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We all know that a small kindness can make our life journeys brighter and more enjoyable. Kindness doesn’t cost money or take up time but it can make a big difference to how you feel. A random (随意的) act of kindness is doing something for someone else without expecting to be rewarded (奖励) for it. It’s an unplanned active action, and you can do it for others.

In our daily life, there are many ways of being kind. You can show kindness anywhere—at home, at school or in your community. For example, if you notice a person drop his gloves on the ground, you can pick them up and give them back to him. You can look for chances too, such as holding a door open, praising someone or tidying up your classroom.

And then you may surely wonder how kindness is good for people. Actually, everyone benefits (得益) from kindness. It includes the person who receives it, the person who carries out the kind act, and even anyone watching it happen. Kindness can spread among people. When seeing an act of kindness, you’re more likely to do something kind for another person by yourself. Studies show that being kind to others can make you feel more optimistic. You will see the future is hopeful and your life is quite happy. It is also a great way to feel closer to each other and you can get a lot of energy from it.

Just try to think more about the people around you. Remember that true kindness isn’t expecting to be thanked or to get anything in return.

【小题1】What can we know about a random act of kindness?
A.It costs money.B.It gets a reward.
C.It takes up time.D.It is unplanned.
【小题2】What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?
A.A lot of people can benefit from kindness.B.What a random act of kindness means.
C.There are many ways to show kindness.D.Kindness can spread among people.
【小题3】Which word is close to the underlined word “optimistic”?
【小题4】What’s the structure (结构) of the text? (①=Paragraph 1…)
【小题5】What can be a proper title for the text?
A.Advice about How to Be KindB.Meanings of Being Kind
C.Ways to Own Better RelationshipsD.A Call for People to Be Kind
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Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” These are certainly words that millions of volunteers around the world could agree with. In the US, April is National Volunteer Month, to thank volunteers who lend their time and support to what they care about.

【小题1】 People who volunteer spend their time doing things they feel strongly about, but not for money. For example, animal lovers may volunteer at an animal centre to help improve the treatment of animals.

Volunteering allows volunteers to meet new people, try out new skills and think about career choices. 【小题2】 Take Andrew Makhoul, a student at the University of Pennsylvania, as an example. Andrew didn’t spend his last spring holiday relaxing. Instead, the 19-year-old boy decided to do something for people who were less lucky than himself. He travelled to an orphanage in Guatemala in Central America. 【小题3】 And it depends on volunteers to stay open.

Andrew doesn’t speak much Spanish, but he found communication wasn’t a problem, “You communicated with love,”according to an article on his university’s website. And what he gave out; he got back, “ 【小题4】”Andrew’s first time as a volunteer only lasted a week, but by the end of that week, he knew he’d be back soon—because he saw love and hope.

A.It is in one of the poorest parts of the country.
B.You could see love when you looked in their eyes.
C.Volunteering means choosing to work without being paid.
D.It’s a chance for poor children to get better care and support.
E.Life will be difficult, but I have the confidence to live a happy, full life.
F.For young people, great lessons may also be learned through volunteering.

Last Sunday morning, I had a yard sale with my sister. We set up a long table in the yard and placed many old things on it. We made a poster (海报) to tell people that we wanted to raise some money for a student in our school. The student was ill but her parents didn’t have enough money to take her to hospital.

Maybe because of our kindness, our sale went very well. We were very happy because the fewer old things we left, the more money we could raise for the student. Just then, a boy came to our sale. He looked at many things and finally picked a necklace (项链). “How much is this?” he asked. “Twenty,” I answered.

He took out some coins from his pocket and counted. Then he asked us, “Could I have it for 15 yuan? This is all I have.” We wondered why the boy wanted to buy a necklace. So I said, “Why do you want to buy it?” “Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday. I want to give this nice necklace to her as a gift. At the same time, I can also do something for the student who needs help. I think my mother will be happy about what I do.”

My sister and I were both moved by him. So we decided to let the boy buy it for 15 yuan. After saying thanks to us, he went away with the necklace happily. And we were happy, too.

【小题1】Why did the writer and her sister want to have a yard sale?
A.Because they wanted to make money to buy more toys.
B.Because they would move to another city next month.
C.Because they wanted to raise money for a student in their school.
D.Because they wanted to help a boy who needed a necklace.
【小题2】What made the writer and her sister happy?
A.Their sale went very well and they would be rich.
B.They could raise more money for the student.
C.They met a kind girl.
D.Their mother was happy about what they did.
【小题3】Why did the boy want to buy the necklace?
A.Because he wanted to give the necklace to her mother as a birthday gift.
B.Because he wanted to give the necklace to the student who needs help.
C.Because he wanted to help the writer and her sister.
D.Because he also wanted to have a yard sale.
【小题4】What do you think of the boy?
A.He was poor and didn’t buy the necklace.
B.He was kind because he wanted to buy a gift for his mother and help the student who needs help.
C.He was a cheat and tried to cheat the writer and her sister.
D.He was sad because he was ill and his parents couldn’t take him to the hospital.
