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阅读下列短文,   从每小题题 所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白出的最佳选项。

In a small village, there was a wise old man named Rvam. One day his young nephew Keith came to visit him. Keith was upset about his _________ progress in learning the guitar. However hard he tried, he just couldn’t improve. “Follow me,” said Ryan, and he led Keith _______ to the high hills around the village. The road was long and difficult. As they got higher, Ryan said that he needed to go to the top of the highest hill where he had _______ been to. Keith was surprised but decided to help his uncle.

With great difficulty, Keith helped his uncle climb the hill. Sometimes he even _______ the old man on his back. At the top, sweating, he put his uncle back on the ground and laughed with joy. “Do you remember the _______ when you were a little boy? Sometimes you returned home _______ with tears in your eyes.” said Ryan. Keith looked around and nodded. He recalled that as a child he often _______ on the hills with other children. They called this hill Mount Impossible, _______ small children couldn’t reach its top. “At that time I was unable to get here,” said Keith. “The bigger kids had no _______.”

“And today,” said Ryan, “you not only climbed here, but also dragged (拖拽) me up.” “That’s because I became bigger and ________.” “Instead of climbing Mount Impossible every day, you played on the smaller hills and became better at climbing.” said Ryan. “Every step counts, not to mention practicing the guitar.”

In fact, Mount Impossible became possible for Keith to climb while he wasn’t even thinking about it.

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Several years ago, I attended a meeting in Washington D. C. I decided to eat at a nearby food stall (摊位) during the lunch break. The area was crowded, _________ it took me a lot of time to find an empty table. A few _________ later, an elderly gentleman came along with a plate of food, looking for a place to sit. Then I stood up and invited him to sit beside me. He thanked me as he sat down. We began to _________ during lunch.

To my surprise, the elderly gentleman was _________ in the field of success. He had written four books, each of which contained (包含) 250 rules of _________ that he had gotten from his research. I had read the four books once. After we chatted for a while, I asked him the _________ that many people in this situation would ask, “Of all the rules of success you have gotten, which do you think is the most important?” He smiled and replied, “The most important rule was _________ many years ago. Do what you should do whether you like it or not.” He continued, “I find many rules of success, and I _________ find none of them will work if there is no self-discipline (自律).”

It’s _________ self-discipline is the key to success. We can hardly succeed __________ self-discipline. I will never forget this meaningful conversation.


Once upon a time, a group of frogs was traveling through the woods. Suddenly two of them fell into a deep pit (坑). Other ______ came over and they carefully stood _______ the pit to see how deep it was. They told the two frogs that the pit was too _______ and there was no hope left for them. ________ the two frogs decided to ignore (忽略) what the others were saying and they kept trying to ________ of the pit.

The group of frogs at the top of the pit saw the two frogs’ efforts, but they were still saying that they should just give up. They even said: “You two would _____ make it out.”

Finally, one of the frogs heard what the others were saying and he decided to give up. He gave up trying and soon ______. After the death of this frog, the other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Again, the crowd of frogs shouted at him to stop the pain and just die.

He jumped even ________ and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs asked: “Did you not hear ________?”

The frog didn’t know what they were saying, but he explained to them that he was ________. He thought they were encouraging him when he was keeping trying.

A.take outB.jump outC.run out

One Sunday, I walked to the supermarket. As usual, there I picked all things on the shopping list my mother gave me. As I turned to go out, I saw a beautiful dress in the window. I turned away, feeling sad that I could ______ own such a dress.

Outside, I ______ take my mind off that dress. I worked so hard to help my family but I got ______ in return, just more chores to do. I was so angry that I ______ to realize the apples were falling out of the bag onto the road. Suddenly, I saw a pair of hands, ______ me two of the apples. I looked up and saw a homeless old man. His clothes were old. But his ______ were soft and kind.

"Thanks," I said. No other words were spoken as he ______ to help me. Soon all the apples were back in the bag. I said "thank you" one more time and was ready to leave ______ I had many other things to finish. ______, he said, "Have a good day". And then he gave me the biggest ______ I had ever seen. Right then, he looked years younger—and I felt a fool.

Seeing him disappear into the crowd, I couldn't stop feeling ______ for myself. The homeless old man "taught" me so much. Life was never easy for him. He had ______ me with his big smile that my life was good enough, and there were ______ things than not having a dress.

My mother will give me the ______ next Sunday. I will make the ______ journey to the supermarket and probably see something I want but cannot have, too. But before I start to feel down, I will remember the kind stranger with the big smile.

