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Using two fans he found at a market, the 15-year-old Hussam AI-Attar has made electricity to light up his family’s tent. He and his family have been living in the tent since the start of Israel’s attack on Gaza (加沙).

Because of his talent, his neighbors in the tent camp called him “Gaza’s Newton”.

“Newton was sitting under an apple tree when an apple fell on his head. And we here are living in darkness and tragedy, and rockets are falling on as, so I thought of creating light and did so,” AI-Attar said to Reuters.

The AI-Attar family have connected their tent to the side of a house, allowing the boy to climb onto the top of the house and set up his two fans to produce electricity. Then, he linked the fans to switches (开关), lightbulbs in the tent to make lighting for his family.

It took him a while to succeed finally after his first two tries failed.

“I was very happy that I was able to make this because I reduced the suffering of my family…and everyone here who is suffering from the conditions that we live in during this war,” AI-Attar told the media.

AI-Attar is still holding on to his dreams and hopes when this is probably the most difficult time of his life.

“I am very happy that people in this camp call me ‘Gaza’s Newton’, because I hope to achieve my dream of becoming a scientist like Newton and creating an invention that will benefit (造福) not only the people of the Gaza Strip but the whole world,” he added.

【小题1】What did AI-Attar want to do with his invention?
A.Protect people from Israel’s rockets.B.Change people’s lives and bring hope.
C.Save electricity for the country.D.Offer more places for people to live.
【小题2】How did the boy set his fans?
【小题3】Which one is AI-Attar’s hope?
A.Selling his invention to become rich.B.Helping his country win the war.
C.Making something good for the whole world.D.Calling a stop to wars all over the world.
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Do you have a “tiger mother”?

Many Chinese mothers are afraid that their children will fall behind their classmates, so those mothers are becoming “tiger mothers”. They believe the harder their children study, the happier life they will have in the future. Is it true? Lulu and her sister Sophia may have a say.

Lulu and Sophia have a “tiger mother”. She pushed them a lot when they were young. For example, they couldn’t get grades lower than A’s. They had to practice the piano or violin for hours a day. There were no sleepovers or TV.

The tiger mother, Amy Chua, is a Chinese-American teacher at Yale Law School. Amy wrote a book named Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and shared her strict parenting style in it.

Many people don’t like Amy’s style of parenting. They once worried that her daughters would not be happy. However, the two girls have grown up and they thank their mother. Sophia is hard-working, friendly and helpful. Not long ago, she shared some useful study advice online. Lulu is also a warm, smart and popular girl in her friends’ eyes. She said that the tiger parenting believes that a child can succeed, and it can push a child to study hard.

Still, not everyone agrees with the tiger mother’s parenting style. In fact, there isn’t a parenting style that fits everyone. What’s the best parenting style for you? Maybe you should work it out together with your parents.

【小题1】Why are many Chinese mothers becoming “Tiger Mothers”?
A.They want to be teachers.
B.They don’t like their children.
C.They want to control their children.
D.They don’t want their children fall behind their classmates.
【小题2】What did Sophia and Lulu often do when they are young?
A.They watched TV.B.They were sleepovers.
C.They practiced the piano or violin.D.They got grades lower than A’s.
【小题3】In Lulu’s friends’ eyes, Lulu is a ________ girl.
A.warm and smartB.shy and quiet
C.hard-working and unhappyD.helpful and strict
【小题4】What do the two girls think of their mother?
A.They hate her.B.They thank her.
C.They don’t think she is a good mother.D.They are afraid of her.
【小题5】Which of the following is probably the title?
A.Lulu and SophiaB.Do you want tiger mothers?
C.Chinese mothersD.How can you become a tiger mother?

Jim was a well-known radio host. In fact, he was not only known for his hosting skills, but also as a good dresser. Every morning he would take the time to get ready in a suit and tie. He would always arrive at his office on time.

But many people thought that what he was doing was meaningless. “No one ever sees you. Why do you dress like that?” He always just made it into a joke.

One day Jim was invited to appear on TV. There was a special show for the oldest radio hosts. For the first time, people who only knew his voice would see his face. But he arrived late. The director was not going to criticize(批评)so outstanding a host, but he was very curious. “Usually you arrive on time, but today you are 10 minutes late. Why?”

“When I got dressed,” said Jim, “I noticed that my socks were too old. It is my first time to be on TV. So, I ran to the store for some new socks.”

“Why do you need new socks?” asked the director. “You could have come without socks. We will only show you in close-up(特写镜头), above your waist.”

“I need to feel spotless in everything, starting with my shirt and finishing with the pen in my pocket. If my socks have holes or my shoes are dirty, I’m not spotless anymore.”

The director smiled. He realized that only with the right attitude can you achieve your best.

【小题1】What does Jim do?
A.A host.B.A dresser.C.A director.D.A journalist.
【小题2】Why did the director question Jim?
A.To make fun of Jim.B.To hear Jim’s voice.
C.To find out what happened.D.To criticize Jim for being late.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “spotless” mean in Chinese?
【小题4】According to the passage, which of the following statement is TRUE?
A.Jim was always late for work.
B.Jim has never been on TV before.
C.Many people could understand what Jim was doing.
D.The director was very unhappy because Jim was late.
【小题5】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Being late is not a good thing.B.Dressing up well is the most important.
C.A good attitude leads to success.D.We shouldn’t criticize outstanding people.
