阅读理解-六选五 适中0.65 引用1 组卷21

What is the secret to a healthy diet? Whether you’re already slim or trying to lose weight, one of the best things you can do is reduce the size of your bowls and plates. A study has found that changing from a twelve-inch to a ten-inch plate leads people to eat 22 percent fewer calories. In this way, you’d be reducing more than 5,000 calories a month from your diet. 【小题1】

By devoting a few minutes to planning for healthy meals, you can improve your own health and that of your family. Studies from UCLA suggest that a home-cooked dinner takes only about ten minutes longer to prepare, on average, than serving processed or ready-made food. 【小题2】 And don’t forget: Obesity, diabetes (糖尿病), and heart disease all lead to doctor and hospital visits, which take a lot of time.

Slow the pace of your meals. Pay attention to what you’re eating. 【小题3】 After a pause (中止), you’ll likely find that “almost full” is full enough. Studies show that simply by eating at a leisurely pace, you could drop up to 20 pounds a year.

【小题4】 All your family members should treat the dinner hour as special. Kids who eat with their parents are less likely to eat junk food, less likely to overeat, and less likely to be overweight. 【小题5】 And families who eat together are far less likely to be troubled by eating disorders, and smoking, according to several studies.

A.Don’t eat on the run.
B.It really is that simple.
C.Sit down to dinner with the entire family.
D.Stop eating when you’re about 80 percent full.
E.Parents who eat with their children report greater satisfaction with family life.
F.However, if you keep preparing meals at home. You’ll save time in the long run.
知识点:方法/策略健康饮食 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Do you ever find yourself sitting down to work on a project for your job, study for an important test, or even just get some simple things done, but find yourself almost immediately caught in social media for hours at a time? While providing plenty of fun, social media can, unfortunately, stop us from focusing on business.

Losing focus can be a result of a distracting environment—not preparing yourself mentally for your work, or not having the right systems in place to make sure you stay on task. Luckily, focusing is something we can learn and practise. There are many simple things you can do right away to start seeing results.

First, prepare by writing out your to do list the night before. If you know you’re going to need to focus for a long period of time the next day, take a few minutes to write down a list of all the tasks that you want to complete. Make sure this list is as specific as possible. For example, instead of simply writing down “study Spanish”, write down something like “memorize 20 Spanish words”.

Next, make sure you get enough sleep. Poor sleep can make it difficult to complete anything. Your mind doesn’t have the energy it needs for long periods of focus. If you really have to focus on a project even though you’re running on low sleep, try taking 10-minute naps in-between tasks so you can start to get back some of your energy.

Your environment is also important when it comes to helping you focus. More outgoing people may focus well in a coffee shop with other people around. While others may prefer the quiet of their home office. Have a clean workspace. Remove any projects or items that don’t have to do with what you’re immediately working on. Perhaps most importantly: turn off your phone and place it in another room. Like they always say: “Out of sight, out of mind.”

Keep working on focusing for extended periods of time, and you’ll eventually work your way up to be able to focus for quite a long time. Just remember that focusing for too long isn’t always the best idea. Take breaks, stay healthy, and you’ll find yourself focusing like a doctor in operation.

【小题1】How does the writer introduce the topic?
A.By listing numbers.B.By giving an example.
C.By drawing graphs.D.By making comparison.
【小题2】Which of the following may help you focus better on your work?
A.Writing down on the list what you have done.B.Taking a short running in between.
C.Working in a coffee shop.D.Put away unnecessary objects.
【小题3】What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 5?
A.Better late than never.B.You will be anxious if the thing is not around you.
C.We can’t live without phones.D.Thing not seen is easily forgotten.
【小题4】What’s the best title for the passage?
A.How to stop losing focus.B.The dangers of social media.
C.Keep away from social media.D.Keep working on focusing.

If you find this article on the Internet, you may say “I’ll read this later.” to yourself. Or you may read it before finishing all the other important tasks that day. Either way, you are procrastinating (拖延).

Procrastination stops us from doing our tasks so that we can have more fun at present. Luckily, if we can understand why we’re looking for fun instead of doing what we should do, we can stop procrastination and live a more fruitful life.

We run away from tasks because we find it hard to control our emotions (控制情绪). Without this ability, we wouldn’t do anything we don’t want to do. This idea of doing what we dislike makes us feel really terrible. That’s why our subconscious (潜意识) believes we’ll be able to get out of doing these tasks if we procrastinate.

If the idea of doing your task fills you with so much worry or fear that you can’t get started, try something you like. You can play your favorite song and dance around the room or give yourself 10 minutes to play with a pet. Once you’ve had a try, you might find the task is not as terrible as it seems.

Well, the next step is simple: Just get started.

You can do it by stopping finding excuses to procrastinate in the first place. For example you may be very tired, and you believe you will do better after you have rested. What’s more helpful is to believe that even though you’re too tired to finish your task, you might still be able to start and get a little bit done.

If you can control bad feelings, you can do the next thing that needs to be done, and at that point, you’ve already won part of the battle (战役). Take action!

【小题1】What is the Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.Why we procrastinate.B.What procrastination is.
C.What procrastinators are like.D.How procrastination affects us.
【小题2】The writer mentions the activities in Paragraph 4 to show _______.
A.steps to make our tasks easierB.examples of good daily exercise
C.ways to deal with our bad feelingsD.the importance of knowing ourselves
【小题3】What will the writer probably agree with?
A.Procrastination is all about emotions.
B.It’s never too late to stop procrastinating.
C.We should always finish difficult tasks first.
D.We should have fun before we start working.
