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Developed by US company OpenAI, ChatGPT is getting popular, winning 100 million users since it came out in November 2022. People can use the robot to write stories and emails, answer questions and so on. In its own words, it is “a language model trained in a lot of Internet text to help users get human-like text.”

Compared with Siri or other chatbots (聊天机器人), ChatGPT uses a much bigger database (数据库) for training. It uses stronger software (软件) and hardware (硬件) to learn things by itself. For example, if it provides a wrong answer to your question, you can tell it the right one and it will correct. “It’s a totally different product,” computer scientist Liu Xiaoguang from Nankai University said. “Its knowledge level is similar to a university student. That’s why it surprises the world.”

But the big problems with ChatGPT are that it makes mistakes and even gives false information. When Rezza, a 28-year-old from Indonesia, used the robot to write an article, “it gave out wrong information,” he said. Since the robot is trained using words from the Internet, it can also pick up on the Internet’s biases (偏见) about certain groups. These are all things that need to be dealt with.

【小题1】When did ChatGPT come out?
【小题2】What can people use the robot to do?
【小题3】How does ChatGPT learn things by itself?
【小题4】Why does ChatGPT surprise the world?
【小题5】Does ChatGPT make mistakes and give false information?
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In Japan, the latest time-saving invention is a dog-washing machine. Dog owners can buy one for their dogs. They can save time by putting their dogs in the machine and then 33 minutes later, a clean, fresh-smelling dog comes out. The machine becomes more and more popular. The sales of the dog-washer are increasing. The machines save a lot of money for pet owners. However, it’s bad news for pet hospitals because they are losing many customers.

The washing machine has many advantages. First, the whole cleaning process includes a shampoo (洗发), rinse (冲洗) and blow-dry. Second, tests showed that dogs enjoyed the wash and were very happy when the blow-dryer started working. Third, the most important is that the makers of the machine say it’s very safe and does not harm dogs in any way.

One dog-owner, Michiko Kobayashi, loves her new machine. She said her dog was happy, too. Michiko explained to the reporter, “Before I bought my washer, I only took my dog to the pet hospital a few times a year. Now, I wash her every week and she looks great. I also save a lot of money.”

It is welcomed by most people who raise dogs. And it takes over the market quickly. What a beautiful invention!

1 、2 题完成句子;3 题简略回答问题;4 题找出并写出第二段的主题句;5 题将文中画线句子译成汉语。
【小题1】The dog-washing machine can help dog owners ________________________ when they wash their dogs.
【小题2】The washing is bad news for ________________________.
【小题3】How often did Michiko Kobayashi take her dog to the pet hospital before buying the machine?

Yang Jun’ao, a 16-year-old student from No. 1 Middle School in Nanxian County, Hunan province, invented a “lotus root harvesting robot (采藕机器人)”.

“I got the idea when I saw my grandmother, in her 70s, working hard to harvest lotus roots under the hot sun,” Yang said. Sometimes, his grandmother would badly hurt her fingers using her harvesting tools.

To make things easier for his grandmother, Yang thought of creating a machine that could harvest lotus roots. With guidance from his teacher Hong Wei, Yang spent nearly a year building a model of the machine.

The robot moves on its own through the muddy field. It uses image recognition (识别) to find mature (成熟的) roots by looking at the color of the lotus leaves. The robot’s arm then cuts the mature lotus roots without damaging them.

During the invention process, Yang faced challenges like collecting parts for the model, putting them together and using a hot glue gun for bonding. “The first time I used a hot glue gun, my hands were shaking,” Yang laughed. At first, he planned to use rotating blades (旋转叶片) for harvesting lotus roots, but it was hard to find them, so he used more common blades instead .

When Yang showed the machine to his grandmother, she was happy and gave helpful suggestions for improvement. She suggested using the audio player to show the machine’s location in thick lotus leaves. “My grandmother’s suggestion reminded me that any technological invention must be practical to have true value,” said Yang.

Although Yang still needs to make improvements, like finding cheaper ways to make the machines, his teacher Hong spoke highly of Yang’s creative thinking and working on helping his hometown.

【小题1】What does Yang Jun’ao do?
【小题2】Why did Yang want to create such a machine?
【小题3】Was his grandmother happy when he showed the machine to her?
【小题4】What did he understand from his grandmother’s suggestion?
【小题5】What do you think of Yang Jun’ao?
