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How long has it been since you had the feeling of being moved? Do you feel thankful when you taste the delicious dinner your mother prepares for you? On Teachers’ Day, do you say “Thank you, teachers” from the bottom of your heart, or just do it as others do?

You must know that in the West, there is Thanksgiving Day. People invented this holiday to be thankful for what they got, because no one could be happy or successful without the help of others.

As the only child in the family, it is natural for us to grow up feeling self-centered and take others’ kindness for granted (理所当然). “They are my parents. I am the apple in their eyes (心肝宝贝), so of course they should take good care of me.” a student said.

That’s why Shanghai Education Committee (委员会) added “learn to be thankful” to the new Regulations (规范) for Middle School Students. “Only when students learn to be thankful for others’ kindness can they show love to others and contribute (做贡献) to society,” said a person from Shanghai Education Committee.

Better late than never. Here are a few suggestions for you to learn to be thankful and express your thankfulness to others.

*Don’t contradict (顶嘴) your parents. Remember that they do everything for your good. Try to talk with them patiently and allow them to know what you are thinking about. Help your parents with housework. It shows your love and care.

*When you have questions with your subjects, feel free to ask teachers for help. Responsible teachers will find out what you don’t understand and come to you finally, so why not ask them first?

*Don’t be too competitive with your classmates and feel mad at someone when he/she steals the No.1 place from you. Be open-minded and help each other. Isn’t it better to be No.1 together?

*When someone gives you a hand, say “thank you”. Next time when he/she needs help, make sure you are the first one on his/her side.

【小题1】In the west, people invented Thanksgiving Day to ________.
A.be thankfulB.have a big dinner
C.get togetherD.help others
【小题2】Which is NOT the behavior that shows your thanks and love to your parents?
A.Talk with your parents patiently.B.Help your parents with housework.
C.Often contradict your parents.D.Care about your parents.
【小题3】The underlined part “competitive” in the passage means “________”.
【小题4】The writer thinks a student who can’t be thankful will ________.
A.become a No. 1 studentB.show love to others
C.contribute to societyD.take others’ kindness for granted
【小题5】The best title for the passage is ________.
A.Listen to Your ParentsB.Learn to Be Thankful
C.How to Be a Good ChildD.Take Good Care of Yourself
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In modern world, most people have at least one time-telling tool with them, such as mobile phones, MP5 players and mini computers. Since these small machines are so common, will people stop wearing the 500-year-old watches? Maybe the answer is “yes”. According to a survey, most teenagers say it’s unnecessary to wear a watch, they usually use their mobile phones to tell the time.
However, watchmakers say that watches will get popular again when people reach their 20s and 30s. By then, they want to spend money on a creative(有创意的) time-telling tool because they think it’s not enough if a watch can just keep good time, so watchmakers are trying their best to create new kinds of watches. Recently, a new kind of watches has been invented. It can use different color lights to tell the time. This kind of watches makes people talk more about modern watches again.
Also people want their time-telling tools to be beautiful, fashionable and practical(实用的), so watches are designed(设计) to meet the need of almost any personality(个性). Now more and more watches can be used as compasses(指南针), calendars and even USB drives …
All in all, a watch has become more important than the time it tells.

【小题1】According to the survey, ________ use mobile phones to tell the time instead of watches.
A.most teenagersB.the old people
C.watchmakersD.most people
【小题2】Watches will get ________ again when people reach their 20s and 30s.
【小题3】In this passage, watches can be used as different kinds of things except _______.
C.USB drivesD.wallets
【小题4】Recently, a new kind of watches uses ________ to tell the time according to the passage.
A.different color lightsB.sound
【小题5】What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Most people want to spend money on mobile phones.
B.A watch has become more important than the time it tells.
C.Many watchmakers are worried about their products.
D.Fewer and fewer people use watches to tell the time.

This is the year 2070. I have just turned 50, but I look like a person of 85. I’m seriously ill because I don’t have enough water to drink. I’m afraid I don’t have much time left to live. I am already one of the oldest people in this society.

I remember when I was five years old, everything was very different. There were lots of trees in the parks. I could enjoy a shower for half an hour. At that time, women had beautiful hair. Now, we have to cut off all our hair to keep our heads clean without the use of water.

I remember there were “Save Water” warnings in many public places, but nobody paid attention. We believed water would last forever. Now, all the rivers and lakes are either dry or polluted. Water is much more expensive than gold and treasure.

Without water, almost all factories are closed. Most people are out of work. Those who have jobs work in desalination(海水脱盐)plants and are paid with drinkable water rather than with money.

In the past, doctors suggested adults drink eight glasses of water a day. Nowadays, I am only allowed half a glass. Most people are weak. Young people in their early 20s look as if they were in their 40s.

Because there are few trees, we don’t have enough oxygen. We have to pay for air. The air is not very good in both cities and countrysides, but at least we can breathe. Poor people get sick and die young. The average life expectancy(平均预期寿命)is 40 years.

When my son asks me about my childhood, I tell him about how pleasant it was to fish in the rivers and how healthy people were. When he asks, “Why is there no clean water now?”, I feel a strong sense of shame. I belong to the generation(一代)who turned a blind eye to all the warnings.

I wish this letter could travel back in time and that it would make people living in the 2020s truly understand something.

【小题1】According to Jane, in 2070, people keep their heads clean by ________.
A.taking showersB.paying for water
C.using water in the parksD.cutting off all their hair
【小题2】When Jane was a kid, ________.
A.most people saved water
B.children could fish in the rivers
C.most rivers were heavily polluted
D.people only drank half a glass of water a day
【小题3】Jane feels a strong sense of shame because ________.
A.poor people get sick and die young
B.there are fewer and fewer trees around people
C.the air is not very good in both cities and countrysides
D.people of her age paid little attention to water problems
【小题4】The purpose of this letter is mainly to ________.
A.help people today to imagine places of interest in the future
B.offer ways for governments today to prevent water problems
C.help common people today to realize the importance of saving water
D.push scientists today to make resolutions to deal with water problems

Middle school matters a lot in everyone’s life. You will be given more responsibility. Of course, there can be fear as well, but with a little common sense you will survive.

Know and obey your school’s rules! 【小题1】 Teachers want to be sure you know what to do and whether you understand their instructions or not. So don’t be afraid to ask questions! Teachers are there to help you! If you’re not sure, just ask.

Avoid drama and talking behind others. Naturally, people talk about other people’s problems and lives. 【小题2】 They only break friendships, create enemies, hurt feelings, and make things worse for everyone.

Choose your friends wisely. This is very important. Be friends with people who don’t start or take part in drama and you’ll avoid the worst things that happen in middle school. 【小题3】

Don’t let your friends get you in trouble. Don’t be friends with people who get you in serious trouble. It is similar to the step above. 【小题4】 Don’t be afraid to tell an adult if someone asks or tells you to do something really bad.

【小题5】 Just like you don’t want to do something to hurt other people, you shouldn’t do anything to hurt yourself. Don’t drink or smoke, or do any kind of self-harm like cutting yourself. If you need help, there are always people who will help you.

A.Don’t do anything that you think is wrong.
B.Don’t do anything that will harm your body.
C.However, you should never start rumors (谣言).
D.Try to have a group of close friends who you can trust.
E.Just like in primary school, there are rules that you have to follow.
