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Most of us compare ourselves with others. Comparisons can help to make decisions and make us active. According to a study, 12% of our daily thoughts have something to do with making comparisons.

Why is it so easy to compare yourself with others?

Whether it’s the number of goals you’ve scored at football or how many books you’ve read, it’s easy to compare yourself with someone else. Scientists say it’s a natural behavior. Humans live in a circle and do something in common, but they act differently and get the results more or less. Although comparing can be good for you, it’s not always helpful and you can find yourself stuck in a comparison trap (陷阱). This is when you always compare yourself with others and base (建立) your feelings on how well they seem to be doing.

Can comparisons be good for you?

Comparisons can make us feel good and bad about ourselves. “Comparing up” means seeing someone do better than you and using that to inspire (激励) yourself to make higher goals and try harder. “Comparing down” is when you see someone who doesn’t seem to be doing as well as you. It can stop you from wanting to improve.

Get out of the comparison trap.

Notice how people make you feel and spend time with friends who celebrate your strengths rather than compare themselves with you. If you follow social media accounts (账号) that make you feel you are failing in any way, stop following them. The best person you can compete with is yourself. Here are some tips for making healthy comparisons.

(Chart II)

【小题1】What does the study result in the first paragraph show?
【小题2】Why do scientists think it’s natural to compare with others?
【小题3】Which kind of comparison does May’s idea belong to? What does it mean?
【小题4】Who should we stay with to get out of the comparison trap?
【小题5】What’s the best subtitle (小标题) of Tip 2?
【小题6】How do you like comparing with others? How will you improve yourself through comparisons?
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An Astronaut’s Day

Every morning you get up, wash your face, brush your teeth, eat breakfast and get ready for your day. These daily actions are so common that you don’t think about them much. But what if you were in space? There is no gravity (地心引力) there, so weights are not as heavy as they are on Earth. When you drop something, it doesn’t fall to the floor. It floats (漂浮) slowly away in the air. This means that astronauts can’t just put down a tool. They need to tie it down. And how do astronauts drink? In space, water just breaks into small drops and hangs in the air.

Well, astronauts eat and drink differently in space. They have special plates so that their food doesn’t float away. They use special bags for drinks so that the drink stays inside. Sleep is also different in space. Astronauts tie themselves to the wall so that they don’t float around when they are sleeping. Since they have to work hard, they need to get plenty of rest. The sun rises and sets so often that it can be confusing (令人迷惑的). The astronauts have alarms (闹钟) and sometimes music to wake them up.

Exercise is important for astronauts as well. Since there is no gravity and astronauts float instead of walking or running, their muscles (肌肉) become weak very quickly. They have to exercise on special machines every day so that this doesn’t happen. No one wants to become ill in space and exercise helps them stay healthy.

However, it is not all hard work in space. When they are not doing science experiments, writing reports or exercising, there is a little time for fun. They watch movies, read the news and call family members and friends. The astronauts on the International Space Station can even connect to the Internet.

【小题1】In space, weights are not as heavy as they are on Earth because ________.
【小题2】Astronauts use special plates to eat and drink so that the food ________.
【小题3】Astronauts ________ to the wall when they are sleeping.
【小题4】In order to stay healthy, the astronauts must ________ every day.
【小题5】Astronauts don’t always work hard, they can also have ________.

When the rainstorm is coming, most people choose to leave as quickly as possible and go to a safe place. However, there are a few people who will get into their cars and go straight to the center of the storm. “Storm chasing” is becoming a popular hobby in the Midwest of the United States. There are frequent (经常的) storms from March to July. Storm chasers often drive more than one thousand kilometers to where the storm will be. And then they wait for the storm to come.

Although anyone can do it, storm chasing is not safe. The power (力量) of a big storm can throw a cow into the air. Storm chasers often drive in a heavy rain. So they are also often hurt seriously in accidents. If you are a beginner, it is much safer to join a group of storm-chasing vacations during the storm season.

“Sometimes it can take you hours to wait for something to happen, and all you get is blue sky and a little rain,” says Daniel Lynch, who spends most of his summer storm-chasing. However, for storm chasers, it is all worth (值得) it. “When you get close to a storm, it is the most exciting thing you will ever see in your life,” says Jasper Morley. “Every storm is an example of the power of nature. It is the greatest show on Earth.”

When a storm is coming, most people choose to stay in a safe place. However, a few people like to get into their cars and chase the storm. They often drive 【小题1】 one thousand kilometers to where the storm comes. Although anyone can do it, storm chasing is 【小题2】. People often get hurt 【小题3】 in accidents. So it is much safer to join a group of storm-chasing vacations for beginners. It is possible that a person 【小题4】 hours waiting for the storm but only sees blue sky and a little rain. But once a storm chaser gets close to a 【小题5】, he or she will never forget it.


You’re in the shower when a brilliant idea comes to you. You just solved that problem that you are trying to solve for months. You think to yourself: why do my best ideas come to me in the shower? Because it’s the perfect place for creative thinking! A shower meets the 3 “Rs” of creativity: relaxation, repetition, and rest.


A warm shower is relaxing, allowing your mind to wander (漫步). It’s in a small and safe space where you feel comfortable. It is most likely the only time you can get away from the daily stresses of life and be alone during the day. When you relax, your brain releases dopamine (多巴胺)and it helps pass information between neurons (神经细胞).


Research reveals you are more likely to be creative when you are doing something uninteresting and repetitive like exercising or showering. We spend 40% of our time on autopilot (自动运行). Being in the shower is one of those times of the day when your brain are on autopilot.


Research shows when you rest, the network in your brain becomes active. It will make you focus on goal-oriented information and your imagination take wing at the same time.

Relaxation, repetitive tasks, and rest are important things that encourage creative thinking. According to research, the 3 “Rs” is why 72% of people get creative ideas in the shower and it is your creative sweet spot (地点). Creativity often comes when you least expect it.

