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Scientists at the University of Florida (UF) have grown plants in soil that came from the Moom. The plants didn’t grow as well as those grew in soil from Earth, but the experiment marks an important step towards growing plants on the Moon.

The Moon’s soil is called“regolith (风化层)”, and there’s not a lot of it on Earth. NASA (美国国家航空航天局) has most of it, which was collected over 50 years ago. Because the regolith is so valuable, it took the UF scientists 11 years to persuade NASA to allow them to use it.

NASA didn’t give them much soil. The regolith came from three different NASA space flights —Apollo 11,12 and 17. The soil from Apollo 11 was taken from the top layer(层) of the Moon’s surface. The rest came from deeper layers of the Moon’s soil.

The scientists chose a special plant for their experiment. It’s a small plant related to broccoli (西兰花) that can grow in very little soil. Scientists know a lot about the DNA of this plant, which helps them understand how it grows in the soil it’s planted in.

By studying changes in the DNA of the plants growing in the Moon’s soil, scientists may one day find out new ways to help plants grow better in the Moon’s soil.

“The ability to take plants successfully with us to the Moon is how we’ll grow our own food.” said Dr. Rober Ferl, one of the researchers. “Showing that plants will grow in the Moon’s soil is actually a huge step in that direction.”

【小题1】What can we learn from Paragraph 1?
A.There is a lot of Moon’s soil at the UF.
B.Scientists at the UF have grown plants on the Moon.
C.The experiment carried out by scientists at the UF achieved nothing.
D.The plants in the Moon’s soil grew worse than those in Earth’s soil.
【小题2】It took the UF scientists 11 years to be allowed to use “regolith” because ________.
A.it is very valuableB.it was kept by NASA
C.it was gotten from the MoonD.it cannot be used to grow plants
【小题3】What does the underlined word “persuade” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Argue with others.B.Make sb. do sth.
C.Show sth. to others.D.Sell sth. to others.
【小题4】Why did scientists choose a plant related to broccoli?
A.Because it needed little soil.
B.Because it would change its DNA.
C.Because it could grow well in the regolith.
D.Because scientists know little about its DNA.
【小题5】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Explorers grew food on the MoonB.Astronauts returned to Earth safely
C.NASA collected soil from the MoonD.Scientists grew plants in the Moon’s soil
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What subject do you worry about the most at school? Many student worry about math. Some student can’t sleep well the day before a math exam. Others may feel very nervous during the math exam. But do you know the right postures might be a way to make you less nervous?

Postures mean the ways you sit in front of your desk. When you study, maybe you changes your postures all the time. Sometimes you slump over or sit up straight. Or sometimes you lie on your back or put your head on your desk.

For those students who feel like a deer in the headlights before taking a math test, a simple change in posture could make a big difference.

Scientists have tested 125 college students. They ask the students to do a sample math test while sitting in a slumped over position ,or sitting up straight. After the test, 56% of students say the exam is easier to do if they are sitting up straight.

The findings are that the slumped-over position shuts the students down so that they cannot think clearly. The slumped-over position also can bring the students bad memories. While sitting up straight can help students do better on math exams.

Students who are not nervous about taking the math exam do not necessarily get help from better postures. But they do find that doing math while slumping over is more difficult.

These findings about body position can help people prepare for many different types of performance under stress, not just math tests. So when you feel stressed out, you can also try to sit up straight or stand tall. It can help you feel more positive and focus better.

【小题1】What posture can make students do better on math exams?
A.Sitting up straight.B.Slumping over the desk.
C.Lying on your back.D.Putting your head on your desk.
【小题2】What’s the meaning of “feel like a deer in the headlights” in Paragraph 3?
A.run like a deerB.feel worriedC.read in the lightD.get very excited
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Sitting up straight can bring good memories.
B.Slumping over can help people think clearly.
C.Nervous players may get help from better posture.
D.Different postures mean different results of the math exam.
【小题4】What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Helpful Advice for StudyB.Sit up Straight to Do Math
C.Slump over to Take ExamD.Better Posture for Student

Kite flying is a sport of sending kites up into the air by means of the wind, a light frame covered with paper, plastic or cloth.

People have been making and flying kites for about 2,000 years. But no one knows exactly when or how the first kite was made. In 478 BC, a Chinese philosopher, Mo Zi, spent three years making a wooden bird. Later, Lu Ban began to use bamboo to make kites. Another record of kite flying was in about 200 BC when the Chinese General Han Xin flew a kite with a flute tied to it. The flute made some sounds along with the Chu song as the kite rose into the air, which crashed the morale(士气) of the enemy quickly. The ancient Chinese also used bird kites—usually made of the traditional silk—to carry ropes(绳子) across rivers and valleys(山谷).

In the 13th century, Marco Polo wrote about how the shipping businessmen flew the huge kite in the wind before the ship set sail. They predicted(预测) the voyage (航行) in this way. If the kite went high and straight, it meant a quick and successful voyage; but if it did not fly well, it was a bad omen(预兆).

Kites have also been used in scientific fields in the western world. In 1752, Benjamin Franklin tied a key to a kite and flew it in a storm to find out that lighting was a form of electricity. In the 1890s, Lawrence Hargrave invented the box kite to test ideas about flight. From 1898 to 1933, the National Weather Service used box kites to collect weather data. The Wright Brothers also experimented with kites. What they learned helped them make the first airplane in 1903.

Today, most people fly kites as a hobby. Kite festivals are organized in many cities in all parts of the world.

【小题1】Which of the following was NOT used to make kites in ancient times?
【小题2】From Paragraph 2, we can know that ________.
A.the first kite was created by Mo Zi
B.no one really knows who invented the first kite first
C.Han Xin was the first one to record kite flying
D.the ancient Chinese once made kites out of birds
【小题3】Why did the shipping businessmen fly a huge kite in the wind before the ship set sail?
A.To cut down wind resistance.
B.To predict whether they would succeed in their voyage.
C.To define wind speed during their voyage.
D.To make sure their sailing would be smooth.
【小题4】What can we learn from the passage?
A.The United States Weather Bureau used box kites to predict the weather.
B.Benjamin Franklin invented electricity with the aid of a kite.
C.The first airplane was inspired by box kites to some degree.
D.Kites have promoted the development of scientific research.
【小题5】The passage is mainly about ________.
A.the invention of kitesB.different forms of kites
C.the history of kitesD.some latest records about kites
