阅读理解-五选五 适中0.65 引用2 组卷54

A smile shows that a person is happy. For example, a person may smile when he or she is pleased with a grade on a test. Or a person might smile if a friend tells a funny joke. People smile for many different reasons. But smiles are more than just a way for people to show that they are happy. 【小题1】

First, it is easier to smile than to show unhappiness. In fact, it only takes 17 muscles (肌肉) to smile. On the other hand, it takes 43 muscles to show unhappiness. 【小题2】

Second, smiles are nice. People may try to look nice on the outside by exercising or wearing nice clothes. As the famous saying goes, “【小题3】” That is because it is easy to be around someone who is smiling and happy. Almost no one wants to be around someone who is unhappy all the time.

Third, smiles have power. 【小题4】 If one person smiles, people around him or her want to smile, too. Similarly, when a person laughs, people tend to laugh with them. If a person is sad, the best thing to do is sharing a smile or laugh. It is the easiest (and cheapest) way to cheer someone up.

【小题5】 Even if you are mad or sad, try smiling. You’ll find that it will be hard to stay mad or sad for very long!

A.A smile is the best thing a person can wear.
B.Both smiling and laughing can easily and quickly spread.
C.There are other good reasons to smile often.
D.Finally, smiling and laughing are very good for the body.
E.So give the muscles in your face a rest and smile!
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One day my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. The other woman my wife wanted me to visit was my mother, who has been living alone for 19 years, but the demands of my work and my three children had made it impossible to visit her often.
That Friday after work, when I arrived at her house, my mother waited in the door with her coat on. She had curled her hair and was wearing the dress that she had worn to celebrate her last wedding anniversary(周年).
We went to a restaurant that, although not classical, was very nice and comfortable. My mother took my arm as if she were the First Lady.After we sat down, I had to read the menu. Her eyes could only read large print. "It was I who used to have to read the menu when you were small," she said. "Then it's time that you relax and let me return the favor," I answered.
During the dinner, we had a pleasant conversation nothing special but catching up on recent events of each other’s life. We talked so much that we missed the movie.
As we arrived at her house later, she said, “I’ll go out with you again, but only if you let me invite you.” I agreed.
A few days later, my mother died of a heart attack. It happened so suddenly that I didn’t have a chance to do anything for her.
Some time later, I received an envelope with a copy of a restaurant receipt(收据) from the same place Mother and I had dined. A note said: “I paid this bill in advance. I wasn’t sure that I could be there; but I paid for two plates—one for you and the other for your wife. You will never know what that night meant for me. I love you, son.”
At that moment, I understood the importance of saying in time: ‘I LOVE YOU’ and to give our loved ones the time that they deserve.Nothing in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they deserve, because these things cannot be put off till some “other” time.
【小题1】From the passage we can learn that_________.
A.the writer didn’t use to love her mother
B.the writer was sorry for not having shown much love to his mother
C.the writer often treated his mother at the restaurant
D.after dinner the writer went to a movie with his mother
【小题2】What can we know about the writer’s mother according to the passage?
A.She lives with her son’s family.
B.She wanted to invite her son to have dinner again.
C.She died of a heart attack all of sudden.
D.She wrote a letter to tell her son about her illness.
【小题3】The writer read the menu because _________.
A.his mother couldn’t see clearly
B.his mother couldn’t read at all
C.he wanted to order something her mother liked
D.he wanted her mother to relax
【小题4】What do you think is the best title of this passage?
A.My Mother’s Life
B.An Unforgettable Meal
C.My Mother And I
D.Love is Something You should never Put off

Anger is a kind of feeling. Many things can make you angry. When your teacher gives you too much homework, when your team loses an important game, when a friend borrows your favorite thing and then breaks it, you may get really angry.

Usually, your body will tell you when you are angry. For example, you breathe(呼吸) faster, your face turns red, and you may want to break something or hit someone, but sometimes, you hide(隐藏) your anger. For example, you may hide it in your heart. The problem is that if you do this, you may get a headache or your stomach may hurt.

In fact, it’s not good to hide your anger, and it’s normal(正常的) for you to get angry sometimes. But anger must be let out in the right way, without hurting others or yourself. When you get angry, you can talk about it with other people. It’s helpful to talk about your anger with an adult, such as parents, a teacher, etc. When you talk about anger, those bad feelings can start to go away. Here are some other things you can do when you start to feel angry: talk to a good friend; count from 1 to 100; give someone a hug; go for a bike ride, think about good things, etc. Remember that how you act when you are angry can make everything better or worse. Don’t let your anger control you. You can follow the ways mentioned above to deal with your anger.

【小题1】You may not get angry when _________.
A.there is too much homework on this weekend
B.your favorite basketball team wins the game
C.a friend breaks your favorite thing
D.your parents don’t let you watch TV
【小题2】_________ shows that you’re not angry.
A.Taking a faster breathingB.Getting a headache
C.Getting a stomachacheD.Wanting to protect someone
【小题3】According to the passage, you can do everything when you get angry except(除了) _________.
A.go for a bike ride
B.think about good things
C.talk to a good friend
D.say bad things to the people around you
【小题4】The underlined phrase “let out” in the third paragraph means ________ in Chinese.
【小题5】What’s the best title of the passage?
A.How to deal with your angerB.What makes you angry
C.Anger is bad for usD.Let your anger control you

Do you often get angry? Anger is a kind of feeling. 【小题1】 When your teacher gives you too much homework, when your team loses an important game, or when your friend breaks your favorite thing, you may get really angry.

【小题2】 For example, you breathe (呼吸) faster, your face turns red, and you may want to break something, but sometimes, you keep your anger inside. The problem is that if you do this you may get some health problems.

【小题3】 But keeping anger inside usually just makes things worse. So you need to let go of your anger. Try to let it out in the right way, without hurting (受伤) others or yourself. When you get angry, you can talk about it with other people. 【小题4】 When you talk about anger, those bad feelings can start to go away. Here are some other things you can do when you start to feel angry: count from 1 to 100, go for a bike ride, think about good things, etc.

【小题5】 So you should think carefully before you take action. Don’t let your anger control (控制) you. Try your best to control your anger!

A.Remember that what you do when you’re angry can make everything better or worse.
B.In fact, it’s normal for you to get angry sometimes.
C.It’s really useful to talk about your anger with an adult, such as your parents, teachers, etc.
D.There are many useful ways to help your friends control (控制) his or her anger.
E.Usually, your body will tell you when you are angry.
F.Many things can make you angry.
G.You should always keep your anger inside.
