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第一节   简答 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in Australia. This summer holiday, I got the chance to visit it and found out what made this building so great.

As our guide told us, the Sydney Opera House was built with a kind of self-cleaning material. This kind of material is very rare (稀有的) even today.

First, we visited the Drama Hall. We learned about the designer of the Sydney Opera House—Jorn Utzon. He was the winner of an international design competition. However, he designed the Opera House according to his own tastes, which caused several problems. The project was completed 10 years late. The cost of building was over budget (预算). Utzon didn’t get to see the house after it was built.

Then, we visited the Joan Sutherland Theater which is the second largest theater. The theater was refurbished (翻新) in 2017 with new high-tech equipment (设备). Finally, we arrived at the largest theater—the Concert Hall. It has hosted many kinds of performances, from classical to rock music. A few years ago, a sports event was even held there.

Before we finished the tour, the guide told us the rest of Utzon’s story. In 1966, Utzon had an argument with the government and refused to give in. He had to leave the country. It was a hard time in his life. But many years later, people understood him and saw the building as the most popular work.

From this tour, I learned that the Opera House is not only a famous building but a holder of history and culture.

【小题1】What was the Sydney Opera House built with?
【小题2】Did the Sydney Opera House cost more than it was expected?
【小题3】When was the Joan Sutherland Theater refurbished?
【小题4】Why did Jorn Utzon leave Australia?
【小题5】How does the writer like the Sydney Opera House?
第二节   书面表达
【小题6】学校英文报正在以“Important life skills for teens”为题开展征文活动。请你结合下面的图示,写一篇短文投稿,描述青少年应具备的两项重要生活技能,并结合自身实际谈一谈你自己急需提升的另外一项技能以及你将如何提升这项技能。

(1) 短文必须包含图示中的所有要点,可适当发挥;
(2) 80词左右 (标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数);
(3) 文中不得出现真实人名和校名。

Important life skills for teens

Though scoring good grades is important, teens should also develop other necessary life skills.

知识点:方法/策略科普知识说明文景点/建筑自我管理 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
A. 回答问题

Many schools began to provide at least two hours of after-school services for students on weekdays in September, 2021. Instead of going to different subject-training classes outside school, students can stay at school to get after-school services including homework tutoring(辅导), sports and interesting activities. Students can choose one or two activities they like. After-school services not only make students learn better and live more healthily, but also make it easier for parents to pick up their children. More parents can pick up their children themselves instead of grandparents. In the past when schools closed at 4 pm, many parents were still at work and couldn’t collect their children. However, some parents expressed their worries. They really want to learn how they can help manage their children's study and life reasonably. Here are some tips.

◆Form good habits. Because of having more time, children are supposed to get into more good habits. Good habits can make all things easy.
◆Make plans. Making plans can help children manage their time better. Put aside their pleasures until their plans are finished.
◆Make full use of the time at school. Children should finish all their homework at school and solve all the problems in time. Don’t leave today’s work for tomorrow.
◆Help around the house or in the community. Proper housework at home and more volunteer jobs in the community can help children improve their sense of duty as well as their confidence.
◆Set a goal(目标). Without a goal, there is no clear direction; without direction, there is no life.
【小题1】When did many schools begin to provide after-school services for students?
【小题2】What do after-school services include?
【小题3】Why couldn’t many parents pick up their children in the past?
【小题4】Where should children help do more volunteer jobs?
【小题5】How many tips are mentioned in the passage?


【小题6】“双减”背景下,国家对作业布置提出了新的要求。假如你是李明,你所在学校的英文报刊开展题目为“My Ideas on Homework”的主题征文活动。请你给该专栏投稿,内容包括:

My Ideas on Homework

As a student, it is quite important for us to finish our homework to review what we have learned.

A. 回答问题

Of course you don’t want to be sick in your vacation. So what can you do while traveling? There are three things you should remember: relax, sleep and eat well.

A vacation is a time for relaxing, but very often it is not. Think about what you do when you are a tourist. There are so many places to visit: shops, parks, museums and so on. You may spend most of the days walking around these places. This can be very tiring. Do not ask your body to do too much. A tired body means a weak body. A weak body gets sick easily. So sit down for a few hours in a nice place. In good weather, look for a quiet park bench.

Sleep is also important. If you want to stay healthy, you need to get enough sleep. Your hotel room may be noisy, or the bed may be too hard. Or you may want to stay up late at night. Then you should plan to sleep for an hour during the day. The extra hour can make a big difference.

Finally, if you want to stay healthy, you must eat well. That means eating the right kinds of food. Your body needs fresh fruit, vegetables, milk and cheese.

So remember this: If you want to enjoy your vacation, take good care of yourself. Give our body some rest. Get enough sleep and eat healthy food.

【小题1】How many things should you do while traveling?
【小题2】What will happen if your body gets weak?
【小题3】What do you need to do if you want to stay healthy?
【小题4】Where can you visit when you are a tourist?
【小题5】How can you enjoy your vacation?
B. 书面表达









As a middle school student, I have many good habits.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


VIPKid, also named VIPKID, is an online teaching and education company. Many kids around the world are learning English on it.

Dear Joey,

Hi, I just joined your “VIPKID”. The foreign teacher Jason is very excellent. His English classes are very interesting. I paid 10, 000 yuan on them. Now my son Vincent is 4 years old. He can understand a few words by learning from Jason. However, he can’t speak English. What should I do?



Hi. Thanks for your letter. It’s never too late to start practicing English with your son! It’s great that he already understands some English words, and in his own time he will start to speak. This is certainly a good time to start practicing English with him.   I hope that the advice will help.

Don’t expect(期待)too much too quickly. Children often need a lot of time to learn the language before they begin speaking themselves. Here is some advice. First, be patient(耐心的). Second, give your son lots of encouragement(鼓励). Finally, show him that you enjoy speaking English. If you are interested in it, he will be too! I really hope my advice can be helpful.

Best wishes.



【小题1】How old is Maria’s son?
【小题2】How much money did Maria spend on the classes?
【小题3】Who is the foreign teacher?
【小题4】Is it very late to start practicing English with Vincent?
【小题5】What do children often need to learn the language before they begin speaking themselves?

每个同学都有自己喜欢的学科和学习方法。请以“My Ways of Learning”为题,为English Learner写一篇征文,介绍你的学习方法。 要点如下:

1. 你最喜欢什么学科(如语文,数学,英语或体育);
2. 就你喜欢的这门学科,谈谈你的学习方法(列举三条);
3. 在学习过程中遇到问题时你是怎样解决的。
