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Traveling to another country is exciting and fun. But if you don’t learn about local customs, your trip may get into trouble. Here are some cultural taboos (禁忌) in several countries.


In Mexico, bringing an expensive gift to someone’s home is a no-no. For local people, some simple things like flowers are good gifts. But you shouldn’t take along red flowers, because in Mexican culture, they are symbols of death and can be connected with witchcraft (巫术) .

The US

Americans have a custom of tipping (给小费) . You should tip nearly anyone with a service job, such as waiters, taxi drivers, hotel doormen, etc.

Pay attention when you talk with Americans. Questions like “How old are you?” may be common between friends. But as tourists in the US, it is not polite to ask people’s age.


From the supermarket to the underground station, queuing (排队) is very common in Britain. Usually, it takes a British person six months of his or her life in queues. If you jump the queue there, you may make them angry.


You should never wear shoes indoors in Japan. When visiting someone’s home, it is rude to enter with shoes on. Shoes should be taken off at the door and replaced with indoor slippers. This is also the same when you try clothes on in a clothes shop. You should take off your shoes before going into the fitting room. There are indoor shoes prepared for customers inside.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
It refers to “___________________________________”.
【小题2】Who should be tipped in the US?
___________________________________ should be tipped in the US.
【小题3】How long does it usually take a British person in queues?
It usually takes a British person ___________________________________ in queues.
【小题4】Which word means “粗鲁的” in the last paragraph?
It’s “___________________________________”.
【小题5】What is the passage mainly about?
It is mainly about ___________________________________.
知识点:文化差异说明文礼仪与习俗 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Greeting people can be confusing(令人迷惑的), especially during cross-cultural communications. Will a simple handshake do? Should you give a hug or offer a kiss on the cheek (脸颊)? People in different countries have their own greetings.

During the COVID-19 outbreak(爆发), greeting others is becoming even more confusing. The infectious(易传染的) novel coronavirus has challenged traditional greetings such as shaking hands, kissing and hugging. After all, close body contact will increase the chance of spreading the virus.

People have realized the risk and stopped using some traditional greetings. On March 1, for example, German Interior Minister Seehofer(德国内政部长泽霍夫) turned down a handshake from German Chancellor Merkel(德国总理默克尔). Instead of getting upset, Merkel just laughed and said, “It is the right thing to do.”

Health departments (部门) in many countries have also suggested that people change their regular greetings to safer ones.

Shaking hands is a common gesture to show respect around the world. Now in the US, the elbow bump (碰肘) is the new handshake. US Surgeon General Jerome Adams introduced the elbow bump, which has been used by political(政治的) leaders, health officials and professional(职业的) athletes. Brad Hazzard, a health minister in New South Wales, Australia, advised people to pat (拍) each other on the back in place of a handshake.

In France, kissing on the cheek is a common greeting, even between people who have just met. French Health Minister Olivier Veran has advised the public not to do this. Italian authorities (官方) have made the same suggestion. French lifestyle expert Philippe Lichtfus said simply looking into a person's eyes is enough.

In the United Arab Emirates(联合阿拉伯酋长国) and Qatar(卡塔尔), people rub (摩擦) their noses together upon meeting. Their health departments have advised them to wave only.

In the face of such changes, how should you go about changing the way you greet people? Australian manner expert Susan Wilson has suggested simply greeting people by looking them in the eye, smiling and saying hello.

【小题1】Why did people stop using traditional greetings?
【小题2】Who has used the elbow bump according to US Surgeon General Jerome Adams’s introduction?
【小题3】What did Brad Hazzard advise people to do in place of shaking hands?
【小题4】Which countries have suggested avoiding kissing each other on the cheek?
【小题5】What will you do if you meet your close friend after reading the article?(答出一点即可)

We all know that Britain and the US are two countries connected by a common language. But in fact the differences are more fun to study, as BBC did in a recent story called 8 Situations When Britons Behave Differently From Americans. We have picked out four for you. Take a look.

When someone knocks into you

If someone knocks into an American, the victim (受害者) will probably look at the aggressor (冒失者) in the face and expect an expression of regret. If, however, the victim happens to be British, the victim will say “sorry” before the other person says it.

When you get dressed for dinner

Britons don’t all change into evening dresses for supper like what you may have seen in popular TV shows. But they do try to make an effort when going out for dinner somewhere nice. Americans, however, will probably wear a common shirt to a nice restaurant.

When you don’t finish your food

Britons wouldn’t think to take the leftovers home when dining out at a restaurant. They think the food is somehow “tainted (污染的)” because they’ve stuck at it with a knife and fork. But in the US, packing it up to take home is a custom.

When you get into a taxi

Britons will give the taxi driver an address, then they don’t say anything with the driver before it’s time to pay. Sometimes they’re being taken in a wrong way, they don’t like to say anything, either. In the US, however, most passengers will tell the driver which way to go after telling him or her the address.

【小题1】How many situations does the passage show us about different behaviors?
【小题2】Who will say sorry first if someone knocks into a Briton, the victim or the aggressor?
【小题3】What will Americans probably wear to a nice restaurant?
【小题4】Why do Britons think the leftover food is tainted?
【小题5】When will most Americans tell the driver which way to go after they get on the taxi?

Living in a different culture can be a both exciting and challenging (挑战性的) experience. You have to learn different cultures and try to get used to them. Let’s share some cult differences between China and the US to help understand each other.

Privacy (隐私)—-Chinese people talk about subjects such as ages and income (收入), which Americans think is not polite.

Families—-In China, elders are traditionally treated with respect (尊重) and they often live with their children. In America, the goal of the family is to encourage independence (独立), especially that of the children. Unlike the Chinese, few elder Americans live with their children.

Money—-The Chinese like saving money. They are always careful when they are planning to spend money. It is different in America. Far fewer American families are saving money.

Education—Chinese people value education and jobs more than Americans do, who pay more attention to good nature instead.

1题完成句子;2、3 题简略回答问题;4题找出并写下全文的主题句;5题将画线句子译成汉语。
【小题1】Americans think talking about subjects such as ages and income is _______________.
【小题2】What is the goal of the family in America?
【小题3】What do Chinese people value more than Americans do?
