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Have you ever noticed you feel happier after helping someone else? Volunteering isn’t just great for the people you support, and it can bring you happiness too.

Volunteering means that you give your time, energy or skills to help others but don’t expect others to give you anything back. There are more than one billion volunteers helping others all over the world, and there are lots of ways you can join them, including raising money for charity, helping in your local community,or even carrying a neighbour’s shopping goods home.

According to Susan Albers, a psychologist, volunteering can reduce stress and make you feel better about your life. This is because being kind and doing things for other people activates (激活) the reward part of the brain and releases (释放) feel good chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. Albers says that volunteering has other benefits (益处) too, such as feeling part of a community, making friends and learning skills.

There are lots of ways you can volunteer. Albers recommends finding something that is meaningful to you. If you love sports, say, then ask if your club needs help like coaching younger players. If you’re passionate about protecting the environment, organize a litter pick or beach clean. You could also ask at your local library, community center or school for volunteering opportunities (机会). Before you start, remember to make sure you check with your parents. What’s more, Albers says volunteering is an activity that everyone can do. You needn’t have a lot of skills or spend much time.”

Title: Volunteering

What is volunteering?It means giving your time, energy or skills to help others without expecting anything in 【小题1】.
Why is volunteering good for us?> Because it helps us 【小题2】 and makes us feel better about our life.
> Because it helps us not feel 【小题3】 and helps us learn skills.
How can we volunteer?> Find something meaningful to us.
> Look for volunteering opportunities.
> Make sure our parents 【小题4】 us.
Everyone can volunteer because it’s not 【小题5】 for us to have lots of skills or spend much time.
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A charity (慈善组织) usually tries to help people in need, save animals and protect the environment. People in the charity expect nothing in return when they help others.

Take Comic Relief as an example. It holds a huge event, Red Nose Day, in the UK. On this day, people do something funny to raise money for people in need. To make others laugh, people may wear red noses on the streets.

Besides (除了) Red Nose Day, there are many other creative ways to help people in need around the world. Many charities have charity shops in Western countries. These shops collect second-hand things and then sell them. Then all the money goes to help sick children and homeless people. A large number of young people love these shops because they can often find beautiful and cheap clothes there. What’s more, some people like to sell things they no longer want in their yard. Then they give the money to the poor in their community.

Also, many famous people give concerts to raise money. For example, the singer Bob Geldof and the musician Midge Ure gave the Live 8 concerts in 2005. Many singers and musicians gave performances in the concerts to help the poor in Africa.

“I’m glad to see that the whole world has come together to help the poor,” former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan once said.

A charity is an organization which tries to work for people, animals and the environment. People in the charity offer help, but they don’t 【小题1】 anything in return. Red Nose Day is a huge event in the UK. People do 【小题2】 things to raise money for people in need. Many charities run charity shops in Western countries. These shops 【小题3】 second- hand things and then sell them. Some people enjoy having a yard sale to raise money for the 【小题4】 in their community. In 2005, many singers and musicians gave 【小题5】 in the concerts to help poor people in Africa. According to Kofi Annan, people all over the world are giving a helping hand to those in need.


       Volunteering not only benefits those in need but also is helpful for the volunteers themselves. It can connect you to others, provide a sense of purpose and make you grow as a person.

       While it’s true that the more you volunteer, the more benefits you’ll experience making the decision to take the first step can be the biggest challenge. Some people wonder if they will be able to meet the organization’s expectations. Some people fear not knowing anyone else in the group. Not having enough time also prevents some from sharing their abilities.

       The following tips can help if you have some of these worries.

       Start out with small steps and don’t add too much pressure. Even a few hours a month can be very helpful.

       Work with someone who volunteered a lot. He can help you increase the confidence and completely understand the organization’s expectations.

       Choose an organization with the same interests and common values.

       Volunteering makes people look at the world differently. Spend some time on volunteer work and you will see how little things can change a person’s life for the better which makes everyone better person.

Title: How to Start the Journey of Volunteering

OpinionVolunteering helps people in need, and at the same time it does 【小题1】 to the volunteers.
The biggest problemIt is hard to make the decision to take the first step.
The 【小题2】 for the problemSome people are not 【小题3】 about their own abilities to be volunteers.
Some people fear not knowing others in the group.
Some people can’t afford time to be volunteers.
The ways to solve the problemStart with small goals at first.
Find a/an 【小题4】 partner.
Choose an organization that suits you well.
EndingVolunteering can make a 【小题5】 to someone’s life.
