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In our small town, everyone knows Mr. Zhang, the street cleaner. His job is ________, and not many people think about the man behind the broom (扫帚).

Mr. Zhang has been sweeping our ________ for as long as I can remember. He starts before the sun rises and doesn’t stop until every leaf and piece of trash is gone. Most of us are still sleeping ________ he works.

On that morning, I was walking to school. I noticed the cold ________ made Mr. Zhang shiver (抖) as he worked. I remembered the _______ my grandma had given me—a warm, colorful piece of wool that smelled like home. Without a second thought, I ran back home and took the scarf. Rushing to Mr. Zhang, I wrapped (围紧) the scarf around ________ neck. “This is for you,” I said, “to keep you warm.” Mr. Zhang’s eyes widened ________. No one had ever given him such a gift. “Thank you,” he said, his voice thick with emotion.

From that day on, Mr. Zhang wore the scarf every day. And every time he did, he ________. This news spread in the neighborhood. People started greeting Mr. Zhang, bringing him hot drinks, and ________ him for his hard work.

The scarf was more than just a gift; it was a reminder that everyone in our town has a story and deserves (应得) kindness. We should thank a man who had always been there, ________ making our lives better.

A.at firstB.after allC.in surpriseD.in general
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This was an unforgettable and wonderful experience. It happened about three years ago and it has had a____effect on me. I would like to show respect (尊敬) here for the two men I do not know but whose actions gave a new____to the words — kind and generous.
I was walking down a busy street on a cold, windy day in early____A homeless man, probably about 60 and without wearing any shoes, was begging for change on a street corner.
A BMW car stopped on the other side of the street and a man who was well dressed stepped out of the car. He was probably about____years old.He was wearing a blue business suit with a deep red silk tie. He walked____the street and over to the homeless man. Without saying anything, he first gave him a lot of____and then he sat down and took off his leather gloves (手套), beautiful black leather shoes and his black dress socks. Then he_____them to the homeless man. The homeless man took them and stared (凝视) with a(n)____mouth.
As he drove off, I can't_____thinking that it was probably the first time he had pressed(踩) the pedal (踏板) of that top-brand BMW car with a bare (光的) foot! I stood there and the looks of____appeared on my face and the homeless man’s.
Two men of about the same age____very different lives had met and the one who was____in materials had offered____than his shoes. He had left this BMW car and____down from his high position. He held up the other man when he offered respect,____and real generosity.【小题1】

When Surrell saw the smoke from his neighbour’s home, he went to take a look and heard “My girl, Tiara’s in there!” One of the women cried. ______ this, Surrell ran inside.

The moment he entered the burning house, the thick ______ made it difficult to breathe (呼吸). It was ______ for Surrell, who is 64 years old.

After a few ______, he ran back outside to catch his breath “Where is Tiara?” he asked. “The second floor,” her mum shouted back.

He went in for a ______ time. It was dark inside. Luckily, he got to the second floor as quickly as he could. He breathed heavily. Then he heard a weak and low sound, but he ______ see, Surrell fell to his knees on the hot floor. He crawled (爬行) toward the sound, feeling around for any sign of her.

Several minutes later, he touched ______ in the end. A shoe, then an ankle (脚踝). He pulled Tiara toward him. She didn’t breathe. He fought ______ the smoke and ran into the blackness, holding Tiara. The next thing he knew, he was at the front door, then outside.

When Tiara opened her ______, their eyes met. Surrell hugged (抱紧) her and said, “Uncle’s got you.” Soon after, he fainted (晕倒).

Surrell woke up in the hospital days later. When talking about the ______, he said, “I didn’t have time to think about it. The girl needed my help.”


The homeless are everywhere, not only in developing countries but also in developed countries. What will you do when you see them in the streets? Seeing their _________ clothes and hands, some choose to leave quickly. Others _________ them some money and food.

Maybe you’re kind and you have _________ helped the homeless. But Mr. and Mrs. Muller from Berlin have kept making _________ for the homeless for 11 years. At first, they made bread and gave _________ to the homeless in the streets. And sometimes, they gave the homeless some old clothes. But soon, they realized that food and clothes weren’t _________. These people also needed warm houses and caring. So they _________ their door and let the homeless spend night in their house.

Mr. and Mrs. Muller did the work for free. “We _________ their families.” said Mrs. Muller, “Though I often feel tired, I’ll _________ with the work because I like the feeling of helping others.”

Some people still live a poor life in China. They are in great __________ of our help. Please give them a helping hand. Just remember: To help others makes us happy.

A.openedB.cleaned C.painted
A.would likeB.feel likeC.look after
A.takeB.agree C.continue
