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Do you know Venus (金星)? Of the eight planets, Venus is the nearest one to us. Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty. In Greek her name was Aphrodite. Venus and the Earth are almost the same size, and you would weigh almost the same on both planets. If you were 70 pounds on Earth, you would be 63 pounds on Venus. Venus is an “unfriendly” planet. Because of its thick cloud, you can’t see the surface (表面). In many ways, Venus is like the Earth. It has active volcanoes (火山), mountains and valleys, too. But Venus is too hot for life. It has the highest temperature of the planets in our solar system, about 480°C. Besides, the Earth lets heat out through volcanoes, hot springs. But Venus lets heat out in a different way. Venus has no moons. Scientists call Venus the Earth’s sister planet because Venus and the Earth are almost the same size. For a long time, most scientists thought that Venus probably had plants, animals, and possibly even human beings. However, because Venus is so hot, it is impossible for anything to live there.

【小题1】Aphrodite is the goddess of ________ in Greek.
A.love and beautyB.danger and thought
C.love and thoughtD.beauty and danger
【小题2】If you are 60kg on Earth, you will be about ________ on Venus.
【小题3】Why is Venus an “unfriendly” planet?
A.It’s the nearest planet to us.
B.It’s almost the same size as the Earth.
C.People can’t see it clearly from the outside.
D.Anything can’t live there.
【小题4】Which one is NOT right according to the passage?
A.The surface of Venus is much hotter than that of the Earth.
B.Venus has the same way to let heat out as the Earth.
C.The Earth and Venus are similar in size.
D.Both the Earth and Venus have active volcanoes.
【小题5】Which is the best title for the passage?
A.The Introduction to VenusB.The Story of Venus
C.Life on Other PlanetsD.Planets Around Us
知识点:天体与宇宙科普知识说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

On the morning of Nov. 24, China made history by starting the world’s first lunar return mission of the past 44 years. On that day, a Long March 5 rocket was sent into space from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province. It’s carrying the Chang’e 5 lunar probe. The mission will last about 23 days, according to the China National Space Administration. The Chang’e 5 mission is special for several reasons.

A return mission
It’s China’s first sample return mission. This means that the Chang’e 5 probe will take back samples of the moon’s soil and rocks. The samples will return to Earth sometime in December.
The last lunar sample return mission was the former Soviet Union’s Luna 24 mission in 1976.
Larger samples
The Chang’e 5 mission plans to bring back larger samples than missions in the past. The former Soviet Union brought back 330 grams of lunar soil samples, while Chang’e 5 is aiming for 2 kilograms of lunar samples. Chang’e 5 doesn’t need a return cabin, so it only needs a small amount of fuel. This lets it carry heavier samples.
A new landing site
Chang’e 5’s lunar landing site is known as the Ocean of Storms. It’s on the near side of the moon seen from Earth. No probes have visited this site before. It’s geologically younger than the sampling sites from the US and former Soviet Union missions. The new samples will help us learn more about the moon’s history.

【小题1】What do we know about the Chang’e 5 mission?
A.The mission will last over three weeks.
B.Chang’e 5 is a carrier rocket.
C.The mission started 44 years ago.
【小题2】What will Chang’e 5 do on the moon?
A.Find out if there is water on the moon.
B.Carry soil samples from Earth to the moon.
C.Take back soil and rock samples from the moon.
【小题3】What makes the Chang’e 5 mission different from those in the past?
A.It has a better return cabin.
B.It can take heavier samples back.
C.It can get more kinds of samples.
【小题4】What do we know about the Ocean of Storms?
A.It is the youngest place on the moon.
B.Many countries have landed their probes there.
C.It is the part of the moon we can see from Earth.

What would it be like to live on Mars? The movie The Martian has given us some answers. It follows an astronaut named Mark who is left on Mars for nearly two years. In order to live on Mars, Mark finds a way to grow potatoes in a special room. He wears a spacesuit when he is outside his “home”. However, Mark has to face many difficulties, such as dust storms.

In fact, just like in the movie, walking on the surface of Mars without a suit is a bad idea. Your skin would be peeled away like pieces of burning paper; your blood would turn to steam (水蒸气) and you would die within half a minute. There is bad radiation (辐射) and dust storms. So people would most likely live in underground homes. If technology improves, more people and construction (建筑) materials may be sent to Mars. Only then could people build houses on the surface. And life would start to look like that on Earth. On Mars, people could grow crops, such as wheat and potatoes, in special boxes. They could help make oxygen for humans to breathe like trees do on Earth. But it won’t be an easy thing.

How can people move around Mars? People have suggested cars, bikes, trains, cable cars and planes. However, there are no official plans saying exactly what humans will use.

【小题1】What does Mark do to live on Mars?
A.He grows potatoes.B.He builds a special house.
C.He lives in a special room.D.He makes himself a spacesuit.
【小题2】A man would only live for ________ seconds at most on Mars without a spacesuit.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “oxygen” mean in Chinese?
【小题4】What can we infer from the passage?
A.It won’t be easy to grow vegetables on Mars.
B.People won’t have to worry about dust storms on Mars.
C.People can never build houses on the surface of Mars.
D.Humans will use cable cars to move around Mars.
【小题5】What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Mark—a great astronautB.Transportation in the future
C.The Martian—a wonderful movieD.Some ideas about the life on Mars
