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Who says kids can’t make a difference? In Missouri, a group of students is helping change the world by buying farm animals!

Millions of people live with little food and money, so the gifts of animals can actually save lives. Ten years ago, the second-graders at Forsyth School learned about Heifer International and they decided to join it.

Heifer International is an organization that has been “turning hunger into hope” for 77 years. It was set up by a farmer named Dan West. He developed the idea in the 1930s. In 1944, the first Heifer animals were sent and Heifer International was born. The organization gives farm animals to poor people and teaches them how to use the animals to improve their lives. Of all the farm animals, heifers (小母牛) are the most popular, and they have become a symbol of Heifer’s work. That is because families with a cow can produce milk that they can drink and trade milk for other things that they need. Heifer International also gives animals such as sheep, camels (骆驼) and even bees to poor families.

Each second-grade class at Forsyth School decides which animals to buy and how many to give. The students’ favorite part of working with Heifer International is that they can offer help to others. They raise money by recycling cans and making jewelry. Although the jewelry is simple, it is beautiful to wear. Some even give their birthday or holiday gifts to Heifer International!

Kids can do many things to help others. Are you ready to do your part? Why not just take action now?

【小题1】What can we know about Heifer International?
A.It was set up on a farm in the 1930s.
B.It raises money by selling animal products.
C.It gives poor families animals.
D.It gives birthday gifts to kids in poor families.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The poor people.
B.The second-graders at Forsyth School.
C.All volunteers in Heifer International.
D.Dan West and other farm workers.
【小题3】Which is the correct structure of the passage?
【小题4】What is the purpose of the writer in writing the passage?
A.To ask more kids to help others.
B.To introduce the history of Heifer International.
C.To praise the students of Forsyth School.
D.To talk about some special projects of Forsyth School.
知识点:志愿服务说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Our school held a meaningful activity on May Day. About a week before the May Day, the teacher thought it was necessary for us to visit the sanitation workers (环卫工人) and experience their work. After a hot discussion, we decided to help the sanitation workers do some work and prepare some shows to bring them happiness.

The day finally came. We arrived at the sanitation station on time. After a short talk, we decided to follow the workers to do some cleaning first. We helped them carry heavy bags full of litter and paid close attention to every step, trying to match the workers’ pace (步伐). Finally, we emptied the bins, swept the streets, and picked up the litter. It was very hot that day, but all of us finished our work well.

Afer that, we got back to the station and presented our shows, such as singing, dancing and talk shows. Maybe the shows were not perfect, but we could feel that our shows were bringing the workers happiness at that time.

I didn’t realize the importance of labor until that day. I realized that these workers shouldn’t just be the strangers on the streets. They are people we should look up to. We shouldn’t throw away litter in order to make their work easier. Let them have enough time to rest and enjoy the beautiful city created by their labor.

【小题1】What did the writer do on May Day?
A.He visited an old library.B.He visited the sanitation workers.
C.He visited a dirty park.D.He visited an old theatre.
【小题2】The students ________ first after arriving the planned place.
A.swept the streetsB.picked up litter
C.presented the showsD.carried heavy bags full of litter
【小题3】How did the workers feel when students presented their shows?
【小题4】What happened to the writer after the activity according to the text?
A.He had enough time to relax.B.He enjoyed the beautiful city.
C.He understood the meaning of labor.D.He talked with strangers on the streets.

Britain is a nation of animal lovers. From the cute and lovely ones to the slimy (粘滑的) and scary ones, people love them all.

Some of them have a deep feeling for our pets (宠物), and these animals become part of the family. But here at the Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service Centre, animals will go back to the wild at last. London is not only home to millions of people but also home to many wild animals, but sometimes the animals can get hurt.

Here at the centre, the workers look after the injured or very young animals. When they get well enough, they can go back into the wild. Looking after them is hard work. The first thing of the day is making breakfast.

Most of the people who work here are volunteers (志愿者). None of them are paid. They help out and provide their time for free, for the love of animals. They work here to care for sick and injured animals and birds and then let them go back into the wild where they live.

They depend on donations (捐赠) to keep the work going. People come to visit them at the centre, and then give away some money for animal protection (保护).

【小题1】What is the Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service ?
A.A book about wildlife protection.B.A wildlife protection centre.
C.An animal hospital.D.Some animal lovers.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “injured” mean?
【小题3】When the injured or young animals get well enough, where will they go?
A.They will go to the zoo to live there forever.
B.They will go back to the wild.
C.They will be kept by some people who love them.
D.They will still stay at the centre.
【小题4】Why do the volunteers at the centre help the animals for free?
A.Because they have a lot of money.
B.Because they want to keep the animals.
C.Because they are good at looking after animals.
D.Because they love animals very much.
【小题5】What can be the best title for the passage?
A.How to Keep Animals
B.How to Save Wild Animals
C.The Wildlife Centre in Britain
D.The Danger of Protecting Animals
