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Ordering takeouts is very popular nowadays because it is convenient. More than 60 percent of the people in China order takeout food at least twice a week. If people don’t want to eat out, they can just order takeouts on the smart phone and wait for it to be delivered (送达).

What about people living in ancient times? Did they eat takeouts?

In fact, there was takeout as far back as the Song Dynasty. According to history books, Emperor Xiaozong (1127—1194) liked to order takeouts late at night. His servants then went around the city to pick up the dishes and bring them back to the palace.

Ordinary (普通的) people also ordered takeouts. Restaurant waiters would go out into the streets and yell out which dishes could be ordered that day. After hearing the waiters, people could then place an order. Later, delivery workers would bring food to their homes. In the famous Song Dynasty painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival (《清明上河图》), a takeout worker can be seen on a delivery with food in hand.

People at that time even had a special meal box for takeout dishes. It was a long wooden box with several layers. People also used warming plates made of two layers of porcelain (瓷). Hot water could be put between them to keep dishes warm.

【小题1】According to the passage, more and more people think ________ to eat takeouts nowadays.
A.it’s cheapB.it’s convenient
C.it’s tastyD.it’s fresh
【小题2】The underlined word “yell” probably means ________.
【小题3】Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?
【小题4】What can we know from the passage?
A.Only the Emperor was able to order takeouts in ancient times.
B.Over 60% of the people in China order takeouts at least twice a day.
C.People used special long plastic boxes for takeout dishes in ancient China.
D.We can see a takeout worker in Along the River During the Qingming Festival.
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What makes you cry? Being moved by a sad movie, seeing your best friend off, or getting emotional (情绪激动的) after breaking up with the partner can cause tears to rundown our faces. We all have the power to cry, but is that a good thing?

When you think of it, tears running down from your eyes is a strange thing to do. But it seems to be a natural reaction (反应) when we get sad, upset or even when we’re very happy. What causes this reaction is different from person to person. However, the feeling is the same—your face puffs up (膨胀), your eyes tighten (绷紧) and before you know it, tears are streaming down your face.

A UK study has shown that women usually cry more often than men, with women crying 72 times a year on average. Does it mean that men don’t get as upset or emotional as women, or they are just more embarrassed about showing their true feelings? The argument continues.

One place where we experience emotional and tearful outbursts is the workplace. This can be a place where emotions run high. Someone might be stressed because they have too much work. And, as the expert, Joanna Cross told the BBC, “Crying is often a build-up of being upset and situations not being dealt with and it’s a bit of a final straw (稻草) moment.”

But crying in the office or somewhere else can be cathartic (宣泄情绪的). It can actually make you feel better. Maybe it solves or clears the bad feelings you’ve had. Crying is a powerful tool that we should use to express ourselves, free ourselves, and in some way get out of difficult situations.

【小题1】What type of movies might make people cry according to the passage?
A.Sad movies.B.Action movies.C.Scary movies.D.Cartoons.
【小题2】What feeling do people have when tears are streaming down?
A.They feel powerful.B.Their hearts beat fast.
C.Their faces puff up.D.Their eyes close.
【小题3】Why does the writer mention the UK study in Paragraph 3?
A.To explain why women like crying.
B.To show that men don’t cry when they get upset.
C.To show that how many times women cry in a year
D.To show the argument about crying between women and men.
【小题4】What is the main idea of Paragraph 4?
A.The reason for crying is a backlog of situations
B.Crying is often a build-up of being upset and situations not being dealt with.
C.Workplace is good for people to experience emotional and tearful outbursts.
D.Workplace can be somewhere emotions run high which may cause crying.
【小题5】What can we probably infer from the passage?
A.It is good for us to try not to cry all the time.
B.People may feel better after crying in the office.
C.Men hardly cry because they can’t express their feelings.
D.It is difficult for people to express their feelings if they don’t cry.

Why do some people look happier than others? The good news is that you may be one of them if you follow these habits of happy people from my book Find Your Happiness.

Make possible goals. Happy people are great goal makers. They work hard for their goals every day. Ask yourself if you are making possible goals and if you can reach them by working hard.

Don’t use the word “luck”. When you look at happy people, you may say, “They’re so lucky.” But in fact, the word”luck”is not in their dictionary. Instead, they believe that hard work and confidence (信心) bring great results.

Don’t try to win in an argument. Happy people are busy making their goals come true. They understand that spending time fighting with others takes them away from what they care about most. They love hearing people talk about their ideas, but they won’t spend time trying to force people to accept their ideas.

Try to look farther. Happy people don’t spend much time thinking about happiness. They live for now and enjoy their life. Happy people have difficulties, too, but they see them as chances to learn more and grow better.

Want to be a really happy person? Follow these habits and try to change yourself into what you wish to be like.

【小题1】How does the writer organize Paragraph 1?
A.By explaining some habits.B.By comparing some facts.
C.By giving some numbers.D.By asking readers a question.
【小题2】How many habits of happy people does the writer give us?
【小题3】What can we know about happy people from the passage?
A.They keep on working hard for their goals every day.
B.They always try to win in any argument with others.
C.They spend much time thinking about happiness.
D.They never have any difficulty during their lives.
【小题4】Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?
(①;②;③;④;⑤;⑥=Paragraph1……Paragraph 6)
【小题5】What is the best title for this passage?
A.How to Make Possible GoalsB.How to Be a Happy Person
C.How to Overcome Difficulties in LifeD.How to Learn More and Grow Better

Months ago, the Chinese government allowed primary and high school students to have a spring or autumn break.

Now most Chinese students only have holidays in summer and winter. During the holidays, some students stay at home doing their homework. Others travel with their family. How do kids in the US and UK spend their holidays? Let's take a look.


*Summer holiday: mid-June — early September

*Christmas holiday: mid-December — early January

*Thanksgiving holiday: one week in late November

*Spring break: usually a 10-day holiday in mid-March

Summer camp is one of kids’ favorite places to go. There, they can make new friends. They can also take part in some interesting activities like archery (射箭) and sailing. This helps them learn teamwork.

Spring break can be a great time to travel. Middle school students usually travel with their parents. Beaches are one of their favorites.


*Summer holiday: late July — September

*Christmas holiday: mid-December — early January

*Easter holiday: late March — mid-April

*Autumn break: one week in October

British children like one-day trips during the summer holiday. They can visit museums, sports stadiums and castles.

Christmas holiday is usually time for family get-togethers. Many people like travelling in Easter.

【小题1】American studentscannotduring summer camp.
A.make new friendsB.learn teamwork
C.take part in activitiesD.travel with their parents
【小题2】is the longest holiday for students in the UK.
A.Autumn breakB.Easter holiday
C.Summer holidayD.Christmas holiday
