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Technology and Books

What did people read before books and e-books? People started writing thousands of years ago. They cut pictures in stones. They wrote marks on wet clay (泥土). In Egypt, people wrote on papyrus (草纸) for other people to read. Papyrus was made from reeds (芦苇) that grew along the river. Papyrus was rolled up into a scroll (卷轴).

Hundreds of years ago, people started using parchment (羊皮纸). It was made from sheepskin. Pages of parchment were made into a book. Much later, books were made of paper. Every book had to be written out by hand. Then, in about the year 1455, Johannes Gutenberg made a printing press. It printed copies of a book more quickly.

E-books appeared around 1998. The letter “e” stands for electronic (电子的). You store and read e-books on an electronic device (设备). E-books use computer technology.

【小题1】In Egypt, people wrote on papyrus ________.
【小题2】Hundreds of years ago, people started to ________ parchment.
【小题3】Much later, every book had to be written out ________.
【小题4】The letter “e” in E-books stands for ________.
【小题5】You can ________ e-books on an electronic device.
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Fear of missing out(FOMO) is a pervasive(遍布的) apprehension(忧虑情绪) that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent. FOMO groups have a desire to stay continually connected with what others are doing. It may lead to a concern that one might miss a chance for social interaction or other satisfying events.

Can FOMO make you happy?

The answer is definitely: No. Researchers have found that FOMO leads us to check social media more frequently(频繁地). It can lead to a negative cycle that can be hard to break and make FOMO groups feel lonely, bored and depressed.

How can FOMO groups reduce their worry?

● Change your focus

Don’t focus on what you lack, but try noticing what you have. In fact, everyone owns their own success. Try to reduce our screen time, build your own path to success and do what you like.

● Keep a journal(日志)

You may try to keep a personal journal of your best memories, either online or on paper instead of posting what you do onto social media. It can help you to shift your focus to private appreciation of the things that make your life great.

● Seek out real connections

Why not arrange to meet up with someone in person? Talking with families, making plans with a good friend, or creating a group outing that can help you to shake that feeling that you are missing out.

【小题1】What does FOMO stand for?
【小题2】Why does FOMO make people feel unhappy if they check social media too often?
【小题3】How many ways can FOMO groups use to reduce their worry?
【小题4】Where does the writer advise FOMO groups to keep a personal journal?
【小题5】Which way will you choose to seek out real connections?

On the Earth, everyone has a home. While in space, there is also a home. It is nearly as big as a soccer field and larger than a six-bedroom house. It is the International Space Station(ISS).

The ISS is home to astronauts. Usually, there are three to six astronauts on board. Astronauts in the space station are very busy. They do many science experiments in biology and physics, and study the effects on the human body after long exposure(暴露) to microgravity(微重力). Sometimes they go on spacewalks to work outside the station.

As a groundbreaking scientific research facility, the ISS benefits(使受益) people on the Earth. Robots on the ISS have inspired medical technology. Now it is possible for patients to receive certain surgery(外科手术) by a robotic arm, which performs better than humans. The ISS also helps to watch the Earth’s ecosystems(生态系统) and warns us of volcano eruptions(火山爆发) and earthquakes.

For children, the ISS plays an important part in education. Children can ask astronauts in the ISS any question with the help of satellites. For example, what do you eat? How do you sleep? This is a good way to improve children’s interest in science and technology.

The ISS is expected to remain in operation until at least 2020, China Daily reported. Russia may build a new space station to replace it at that time.

In the future, space will be home to more stations like the ISS. China is also planning to build its own space station, and the launch of Tiangong-1 in 2011 was the first step. It is expected that China will complete the space station by 2023.

The International Space Station(ISS)
Home to astronauts (5-6 astronauts【小题1】)

1.They do many experiments in different scientific fields. 2.They study【小题2】on human body with nearly zero gravity.

3.They go on spacewalks.
Benefit people on the Earth1. Robots on the ISS have inspired【小题3】.
2. Help to watch the earth’s ecosystems.
3. Warns us of volcano eruptions and earthquake.
Help children in educationA good way to【小题4】children’s interest in science and technology.
【小题5】marks the first step of China to build its own space station.


Many of us want to keep thin and healthy. But do you really know how? Here are some new studies. They show that sleeping may help lose weight (体重), but eating less may not!

Less sleep, fatter legs and arms

People without enough sleep are fatter, according to a new study from Nutrients. Scientists divided (分类) sleep time into three types: short sleep(less than 7 hours a day), normal sleep(7 to 9 hours), and long sleep(over 9 hours). Then they studied 9, 413 people from the US. Results show that, compared with (对比) normal sleepers, short sleepers have more fat on their legs and arms!

Dinner is important

Many people don’t eat dinner to lose weight. But scientists at Osaka University, Japan, said this might not be the answer. They did a study with 20, 000 university students. Then they found that if people don’t eat dinner, it’s easier for them to put on weight. One reason (原因), scientists said, might be that people without dinner are hungrier, so they eat more during the day.

Mukbang makes you eat more

If you want to lose weight, stop watching mukbang (吃播)! In a new study, scientists asked people to watch a cooking or nature television show. They found that those who watched the cooking program ate more chocolate, compared to the nature program.

Scientists said that by looking at delicious food, people will get more ghrelin (胃饥饿素) in their blood(血液). This gives people a stronger appetite (胃口)and they will then eat more.

Here are some studies that may help you 【小题1】 more easily.
People 【小题2】 are fatter.
Short sleepers have more fat on their legs and arms than normal sleepers.
If people don’t eat dinner, it’s easier for them to 【小题3】. People without dinner might be hungrier, so they eat more during the day.
People who watch the cooking program ate more chocolate than that watch the nature program.
People will get more ghrelin in their blood by looking at 【小题4】. This gives people a stronger appetite and they will then eat more.
