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Do you ever feel like you are running from one activity to another, or studying one subject after another at a mad rush? When things happen at such a fast pace (节奏), you will easily fail to notice what you are doing, or what you are learning. It is important to stop yourself every now and then to think about what you’ve been doing or learning. This is called self-reflection (自我反思).

There are mainly two forms of self-reflection. Some people prefer to do their self-reflection in their minds, while others keep written notes. Whether the reflection is done in mind or on paper, either of them can work.

School textbooks are often divided into units. It is a good choice for a student to get started a self-reflection. When one unit is over, there are always some kinds of tests. You can use these natural breaks as chances to stop and reflect. Find a quiet place. This can even be sitting at your desk at school when you finish something early and the other students are still working. If you are going to take notes, take out a piece of paper or your reflection notebook. Just take down the important points but not everything. Let your mind think over the notes you have written and make some connections.

Sometimes just stopping to think deeply allows your brain to make connections so that new information can be quickly recalled (回想起) when you need it again. Next, think about things that you still wonder. For example, maybe you learned a new way to solve a math problem, but you’re not sure when to use it. Writing down your questions will help you remember to continue looking for answers the next time you come across the same topic.

Self-reflection is an essential skill for a better student. If you have never taken time to reflect, try it now.

【小题1】Why should we do self-reflection?
A.To have more activities and subjects.
B.To make things happen faster and better.
C.To make our brain more and more active.
D.To have a better understanding about what we learned.
【小题2】When we study a textbook, how can we do self-reflection correctly?
A.Find a quiet place and think deeply.B.Reflect after finishing the whole book.
C.Take down everything that you learned.D.Discuss with classmates.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “essential” mean in the passage?
【小题4】What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Self-Reflection in Mind or Taking Notes
B.Self-Reflection Makes You a Better Learner
C.Why Not Try These Steps of Self-Reflection
D.Find a Good Place and Time for Self-Reflection
知识点:方法/策略科普知识说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

It was a nice winter day. After dinner, Ms. Lee checked (查看) her e-mails as usual. One e-mail caught her eye. It was from Mary, a girl who sat at the back of the classroom. She answered questions a lot in class.

Ms. Lee,

I love you and your classes. They are always interesting and full of surprises. Wish you a good holiday! Well, Steve, Ella and I want to improve our English during the holidays. We have no idea what to do. Any good advice?

Stopping here, Ms. Lee began to think carefully. “Steve spends lots of time remembering words, but always forgets most of them quickly! Ella didn’t do well in the final exam. She has to go over her lessons a lot. Mary will go to a writing competition. She needs to read more and improve her writing in a short time. ”

Just then, her phone rang. It was a message from her best friend, an English teacher in another middle school. Her friend proposed a trip to Hong Kong. Ms. Lee told her she was available, but she wouldn’t like to travel because she still had no idea on how to help her students. Her friend laughed and soon sent her a picture with a QR code (二维码) in it. “It’s all you want,” said her friend. Ms. Lee scanned (扫描) the code and found it was an English homework project (项目) for the coming winter holiday. As she read it, a big smile appeared on her face.

【小题1】We can know about Mary from the passage that ________.
A.she was quiet in class
B.she enjoyed her English classes
C.she dreamed of a relaxing holiday
【小题2】Mary wrote the e-mail mainly to ________.
A.say sorry to Ms. Lee
B.give advice to Ms. Lee
C.ask Ms. Lee for help
【小题3】The underlined word “proposed” in the last paragraph means “________” in Chinese.
【小题4】Ms. Lee might think the homework project was ________.

The word “family” has special meanings to everyone. 【小题1】 However, because of different personalities, values, interests and hobbies, some unhappy things may happen among family members at times. So how can we achieve family happiness?

Learn to say thanks and sorry.

We are used to saying thanks and sorry to others, but often we don’t do that to our family members. 【小题2】 And saying sorry makes them feel understood.

Communicate with each other often.

Communication can happen in any place at any time. We can talk about our experiences and feelings with our family members in the car, at the dinner table or on the way back home. 【小题3】

Share housework.

【小题4】 Since we live in one house, we should do our part in keeping it clean and tidy. It’s easy to help do chores like making the bed or doing the dishes. In this way, we can understand the idea of fairness.


We are busy around all day, but nothing is more important than spending time with family members. Either eating meals or traveling together is a good choice. Not only will this allow us to enjoy the deep love but it can also bring us more sweet memories.

A.Spend more time together.
B.Saying sorry is not very necessary.
C.A happy family is what everyone is thirsty for.
D.By talking, we can know we are caring about each other.
E.Helping around the house brings family members much closer.
F.By saying thanks, we can make our family members feel they’re important.
G.It encourages people to make hand-made gifts for their loved family members.

Today, more and more people care about their health. But how can we stay healthy?

First of all, it helps to do some exercise every day. Doing exercise helps your lungs (肺部) work harder and your heart beat faster. This makes your heart stronger and cuts down on your risk of heart disease. You can start with some daily exercises, such as walking, running and dancing to music. You can also play ball games, including basketball, volleyball, ping pong and more.

Second, what you eat is also important. According to doctors, you’d better eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat. This is because meat has more fat in it. When too much fat builds up in your body, it can block your blood flow (阻塞血液流动). This can lead to a heart attack (心脏病发作).

Finally, ________, such as going to bed too late. You may clearly know the dangers of such habits. What you need to do is make up your mind to change yourself. If you follow these tips, you are sure to become a healthier, stronger person!

【小题1】Doing more exercise can help people have ________.
①healthier lungs
②a stronger heart
③a slower heartbeat
④a smaller chance of having a heart attack
【小题2】Eating too much meat is unhealthy because it can make ________.
A.you sleep lateB.your body fat high
C.your blood flow fastD.your lungs work slowly
【小题3】The blank (空格) in Paragraph 4 should be filled in with ________.
A.start to do exercise at onceB.get up early in the morning
C.say no to bad habitsD.set a good time to go to sleep
【小题4】What is the main idea of the article?
A.Reasons for exercisingB.Different opinions on health
C.Ways to keep your body healthyD.The importance of having a healthy diet
