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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re talking to someone but they keep looking at their phone? This is called “phubbing”—a mix of the words “phone” and “snubbing (不理睬)”. When someone is “phubbing”, they’re using their phone to look through the online news, check messages, play games and so on, instead of focusing on the conversation or spending time with the people they’re with. The word was first used back in 2012, when fewer people had smartphones. And now that most people have smartphones, phubbing is a common problem.

Most people would agree that it’s rude to focus on your phone when you’re spending time with another person. The expert William Hanson thinks so, too. “Phubbing is a no-no!” he says. “If you have planned to go out with friends, focus on them and not on your phone.” Studies have found that phubbing can damage your relationships with others. Phubbing can make people feel excluded. They have a strong sense of not being accepted and those who “phub” are thought of as less polite and caring. So science has shown that phubbing is not good for us—but why do we do it? It might be because we are feeling bored, worried or stressed. Or it might be because we are addicted to (沉溺于) checking our phones, especially social media. Whatever the reason may be, phubbing is a bad habit and can make us miss out on real moments with the people around us.

So the next time you’re spending time with a friend or family member, try and keep your phone out of sight!

【小题1】When someone is phubbing, what is he probably doing?
A.Buying a new smartphone.B.Checking the online news.
C.Keeping the phone out of sight.D.Talking with people beside him.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “excluded” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Left out.B.Mad.C.Proud.D.Satisfied.
【小题3】What is the main purpose of this text?
A.To call on people not to use smartphones.
B.To show the importance of smartphones.
C.To introduce what “phubbing” is to the readers.
D.To value the real moments with the people around us.
【小题4】Where would the readers probably find this passage?
A.In a story book.B.In an art magazine.
C.In a math textbook.D.In a social magazine.
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In China, Tree Planting Day arrives on March 12, but more often people plant trees during Qingming Festival in early April. Trees can survive (成活) more easily with a warmer climate (气候) and often spring rains fall at that time.

Planting willows (柳树) during the Qingming Festival is a traditional custom in China. March 12 was set as national tree planting day in 1979 in memory of Sun Yat-sen, who died on March 12, 1925. Sun had called for planting trees.

Since 2013, President Xi Jinping has joined Beijing citizens in tree planting activities. President Xi called on the public to stick to the tradition of planting trees in spring and could build an ecological civilization with the government’s continuous efforts. Students should set up a sense of protecting the environment and cherish the green plants, Xi said in 2017 when attending a tree planting activity in Chaoyang district of Beijing.

China has seen a remarkable growth in forest resources and planting projects. Nationwide voluntary tree planting campaigns in China over the past forty years have seen increased participation (参与) by members of the public and nearly 79 billion trees have been planted.

“Our forest coverage rate has risen from 12% in the early 1980s to 23.04% now. Our forest has increased from 9.028 billion cubic meters (立方米) to 17.56 billion cubic meters. The campaign has made China the country with the largest increase in forest resources and the largest area of planted forests,” said Zhang Wei, a senior official of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration in 2021.

【小题1】Why was Tree Planting Day set on March 12?
A.Because trees planted at that time can survive easily.
B.Because planting trees on that day is a traditional custom.
C.Because it is in memory of Sun Yat-sen.
D.Because President Xi had called for planting trees on that day.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “remarkable” mean in the fourth paragraph?
【小题3】The fourth and fifth paragraphs mainly tell us ________.
A.President Xi Jinping has joined Beijing citizens in tree planting activities
B.our country has made great achievements in planted forests
C.nationwide voluntary tree planting campaigns started 40 years ago
D.we should take an active part in planting trees
【小题4】The passage was written to ________.
A.stick to the traditionsB.praise President Xi Jinping
C.protect the environmentD.call for planting more trees

Traveling by train is a great way to go around China. It’s more comfortable than taking a plane and faster than driving or taking a bus. It’s also more relaxing to take the train. On a train, you can sit and enjoy beautiful things along the way. You can use your phone freely. What’s more, trains can run even in the rain and snow.

There’s a very popular kind of train in China high-speed (高速) trains. Two of the top high-speed trains are Fuxing trains and Hexie trains. They can move far away in the blink of an eye. But do you know which one is faster?

Fuxing trains are the fastest trains in China now. They can go up to 400 km/h. Also, Fuxing trains are more comfortable than Hexie trains, They have better seats, free Wi-Fi, more charging ports (充电口) and more space available for your legs when you are sitting.

Hexie trains can go up to 380 km/h. They’re not so fast as Fuxing trains, but they still have comfortable seats and take you where you need to go fast. The differences are that Hexie trains have no Wi-Fi, fewer charging ports, and less space for your legs.

So, which train do you like better, Fuxing or Hexie? No matter (无论) which one you choose, you’ll have a wonderful time traveling by train in China.

【小题1】What does Paragraph 1 mainly talk about?
A.Popular kind of train in China.B.The history of traveling by train.
C.Good points (优点) of traveling by train.D.Different ways to travel in China.
【小题2】What does the underlined part “in the blink of an eye” probably mean?
A.Very loudly.B.Very heavily.C.Very cheaply.D.Very quickly.
【小题3】How fast can Fuxing trains move?
A.380 km/h.B.400 km/h.C.420 km/h.D.450 km/h.
【小题4】What can we know about Hexie trains?
A.They have comfortable seats.B.They have many charging ports.
C.They have free Wi-Fi.D.They have enough space for people’s legs.

If you look at the top of your phone, you’ll usually see a small symbol that shows 3G or 4G. The “G” means the “generation (代)” of your mobile network. But they will become history after 5G network fully arrives.

In recent years, China makes great achievement in 5G network. Now it’s making efforts to popularize the business use of 5G. Shanghai is the first city in China to start testing 5G networks. On March 30, 2019, Wu Qing, one of the leaders of Shanghai, made the first 5G video call with Huawei Mate Smartphone.

5G allows people download and upload data faster than ever before. It is 100 times faster than 4G mobile network. But 5G doesn’t just bring faster mobile Internet. People can use it for many other things as well. For example, 5G can make self­driving cars safer.

Today’s self­driving cars have one problem-time lag (滞后). When a self­driving car “sees” an obstacle (障碍物), it sends this information to data center and receives instructions. However, it takes time to do that. That’s the time lag. With this kind of lag, the car might have an accident because it doesn’t receive instructions in time. But with 5G, the self­driving car can receive instructions more quickly.

5G can also be used to power the Internet of Things (IoT). This refers to a large online network that connects all things and people. Fast Internet speeds will be the key to developing this technology. For example, with IoT, your smart fridge could order eggs online when it notices that there are no eggs left inside.

【小题1】What is true about 5G?
A.5G can only make mobile Internet faster.B.The first city in China to do 5G test is Shanghai.
C.5G network has been fully used in China.D.5G network is 10 times faster than 3G network.
【小题2】Why does the writer use self­driving cars as an example?
A.To explain how self­driving cars work.
B.To show us how important self­driving cars are.
C.To tell about the possible dangers of self­driving cars.
D.To explain how 5G’s fast speed can be helpful.
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?
A.China supports the development of 5G network.B.There are no differences between 3G and 4G.
C.There will be no car accidents.D.The 5G network can control fridges, TVs and other appliances.
【小题4】Where can you probably read this article?
A.In a science magazine.B.In a historical novel.
C.In a fashion magazine.D.In a story book.
