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Last summer, Jody went on vacation with her parents and her litter brother Joe. They went to the beach. The weather was fine, and the children went swimming every day.

One day, Jody and Joe went boating. It was a nice small boat. They had a great time near the beach. Suddenly (突然), a strong wind came and took the boat far from the beach.

Jody wanted to go back, but she fell into (掉入) the water. Joe was very scared and he didn’t know what to do. “Help! Help!” shouted Jody. She was going down in the water. She saw water and dolphins (海豚) all around. She wanted to swim, but she couldn’t. One of her legs was trapped (缠住) by the seaweed (海草)! Just then a dolphin quickly came to save her. The dolphin took Jody on its mouth and took her up to the boat! Then it swam away.

“Did you see that? That dolphin saved your life!” shouted Joe when Jody was back to their boat.

“Yes, I saw it, but I couldn’t believe (相信) it,” said Jody.

【小题1】What took Jody’s boat far from the beach?
A.A dolphin.B.A big ship.C.A heavy rain.D.A strong wind.
【小题2】What did Joe do when Jody fell into the water?
A.He called for help.B.He jumped into the water to save her.
C.He got scared and didn’t do anything.D.He went back to the beach to tell their parents.
【小题3】Why couldn’t Jody swim in the river?
A.Because she was too tired.B.Because the water was too cold.
C.Because the weather was so bad.D.Because her leg was trapped by the seaweed.
【小题4】When the dolphin saved Jody, she ________.
A.got a surpriseB.felt very scaredC.made friends with itD.went swimming with it
【小题5】Which is the best title (标题) for the passage?
A.A kind dolphinB.An interesting vacation
C.Dolphins are our friendsD.Jody’s boat trip
知识点:常见动物记叙文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

There are about 5,000 different kinds of ladybugs (瓢虫) in the world. They come in many different colors. Their bright colors warn other animals or insects not to eat them. Ladybugs taste bad. A bird or a frog that eats a ladybug will remember the bright colors and it will not eat another ladybug with the same colors again. When ladybugs are in danger, they will give out a fluid (液体) that tastes terrible. 

In many cultures, the ladybug is considered to be a symbol of good luck. Most ladybugs are kind to humans. They eat other insects which destroy crops. One ladybug can eat up to 5,000 insects in its lifetime.

Ladybugs have six short legs. They live in many different places, including green lands, forests, cities, the countryside and along rivers. Different ladybugs have different spots (点). Some of them don’t have spots at all. The most common kind in North America is the 7-spotted ladybug. The 7-spotted ladybugs are the most active from spring to autumn. When the weather turns cold, they look for a warm place to sleep, such as under stones or in houses.

【小题1】Ladybugs can give out a terrible fluid to protect themselves.
【小题2】In many cultures ladybugs are believed to bring good luck.
【小题3】Most of the ladybugs are harmful to crops.
【小题4】Ladybugs live in many places except cities.
【小题5】Winter is the best time for 7-spotted ladybugs to go out for food.

Christian is a lion cub. His parents are zoo lions. When he is a cub, people take him to a big store in London. Many people come from all over the world to see him. One night, Christian gets out of his cage (笼子). He makes a big mess (一团乱) in the store. After that, people in the store put him up for sale.

When Ace and John see Christian, they want him for a pet (宠物). So they buy him and take him home. Christian lives with Ace and John. He is a good pet. They take him on walk and play games with him. They even take him to the beach. Later, Christian grows (成长) too big and he eats too much. It is difficult to look after him, so Ace and John can’t keep him at home.

Ace and John know they can’t keep him as a pet forever. One day, they take Christian to Africa. It is his first time to leave (离开) London. It is also his first time to live in the wild (野外). Ace and John leave Christian for a year. Then they go to see him in his new home. They want to see if he still knows them. When Christian sees Ace and John, he runs to them and licks (舔) their faces. He knows they are his friends.

Now, no one can have a lion for a pet. Ace and John are right to let Christian go free.

【小题1】People go to _________ to see Christian in London.
A.Ace’s homeB.a big zooC.a small schoolD.a big store
【小题2】After Christian makes a big mess in the store, people in the store _________.
A.take him to the zooB.want to sell him
C.take him to AfricaD.put him in a cage
【小题3】Ace and John have to (不得不) let Christian leave, because_________.
A.they don’t like to play with ChristianB.Christian wants to go to Africa
C.it is difficult to keep him at homeD.Christian makes a mess at home
【小题4】What does “lion cub” in Paragraph 1 mean?
【小题5】What can we know from the article?
A.Christian really likes Ace and John.B.It’s good for Christian to live in a store.
C.Ace and John don’t like Christian.D.Christian and his parents live in Africa.
