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Smart transportation is leading to the birth of new apps for smart cities in China. In recent years, technology companies have worked hard to speed up the use of robotaxis and Baidu is one of the pioneers.

In June 2019, Baidu started to test its driverless robotaxis in certain areas in Changsha. In 2020, its Apollo Go robotaxis, also known as “Luobo Kuaipao” in Chinese, officially began its service in certain areas in Changsha, Cangzhou and Beijing, with a safety officer sitting in the driver seat who would monitor (监视) the drive and deal with accidents. In March 2022, Beijing allowed Baidu to test fully driverless robotaxis on certain roads, which meant a further step forward. In June 2023, Baidu carried out its driverless taxi service in Shenzhen across an area of 188 km2 from 7 am to 10 pm daily.

Booking a ride on Apollo Go is as simple as a few taps on your phone screen. Passengers just need to tell the app Apollo Go or Baidu Map where they are and where to go. Then, a car will appear. With sensors (传感器) and cameras all over the car, a computer takes full control of the drive. A screen on the back seat shows customers the information of the ride and how the robotaxi “looks” at the space around to see other cars, humans, and anything else that might get in its way.

“The robotaxi goes at about the same speed, providing a good riding experience,” a user posted online. By September 2023, the number of orders has reached four million. The user satisfaction rating for the Apollo Go app has reached 4. 9 out of 5 and 97.12% of the reviews are five-star ratings. So far, Apollo Go robotaxi service has covered 11 cities and by 2025, it plans to test its robotaxis in other 65 cities.

However, safety is the key in the development of driverless robotaxis. Didi and AutoX both had cases (事例) when the safety officer inside had to take over control of the drive. In the future, Apollo Go and the other companies should take more time to improve the system in order to provide comfortable and safe rides.

【小题1】What is Baidu working on according to the passage?
A.Driverless taxis.B.Robot taxi drivers.
C.Taxi Safety apps.D.Maps for robotaxis.
【小题2】What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.The risk of Apollo Go.B.The future of Apollo Go.
C.The advantages of Apollo Go.D.The development of Apollo Go.
【小题3】How did the writer show the popularity of Apollo Go in Paragraph 4?
A.By telling a story.B.By doing experiments.
C.By listing numbers.D.By making comparisons.
【小题4】What can we learn about Apollo Go from the passage?
A.People in Shenzhen could take a ride even at midnight in June 2023.
B.Internet safety officers monitored the taxis instead of sitting in them in 2020.
C.Passengers sitting on the back seats can know about their rides from a screen.
D.It provides safer service than Didi and AutoX, and will be the most popular app.
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①Facial-recognition(人脸识别)cameras are, everywhere—even in your smartphone. Many people use this technology to unlock(解锁) their phones, open doors, or make quick payments. But during the pandemic(疫情), can it still work when people put on masks?   

② The answer is no. Scientists are trying to solve this problem. For example, Engineering & Technology(E&T)magazine reports that Hanwang, a tech company in Beijing, has made a new system(系统). It can recognize 95 percent of people when they wear masks(口罩).

③ What’s the secret? It’s all about your eyes.

④ Marios Savides from Carnegie Mellon University, US, studies facial recognition. As we get older, he says our faces change shape. But the area around our eyes doesn’t. It stays the same—even if we put on weight. As long as there are enough data(数据)from the area of our eyes, the cameras can recognize us.

⑤ Tech 5 is another facial-recognition company. The Swiss company’s product scans(扫描)the shape of your face. It also scans your iris(虹膜), which is the colored part of your eyes. Tech 5 hopes to leave out all of the face below the nose.

⑥ This kind of software(软件) is more important than just unlocking your phone. “It can search for criminals(罪犯) and terrorists even when they wear masks, “said Huang Lei from Hanwang. Hanwang’s technology is used by Chinese police in places like subway stations and airports. Similar technology is used by the United States Air Force.

⑦ Huang pointed out one big weakness: it fails when people wear both a mask and sunglasses. “In this situation, all of the key facial information is lost,” Lei said to E&T.

【小题1】The writer leads to the topic(话题)by ________.
A.giving an exampleB.telling storiesC.listing numbersD.raising a problem
【小题2】The new system can recognize 95 percent people by scanning ________.
A.the faceB.the eyesC.the noseD.the mouth
【小题3】We can infer that the new system ________.
A.can recognize all people with masks in the futureB.can help the police to look for criminals
C.has brought plenty of money to Tech 5D.can recognize a person even when he loses some weight
【小题4】The best structure of this passage is ________.

With the rapid development in science and industry, our world has changed a lot. Many new things have appeared in our daily life. These make our life more convenient and make our communication easier.

Computers are very important to our modern life. For example, some people hardly go to the shop in their spare time but they buy things on the Internet instead. They think the prices of different kinds of clothes or living things are lower than those in shopping centers and huge markets. What’s more, their qualities are the same. At the same time, people can watch movies by the Internet instead of going to the cinema. People living or working in different places can see and talk with each other by computers, too. Some people are glad about these new ways of shopping and communicating.

Another example, computers can help us improve our reading a lot. Some people needn’t read books made paper. Instead. they read them on small pocket computers because the computers can keep many different books in them at the same time. They don’t need to turn lots of pages and paper is saved as well. More and more electronic books are being used.

【小题1】From the second paragraph we can know that computers are used for ________.
A.buying things, watching movies and talking with people
B.playing games, watching movies and buying things
C.watching movies, talking with people and reading
D.Reading, playing games and learning
【小题2】The underlined words mean ________ in Chinese.
【小题3】What are the advantages of buying things by computers?
A.The clothes are beautiful and their price is high.
B.The price is low and the qualities are good.
C.The living things are expensive.
D.The food is fresh and the price is low.
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The computers can keep many different books in them.
B.Some people are satisfied with these new ways of shopping and communicating.
C.The books on the computers are expensive.
D.Some people read books on small pocket computers.
【小题5】According to the passage, we can know ________.
A.computers are used in our daily life
B.computers will replace shops and markets
C.computers can do anything
D.computers can’t change our life

In August, a tragedy (悲剧) happened in Guangzhou on a day of heavy rainfall. A family of seven people, including two children, died inside a car in a culvert(涵洞) as the water in the culvert became so deep that they couldn’t get out. Many people felt sorry for that. After hearing the story, 16-year-old Wang Haoyu made a decision—he would do what he could to stop it from happening again.

Four months later, the student from Guangdong’s Futian High School kept his word. He invented a culvert water level alarm system. It includes a transparent (透明的) column that can show the water level, a barrier gate (道闸), and an electric screen. When the water goes above a certain level shown on the column, the gate immediately closes and the screen shows the warning: “No Passing.” The system also has a loud alarm to keep passengers and cars away. When the water level goes down, the system returns to normal.

The invention won first prize at the Shenzhen Adolescents Science and Technology Innovation Contest. It has received the national patent (专利). “Invention is bringing your creative ideas to reality. You must keep your feet on the ground,” Wang said, sharing the secret to his success. Before he started his design, Wang spent about two months doing fieldwork at the culverts in Shenzhen and Guangzhou at weekends. He took photos of the culverts, observed their problems, and asked local people and traffic policemen’s opinions. It is his first-hand investigation (调查) that has made Wang’s invention so practical. “I think my invention is definitely connected with life. If not, there would have been no point making it,” Wang said.

【小题1】What did Wang Haoyu do when he heard the story?
A.He felt very sorry.
B.He spent about two months doing fieldwork.
C.He made up his mind to solve the problem.
D.He raised money to build a new culvert.
【小题2】How does the culvert water level alarm system work?
① The system will be back to normal.
② The screen shows a warning.
③ When the water level goes down.
④ The system makes a loud alarm.
⑤ The gate will close soon.
⑥ When water goes above a certain level.
【小题3】Which is NOT true according to the passage?
A.There were seven people died in the culvert.
B.It took Wang Haoyu four months to bring his creative ideas to reality.
C.This invention not only won a prize but also received the national patent.
D.The culvert water level alarm system has an electric screen that can show the water level.
【小题4】What is Wang Haoyu like from his story?
A.He is strong-minded.B.He is a careful person.
C.He is a boy who has lots of dreams.D.He is serious about his schoolwork.
【小题5】What can we learn from Wang Haoyu’s experience?
A.We must keep our feet on the ground.
B.Teenagers also have abilities to change the world.
C.If you decide to do something, hold on to it, finally you can make it.
D.We should always think for people’s safety.
