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“Please take my penny,” said Maggie to old Dan, the fisherman, who sat on a bench repairing his nets. Her brother Andrew drew her back whispering, “Maggie, he is not a beggar!” But Maggie paid no attention“Please take it,” she didn’t give up. Old Dan smiled, and took it, “Thank you, little miss,” he said, “It is kindly meant. ”

After that, Maggie went to the beach to enjoy herself. As time passing by, Maggie felt a bit tired, and she chose a rock to sit on. Soon the barking of a dog made her jump. Turning around. she found Rover, Dan’s large dog jumping down from a rock! He barked and then began to pull her coat. “Rover wishes me to leave here, I see. ” she said, and she rose from the rock. However, she found the places she had gone down easily very difficult to climb up, and as the tide had been coming in for some time, she found some of the stones wet and smooth. She felt afraid and cried but the waves made a much louder noise than she could make. What could poor Maggie do?

Rover jumped upon a big stone and raised his loud bark. The fisherman heard the loud barking. He felt sure that it was Rover, and Rover in trouble. He looked over the cliffs. There he saw it all—Rover barking for help, and the little child standing beside him. The fisherman hurried to his sons’ home. “Quick, boys, quick!” he said. “Get to the boat, and row fast to the bay. There is a poor child there just waiting for help. ” The young fishermen rushed to the boat, and soon little Maggie and Rover were rowed safely to land! Old Dan was waiting there to lift her out.

“It was the penny that did it. ” he said to Maggie’s mother later. “I saw Rover looking at her when she put the penny so kind-like into my hand—just as if he would have said, ‘Rover will be your friend now, little girl. ’ And I am thinking he had been looking after her all the day. ”

Some years later, Rover came to Maggie’s home with a little note, in which was written—“Will Maggie help Rover? —His owner is dead. ”

【小题1】Why did Maggie give the penny to Dan? Because __________.
A.she would like to help DanB.Dan was busy repairing his nets
C.her brother advised her to do soD.she wanted to make friends with Dan
【小题2】Who took Maggie away from the dangerous rock?
A.Dan.B.Rover.C.Andrew.D.Dan’s sons.
【小题3】What did Dan mean by saying “It was the penny that did it...”?
A.Money is not everything.B.One kind act brings another.
C.You should match words with actions.D.Actions speak louder than words.
【小题4】What do you think Maggie would do with Rover in the end? Why? (请用约40 词回答)
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For Laila, life in Murree is comfortable and peaceful. It is, in fact, exactly the life she used to dream for herself in her darkest days. Every day, Laila reminds herself of this.

Then one warm night in July 2002, while their children are asleep, Laila and her husband, Tariq, are lying in bed talking about all the changes back home.

Laila decides that now is the time to tell Tariq.

A year ago, she felt lucky enough to get out of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. But in the last few months, she has found herself missing the city of her childhood. She hears of schools built in Kabul, roads repaved, women returning to work, and her pleasant life here seems unimportant and wasteful.

She has started hearing Dad’s voice in her head. You can be anything you want, Laila, he says. I know this about you. And I also know that when this war is over, Afghanistan is going to need you. Laila hears Mum’s voice too. I want to be there when Afghanistan is free. There is a part of Laila now that wants to return to Kabul, for Mum and Dad, for them to see it through her eyes.

And then, most importantly for Laila, there is Mariam. Did Mariam die for this? Laila asks herself. Did she sacrifice herself, so she, Laila could live in a foreign land? Maybe it wouldn’t matter to Mariam as long as she and the children were safe and happy. But it matters to Laila. Suddenly it matters very much.

“I want to go back,” she says.

“Back? To Kabul” he asks.

“Only if you want it too,’’

“Are you unhappy here? You seem happy. The children too.”

“I am happy,” Laila says. “Of course I am. But where do we go from here, Tariq? How long do we stay? This isn’t home. Kabul is, and back there so much is happening, a lot of it good. I want to be a part of it all. I want to do something for my country. Do you understand?”

Tariq nods slowly. “This is what you want, then? You’re sure?”

“I want it. Yes! I’m sure. But it’s more than that. I feel like I have to go back. Staying here, it doesnt feel right any more.”

“But only-only-if you want to go too.w

“Me?” he says. “I’ll follow you to the end of the world, Laila.”

【小题1】In the story, Laila moved to Murree to ____________.
A.help build schoolsB.follow her husband
C.visit a foreign countryD.run away from the war
【小题2】What can we infer from Laila’s parents’ words?
A.They ask Laila to visit them quite often.
B.They hope Mariam can get out of Kabul.
C.They expect the freedom of their country.
D.They want Tariq to be with Laila for ever.
【小题3】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Murree is a place in Afghanistan.
B.Something good has taken place in Kabul.
C.Tariq refuses to go back to Kabul with Laila.
D.Laila had a wonderful time in Kabul a year ago.
【小题4】Although life in Murree is good, why does Laila still want to go back to Kabul? (请用约 40 词回答)

Since the age of 5,Laura Lee has had a strange habit—she collects cardboard toilet-paper rolls(厕所卷纸筒). She didn’t know this habit would one day become a recycling movement.

In 2018,Lee set up a goal to collect 1,000 kilograms of these rolls. She was then a 16-year-old student at Nanyang Girls’ High School in Singapore. As of February 2021,she collected 860 kg. She received an Ecofriend Award from the Singapore government.

Why did she choose toilet rolls?“They are convenient to collect and also one of the purest forms of waste to recycle because they are made of only one material,” Lee told Singapore Today. “It’s more difficult to recycle pens because they are made up of too many different materials like rubber casings(橡胶外壳),metals and plastics,which require more resources to separate(分离).”

Lee went into a partnership with the waste management firm Veolia. The firm gave her money for every kilogram of toilet rolls.

She organized “toilet roll challenges” within her school and worked with cleaners to collect used toilet rolls. She gave speeches about what she was doing at local schools. She also raises awareness(意识)about different social groups through her Instagram Live series,“On A Roll”.

One big challenge Lee faces is others doubting her because of her young age.“I always have toy use my actions to prove that I’m passionate(有热情的)and know about this,” she said. She will donate the money collected to a social cause focused on community health.

【小题1】When did Laura Lee set the goal to collect lots of toilet rolls?
【小题2】According to Laura Lee,which is easier to recycle,toilet rolls or pens?
【小题3】How does Laura raise awareness about different social groups?
【小题4】What will she do with the money collected?
【小题5】What do you think of Laura Lee?
