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Are you bored with your everyday life? Here are some things you should try before you are 18, because after that it’s too late!

Try at least one kind of team sports

Being a good team player is an important skill in life. You can’t just think of yourself. You have to work well with others. Other advantages of team sports like football and baseball are that they keep you fit, and they are also interesting. Teams usually have great social life, too. You’ll go to lots of parties and make many friends.

Collect something

One of the best hobbies for young people under 18 is collecting things. You could collect stamps, or you could collect things that make you remember what you have done, like tickets for movies you’ve seen or letters from your friends. The best way to remember the things you collect is to have a special album (集物簿) to put your collection in and to write what each thing means to you.

Camp out in the garden

If you don’t have your own garden, find a friend who has one! You will need two or three friends, a small tent, sleeping bags and warm blankets. Take lots of food and drinks with you into the tent and play games until it gets dark, eat all your snacks. You will need a torch or something else, or you won’t be able to see all your snacks.

【小题1】What should you do in team sports?
A.Just think of yourself.B.Work well by yourself.
C.Work well with other people.D.Play better than others.
【小题2】What could you collect according to the passage?
A.Stamps or some albums.B.Tents or sleeping bags.
C.Some snacks.D.Stamps, tickets for movies or letters.
【小题3】Which is the best way to remember the things that you collect?
A.To have a special box.
B.To put them in an album and write their meanings.
C.To write down the prices.
D.To talk about these things with others.
【小题4】Which word is close to the underlined word “blankets”?
【小题5】Which can be a proper title for the text?
A.Sports and HobbiesB.Skills to Have in Life
C.Way to Cheer Yourself up in Everyday LifeD.Collecting Things in Life
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You don’t have to feel terrible all the time on school days. Your school days can be some of your happiest time! Yes, it is possible. Let me tell you what you should do.

On every weekend, take a piece of paper and write down the title “My Schedule (计划)”. Under it, write the days of the week. Next to the days you can write what you should do. You should give yourself enough time for study and some time for activities you like to do.

In class, you have to listen to the teachers carefully. Also, try to answer the questions they ask in class and talk about your ideas. You will be someone interesting for the teachers and someone special for your classmates.

Try to make friends with your classmates. If they don’t like to make friends with you, it’s fine. Notice if there is someone whom you feel you can be friends with.

If you want to do something or you feel bad these days, you can discuss it with the friend you trust. It is very helpful to have a best friend who can reach for your hand and touch your heart.

Invite your friends to ask them if they’d like to hang out with you. Other time, do homework with them at the same time or places. You could give them ideas and they may have helpful thoughts that would help both of you.

【小题1】The writer advises students to write their schedule on ________.
【小题2】Your schedule should be about ________.
A.activitiesB.study and activitiesC.subjectsD.friends
【小题3】You should ________ in class.
A.listen to the teacher carefullyB.try to answer the teacher’s questions
C.talk about your ideasD.All above
【小题4】It’s very helpful to ________ if you want to do something or you feel bad.
A.have a best friendB.ask your teacher for help
C.go to the moviesD.study hard
【小题5】This passage mainly talks about ________.
A.how to make friendsB.how to study at school
C.how to be happy on school daysD.how to get good grades

“Every year over 30 percent of the food in the world goes to waste,” says the FAO (联合国粮食及农业组织) . To stop food waste, people have come up with the great ideas.

①The world’s first food bank started in the US in 1967. People and shops give out their extra food to a place, and others in need go there to eat it, Shanghai has made a “share fridge” in the street. It stores (贮藏) cakes and food given by nearby markets and restaurants. It’s free for anyone to enjoy.

②The Real Junk Food Project is a company (公司) in the UK. It says that food past its sell-by date could still be OK to eat. So they collect such food from supermarkets, and put it on shelves in special cafes. There, the food has no price notes. If you don’t want to spend money, you can help do some work there.

③Dining halls in more than half of the US colleges are going tray-less (无托盘) . That means nowhere to put extra dishes. It makes it harder for students to take too much. This small change brings a big difference.

【小题1】How does the writer start the passage?
A.By giving a number.B.By telling a story.
C.By comparing 2 products.D.By asking a question.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “extra” in Paragraph 2 mean?
【小题3】Why are dining halls in over 50% of the US colleges going tray-less?
A.To give out their free food to people in great need.
B.To store free food for anyone to enjoy.
C.To collect food for people to enjoy for free.
D.To prevent students from taking too much dishes.
【小题4】Match the title with each part.
a. Buy less        b. Food bank        c. Cook less food        d. Pay as you feel        e. Have two meals a day
A.①-a, ②-b. ③-cB.①-d, ②-c, ③-e
C.①-b, ②-d. ③aD.①-c, ②-c, ③-b
【小题5】What’s the best title for this passage?
A.What Organization the FAO Is.
B.Some Great Ideas to Stop Food Waste.
C.Some Ways to Store Food Fresh.
D.Why Food Past Its Sell-by Date Can Still Be Eaten.
