完形填空 较难0.4 引用1 组卷43

Recently I didn’t get on well with my mother. She thought I was still a child! And she was very ________ with me. She told me not ________ out after 8:00 in the evening. She also said, “If ________ goes to climb a mountain, will you do it, too?” I ________ those words, so I sometimes wanted to say, “If I can, I will get away ________ you.” I knew this wasn’t true, ________ I was so upset. My dad understood my ________ and agreed that I could hang out with my friends after dinner for half an hour. However, my mom didn’t agree to let me ride. How should I ________ the problem?

It seemed that it’s ________ for me. I think my mother is having some trouble. She doesn’t want to ________ that I’m getting older and I will become more independent. Usually, it’s difficult for some ________ to let go of their children’s hands.

I plan to ask my father for help. He seems to understand me ________. I will have a good talk with him and tell him like this, “Dad, I feel upset when Mom sometimes ________ what I want. I love Mom and I don’t want to make her angry, ________. I know she wants me to be better, but we need more communication. Can you help me talk to her about this?” I hope this can be ________ to me.

A.beB.beingC.to be
A.someoneB.everyoneC.no one
A.decide B.acceptC.choose
知识点:家庭关系 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Living and dealing with kids can be a difficult job these days. However, living and dealing with parents can be even _____. Since I became a junior high school student, I _____ that communication is very important. With any relationship, you need to let _____ people know your feelings. If you are not able to communicate, things will become bad. If you are mad at your parents and avoid _____ to them, it won’t help. If you look up the word “communication” in a dictionary, it will say “the exchange of ideas and information.” _____ a good relationship, you must improve communication skills. Let people know your feelings, even if it’s just by _____ a note. If you are trying to make your parents see something as you see it, tell them that you’ll listen to what they say, and ask them _____ to listen to you. Then they may understand you better. _____away only makes the situation worse.

Here is _____ example. One night, Sophie went to a street party with her friends. She knew she ______ be home by midnight after the fireworks, but she felt ______ would be rude of her to leave first. As a result, she got home late. Her parents were angry at first, but when Sophie explained ______ she was late, they weren’t so mad. Communication is the key ______ a good relationship.

Problems can only ______ with communication. So just keep it in mind: ______ you get into a situation like Sophie’s, tell your parents how you feel.

A.difficultB.more difficultC.most difficultD.the most difficult
A.have learntB.learntC.learnD.will learn
A.the othersB.anotherC.otherD.others
A.talkB.talkedC.talkingD.to talk
A.KeptB.KeepC.KeepsD.To keep
A.writingB.to writeC.writeD.writes
A.politeB.more politeC.politelyD.politeness
A.has toB.have toC.will have toD.had to
A.be solvedB.be solvingC.solveD.solved

When shopping for clothes, my mom and I always disagree on what fits me well. To me, if it zips, it fits. However, my mom usually says I need a bigger _______ .

When I was in middle school, I wanted to dress _______ my friends, but my body size made it impossible. Every time when my mom told me _______ didn’t fit me or I needed a bigger one, all I heard was that I was too _______. That’s why we stopped shopping together.

This went on until I was going to get married and needed to find a wedding _______. Of course, I could buy it _______ . However, my mom is my favourite person to go out with, so the idea of looking for a wedding dress without her seemed quite _______ to me.

Then the day came. As I _______ a white dress, I saw tears in my mom’s eyes, “You look very _______ in it, my dear” she told me. Nothing could surprise me more than this.

In fact, this dress didn’t zip up at the back and I did need a bigger one, ________ my mother didn’t say that. She just told me she couldn’t ________ how beautiful I looked. At that moment, all those ________ experiences we had in the past were gone. We didn’t buy a dress that day. We decided to see more. This was what I would ________   think about before.

Finally, we found a ________ dress after a few weeks’ shopping trips. And during those few weeks, mom and I also found the perfect fit for our ________ relationship.

A.tried onB.took awayC.picked upD.looked for

My name is Tim and I am 13 years old. My ________ take care of me. I love them and I know they love me. However, it’s ________ for them to understand me. My parents grew up ________ a different environment and my grandparents brought them up in an old way. Sometimes feel like my parents are ________ to bring me up in that way. They won’t ________ me go to a friend’s home to have fun. I think they are so unreasonable. And they even won’t make me hang out with a friend ________ they don’t know the friend’s parents. It’s really embarrassing (令人难堪的) when I tell my friend that I can’t ________ him to have fun.

Last week, I found my parents reading my ________. I told them they did the wrong thing, but they said it was not a ________. They don’t think that I should keep anything to ________. I must tell them everything. I tried to ________ them, but they didn’t want to listen. It gave me a feeling that they didn’t want to understand me, so I said ________ then. I tried to talk with my best friend, but his parents are similar to ________. He is upset, too. It’s impossible to get useful ________ from him. I’d like to have understanding parents and I hope they won’t see me as a little baby, but I ________ don’t know what I could do.

A.big dealB.bad careC.good resultD.good example
A.care forB.play withC.depend onD.talk to
