell stories after dinner as well. When it is all ____, everyone helps wash the dishes.
The festival is a very busy time for travel when friends and families come together to celebrate. During the festival, there ___ plenty of other things to see and do. We live in New York City, and we go to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade(梅西感恩节大游行) . The parade goes along several streets and finishes at the famous Macy's store. Thanksgiving is the start of the Christmas season, and we start ____ for presents. Football is ____ important at Thanksgiving, with many teams playing games. Like many Americans, we usually watch the games on television and enjoy ourselves very much.【小题1】
A.bedroomB.sitting roomC.kitchenD.living room
A.tooB.alsoC.eitherD.as well

Many people love traveling. When you ________ to go to a foreign country, you should know how to do things in different situations .

Most visitors enjoy meeting new people, but sometimes you can be rude without knowing their ________. In Russia, you should ________ shake hands in the doorway. And if you are in Thailand, never touch people’s heads or point your feet at people. When the Japanese meet new people, they like ________ business cards—but you should ________ the card carefully, not just put it in your pocket.

In South America, people usually stand quite close to each other when they ________. But in countries like the US, you need to give people more ________. Also, it’s rude to stop Japanese people while they are speaking to you. You must wait until they ________ before you start speaking.

In some Asian countries, if you go to someone’s home, don’t forget to ________ your shoes when you enter the room. And if you visit an Arab family’s home, don’t talk about anything ________, such as jewelries (珠宝), because the host will feel he should give it to you as a present.

After all, knowing the cultures of different countries will make your trip more enjoyable.

A.get offB.turn offC.put offD.take off
