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One afternoon, Meg and Jo were getting ready to go out.

“Where are you going?” asked Amy. “I want to come along.”

“You 【小题1】 (not invite),” said Meg. “You can’t come.”

“That’s right,” said Jo. “Now stop 【小题2】 (trouble) us.”

“You’re going to the theater,” cried Amy. “I want to go, too!”

“No,” said Jo. “Laurie invited just two of us.”

“But Mum says I can go!” cried Amy.

“You just stay in the house!” said Jo 【小题3】 (angry).

“You’ll be sorry for this, Jo March!” Amy shouted as the 【小题4】 (old) girls left the house.

Jo and Meg enjoyed 【小题5】 (they) at the theater with Laurie. But Jo couldn’t stop wondering what Amy would do 【小题6】 (make) her sorry.

The next afternoon, Jo found out when she looked for her notebook of stories.

“Has anyone seen my notebook?” she asked. Meg and Beth said, “No,” but Amy was in 【小题7】 (silent).

“Amy, where is it?” Jo asked.

“You’re never going to see it again because I burned it!”

Jo’s face turned pale. “I worked so hard writing those stories.”

“I said you 【小题8】 (be) sorry, and now you are,” shouted Amy.

Jo grabbed her shoulders and 【小题9】 (shake) her.

“You are a wicked, wicked little girl!” Joe cried. “I’ll never forgive you!”

When Mrs. March came home and heard the story, she said to Amy, “How could you do that? Those were stories Jo hoped to get 【小题10】 (print) in the newspaper.”

Amy realized what a terrible thing she had done and started to cry. She begged Jo to forgive her. But Jo answered, “I’ll never forgive you!”

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A pack rat① named Poncho had a big storeroom for all his things. Every day, Poncho went outside. He came back with leaves for lunch, seeds for supper and other things to f【小题1】 his storeroom.

One day, as Poncho was walking, he saw a shiny golden spoon. He picked up the spoon and took it home.

“Oh no,” said Poncho, looking around his storeroom. “There’s no s【小题2】 for my spoon. I’ll have to move things around to find a place for it.” But he failed.

“I’ll sort my things into two piles,” Poncho said to himself. “I’ll make a pile of things I want to s【小题3】 and a pile of things to throw away.” When Poncho finished sorting, he didn’t have two piles. He had one pile. He wanted everything. He was sad because his plan had not worked.

Then an idea came to Poncho’s mind. “I know how I’ll make room for my spoon! My birthday is coming soon. I can have an amazing party.”

Poncho made an i【小题4】.

Come to my special birthday. I’ll have a giving-away party. Don’t bring me a present. I’ll give each of you one instead. After the party, you can take anything e【小题5】 the shiny golden spoon outside my door.

Poncho’s friends all came to his party on the birthday. They ate birthday berries and sang the birthday song. Then Poncho said, “It’s time for my dear friends to pick presents.”

The party turned w【小题6】. The guests shouted happily, chose what they like and showed appreciation to Poncho. And he waved goodbye to all his friends.

“Now I will bring in my shiny spoon,” Poncho said happily. He went out and took the spoon inside. He stood in the center of the storeroom and looked around, “Tomorrow I will go out and get a few m【小题7】 things. After all, why have a storeroom if you don’t store things in it?”

① pack rat林鼠,生活在北美及尼加拉瓜和危地马拉等地,它们在觅食的同时也捡拾筑窝的材料。林鼠有个奇特的习性,就是收集并在窝申藏各种怪诞的物品,特别喜欢闪光发亮的小物件。
