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       Leoh Ming Pei, one of the world’s best-known architects (建筑师), left over 50 designs during his long career. These stand as his gifts to the world.
       The glass pyramid of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France might be Pei’s most famous work. Back in the 1980s, the Louvre Museum was having trouble with traffic. To solve the problem, Pei planned to dig an underground hall and place a glass pyramid on top. Many people didn’t like the idea. They said it was too modern for the classical museum. However, the idea turned out to be a success. It is not only the museum’s main entrance, but also a huge skylight (天窗).
       In 2006, Pei was invited to build a museum in his hometown Suzhou. He tried to include local and historical ideas in his design. He built small halls with traditional white walls and dark roofs, just like the classical Chinese gardens. Moreover, the lines and windows in the roof bring something modern to the museum.
        The famous Lion Grove Garden (狮子林) in Suzhou used to be owned by Pei’s family. Pei spent some summers there as a child. Maybe that was when Pei developed his interest in architecture. Pei spent most of his adult years in the US, first studying at universities and then working in different places. Even though he was trained in the US, the beauty of Chinese Classics was well displayed in many of his designs. “I’ve never left China because home is a place your heart always belongs to,” Pei once said.
       Over the last century, many building trends (潮流) have come and gone. But the works of Pei have not. “A lasting architecture has to have roots.” Pei once told The New York Times. That may explain why he and his works have stood the test of time.
【小题1】The underlined word “these” refers to _________.
【小题2】“The glass pyramid of the Louvre Museum” is _________.
A.too modern for the classical museum.B.more than the entrance to the museum.
C.welcomed by French people at first.D.designed to solve the traffic problem in France.
【小题3】What makes Suzhou Museum special?
A.It is in Pei’s hometown.B.It has modern white walls.
C.It’s both classical and modern.D.It is built in a beautiful Chinese garden.
【小题4】Which of the following can be put in ?
A.His style may come from his life experiencesB.Designs in the US are important to him
C.Interest in architecture makes him successful.D.Educational backgrounds bring him fame
【小题5】The main purpose of the passage is to _________.
A.compare different cultures.B.show a special building trend.
C.suggest two famous museums.D.introduce a great architect.
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Bill Clinton took office (就职)on January 20,1993 and became the 42nd U. S. President (总统). He is the first U. S. president who was born after World War II. He is also one of the youngest of all U. S. presidents.
Clinton was born in a poor family. Three months before he was born, his father, William Blats, died. When he was small, his mother remarried (再婚) Norger Clinton, so the boy’s family name was changed.
In the summer of 1963, Clinton was asked to visit the city of Washington. During his visit, he met President Kennedy in the White House. At that time, he wanted to become a president, and now he is!
【小题1】Clinton became the 42nd U. S. president when he was______.
A.thirtyB.about fortyC.forty-sevenD.37years old
【小题2】Clinton’s father died______.
A.after 1946B.before Clinton was born
C.before World War IID.when Clinton was young
【小题3】Why was the boy’s name changed?
A.Because he became a presidentB.Because his family was very poor
C.Because his father was deadD.Because his mother remarried Norger Clinton
【小题4】In 1963 Clinton came to the city of Washington___.
A.to take part in an examB.for his holidays
C.for a visitD.to have a meeting with Kennedy
【小题5】Which one of the following is Not right?
A.Everybody can visit the president in the White House
B.All the U. S. presidents work in the White Horse
C.Clinton wanted to become a president after he saw President Kennedy
D.The White House is in the city of Washington

American writer William Arthur Ward said, “Adversity (逆境) causes some men to break; others to break records.” Sa Ye, 18, is one of those who found his way to get out of the terrible situation. Known as “Qizai” or “770” , the teenager is a video game player on the Huya livestreaming platform (直播平台) and gains more than 10,000 yuan every month. However, his success is hard-won.

Sa was born with a serious disease in a poor family in Yunnan Province. This disease makes his body very weak.   He has been unable to walk or even stand since he was 7. Because of his disease, Sa felt lonely and spent most of his time by himself. This started to change after his older cousin gave him a smartphone.

Sa soon became interested in playing the popular video games, like Honor of Kings. Through the game, Sa felt connected with young people and the world outside. “It made him happy again,” said his grandfather.

In 2019 , when his grandmother became quite sick, Sa decided to raise money by livestreaming under the name of DK-770. He trained hard. Although only part of his hands moved freely, he was able to play as well as the other players. “When I can still move my fingers, I want to work hard on my gaming skills and make money to cover the living costs for my parents,” said Sa.

Now with nearly 400,000 fans, Sa dreams to become a better player in the future. “In the game, I’m not worse than others. Instead, I believe that I’m stronger. This is why my name is ‘770’. I want to be a hero like ‘007’ and have the ability to protect my family, ” he said.

【小题1】What made Sa Ye feel lonely?
A.His poor family.B.His serious disease.C.The video games.D.The livestreaming platform.
【小题2】What is the reason for Sa Ye’s success?
A.Practising hard.B.Owning a phone.C.Having a new name.D.Acting like a hero.
【小题3】What does the writer mainly want to tell us from Sa Ye’s story?
A.Disease makes it easier to succeed.B.No one can avoid difficult situations.
C.Everyone can play video games well.D.People should show courage in difficulties.

Donald Trump, who was born in New York on June 14, 1946, was chosen as the 45th president of the USA. This newly-chosen president is also an American businessman, writer, television   personality and real-estate mogul(房地产大亨). Trump had a very comfortable childhood. After leaving the Kew-Forest School at the age of 13, he was sent to New York Military Academy(军事学院), where he completed his high school.

In August 1964, Trump entered Fordham University. Trump had a great interest in real estate at that time, and his father had a strong effect on him in his decision to make a career in real estate development. Upon his graduation in 1968, Donald Trump joined his father's company, the Trump Organization. Although he worked for his father, Trump always spent long hours on business. He then began to control the company in 1971 and two years later, in 1973, he became the president of the Trump Organization. Trump is well-known as a leading real estate developer in America because all his development and projects have always been modern and have included new ideas.

Trump has considered the idea of running for US president since 1988. In June 2015, he took part in the 2016 presidential election. And finally, on November 9, 2016, his dream came true after so many years' effort. He took office on January 20, 2017. Therefore, at the age of 70, he became the oldest and richest person to be the president in the US history.

【小题1】As the president, Trump has never published a book.
【小题2】In 1968, Trump graduated from Fordham University.
【小题3】Because Trump worked for his father, he didn't spend long hours on business.
【小题4】It took Trump 28 years to make his president dream come true.
【小题5】The passage mainly tells us Trump's life experience and career(生涯).
