任务型阅读-补全句子 适中0.65 引用1 组卷11

One day all the workers reached the office and they saw a big notice on the door which said, “Yesterday the person who has been preventing your growth in this company (公司) passed away. We invite you to attend the funeral (葬礼) in the meeting room on the 5th floor.”

In the room, everyone thought, “Who is this guy that was preventing my progress? Well, at least he died!” One by one the workers got closer to the coffin (棺材), and when they looked inside they suddenly became speechless. They were shocked. There was a mirror inside the coffin; everyone who looked inside it could see himself. And there was also a sign next to the mirror that said, “There is only one person preventing your growth: it is YOU.”

You are the only person who can change your life. You are the only one who is taking responsibility for your life. Your life changes when you change. The world and your life are like the mirror lying in a coffin. It’s the way you face life that makes the difference.

【小题1】The workers attended a funeral in the meeting room on the ________.
【小题2】As soon as the workers looked inside the coffin, they were too ________ to say a word.
【小题3】There was a sign beside the ________.
【小题4】You are the only one who is ________ for your life.
【小题5】If ________ changes, that’s all because you have changed.
知识点:哲理感悟记叙文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Zhuang Zhou, who lived more than 2,000 years ago, was considered a great philosopher of Taoism (道家) in ancient China. We also call him Zhuang Zi. There are many interesting stories about him and animals. And his stories always bring us inspiration (灵感) about life. Here are two of them.

One day, Zhuang Zi had an interesting dream. He dreamed that he became a beautiful butterfly. He flew around and did anything he wanted. When he woke up, he asked himself, “Who am I? Am I Zhuang Zhou or the butterfly?” Finally. he said. “Maybe I am a butterfly. In my dream. I became a man and my name was Zhuang Zhou.”

Another day, Zhuang Zhou and his friend took a walk along the river. Zhuang Zi saw some fish in the river. He said, “Look at the fish! How happy they are!” His friend said to him, “You are not a fish, so how do you know they are happy?” Zhuang Zi smiled and said. “But you are not me. how do you know that I don’t know the feeling of the fish?”

【小题1】Who was Zhuang Zhou?
【小题2】How many stories about Zhuang Zi are mentioned in the passage?
【小题3】What did Zhuang Zi become in his dream?
【小题4】Why Zhuang Zhou’s friend disagreed with him?
【小题5】According to the passage, what do you learn from the stories of Zhuang Zi?

Time is important for everyone. It organizes our everyday moments. However, before I received a watch from my father, time never had any importance in my life.

I received this gift on a Sunday. I had to go to the airport at 9:00 a. m. to meet Uncle Jim and take him home. However, I was late because I played with my friends. Later on that day, around 11:00 a. m. , I remembered my uncle and went to the airport to meet him, but I was too late. He had left the airport.

I got home at 2:00 p. m. Looking at my father's face, I felt sorry. My father asked me to sit next to him and handed me this watch. Then he said,“Bob,did you have fun with your friends today?”"Yes, but I'm sorry about not meeting Uncle Jim. "I replied. He then said,"What you did was not very nice and you should be sorry for your actions. I think you should learn something from it, and this watch will be a reminder for you in your future life. ”

The watch is very important to me, not because of its price, but because of the lesson that I learned from it.

【小题1】Where did the writer have to meet his uncle?(in no more than 6 words)
【小题2】Why didn’t the writer go and meet his uncle on time?(in no more than 6 words)
【小题3】When did the writer get home?(in no more than 6 words)
【小题4】How did the writer feel when he looked at his father's face?(in no more than 6 words)
【小题5】What does the story tell us?(in no more than 6 words)

[1]There was a tree in my garden. One day, two birds came to the tree and built a house for their three newborn babies.

[2] One day, I ①________ the sound of the little birds. I ran to the garden and found two babies eating food on the ground. I thought they dropped off their house, so I decided to help them get back to their house. At that time, the father bird and the mother bird came back. They had some food for the third baby. They put the food on the ground, far away ②________ the   third baby. To get the food, the baby had to fly to it.

[3] The third baby was hungry, but she was afraid to get out of the house. 令我吃惊的是,鸟爸爸和鸟妈妈仅仅是站在那里并且什么也没做。

[4] After about ten minutes, the third baby bird didn’t have any other choice. She slowly went to the border(边缘) of the house and began to fly. She flew off from the house. Finally, the third baby bird landed safely on the ground and found the food.

[5] These birds taught me a lesson: if you want your food, you will have to learn to fly.

【小题1】Fill in each blank in the passage with a proper word. ①________________
【小题2】How many birds were living in the writer’s garden in total (总共)? (with one word)
【小题3】What did the writer think when he saw two baby birds on the ground? (no more than 7 words)
【小题4】Did the third bird find the food at last? (with 3 words)
【小题5】Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into English.
