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①Japanese-style gardens first got attention in the US in 1893. About 120 years later, they started to be a great part of American garden design. Today, there are over 200 Japanese-style public gardens in North America.

②Japanese-style gardens are different in many ways. First, they bring together indoor and outdoor spaces. The house-garden relationship is set up to be connected. Gardens are around the house, so it’s as if the living space reaches out much further. Wherever a person looks out from their home, a garden should look almost like a painting. In fact, the idea of bringing the beauty of nature into daily lives is the most important idea in Japan so gardeners in Japan pay special attention to the beauty of rocks and stones.

③What’s more, Japanese-style gardens look as if they do not require much work. However, garden designers who are experts in this kind of garden say that Japanese gardens sometimes need even more work than other kinds of gardens.

④In these years, there have been some changes in Japanese-style gardens in the US. “When Japanese-style gardens were first introduced to the US, people paid little attention to whether outdoor scenery was connected to indoor spaces.” said John, who received training in Japan in 2000. But today, more Americans prefer the idea of “connecting the indoors to the outdoors.”

⑤Another change is that in the past, the trees chosen were often native to Japan. But today, the purpose is to use some trees that grow well in local environments. So now it’s very possible to create a wonderful Japanese garden using all native trees.

【小题1】Japanese-style gardens became a great part of American garden design in about ______.
【小题2】What’s the most important idea about Japanese-style gardens?
A.Plant the gardens with local trees.B.Connect natural beauty to everyday lives.
C.Find as many rocks and stones as possible.D.Make the gardens as beautiful as paintings.
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Japanese-style gardens are attractive but require less hard work.
B.Nowadays more local trees are chosen for the gardens in the US.
C.The US has connected the indoors to outdoors since ancient times.
D.Americans think Japanese-style gardens are better for local environments.
【小题4】Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?
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Have you ever met large changes in life and work? How would you feel in most cases? In fact, we all have to go through the grief cycle(悲伤周期), which has the following periods:

The first period: “It can’t be happening.”

Anger: “Why me? It’s not fair.”

Depression: “I’m so sad. Why do I have to do all of these?”

Acceptance: “It’s going to be OK.”

I’m honestly not sure how scientific this model is, but I certainly believe that you will work better after going through these major changes.

Find out what your anger does for you—good or bad?

What does being angry do for you? Think back to the situation where you have been angry at work and ask yourself how it influences you, including: your relationship with co-workers, the quality(质量) of your work and health, how you feel outside of work, your relationship with friends and family.

Find out what makes you angrier and less angry.

What makes you angrier? Which thoughts, situations, people or conversations set you off? And what makes you less angry? I’m sure you are not angry all the time. What makes you calm and stops you from feeling angry? Find out. Then start doing less of what makes you angry and more of the things that cool you down.

Focus on gratitude.

What are you grateful for? As I mentioned above, anger is part of the grief cycle which is connected with what you lose. Gratitude is the opposite of loss because it comes from the good things you have in your life. It’s simple. Every evening, sit down with a piece of paper and make two gratitude lists: three things I was grateful for at work today; three things I was thankful for in life today.

Change your focus from “What was done to me” to “What I can do”.

I know this is the basic piece of all self-help advice. Life is 10% about what happens to you and 90% about how you deal with it, or you must take responsibility for your own situation, rather than be a victim(牺牲品) of it. That kind of advice can get pretty boring. But that doesn’t make it less true.

【小题1】Why does the writer begin the text by asking questions?
A.To explain facts.B.To express disagreement.
C.To give opinions.D.To catch the readers’ interest.
【小题2】What’s the writer’s suggestion about dealing with anger?
A.Love friends and family.B.Do things that make you peaceful.
C.Be friendly to co-workers.D.Write down what makes you angry.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “gratitude” most probably mean?
【小题4】Which of the following best describes the last piece of advice?
【小题5】What is the text mainly about?
A.What the grief cycle is about.B.How to deal with the grief cycle.
C.What causes the grief cycle.D.How the grief cycle influences people.

When you look at the night sky, what you see are actually lots of “power plants” (发电厂). Every star makes a huge amount of energy through nuclear fusion (核聚变). For years, scientists have tried to make this kind of energy. They to make a “mini star” on Earth. Recently, some scientists made a big step forward.

In February 2002, the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy in Oxfordshire, UK, doubled a world record set in 1997. The machine there, named Jet, used fusion engines (发动机) to make the same amount of energy as four wind turbines (涡轮机) make, reported The Cuardian.

In the past, no experiment could mate more energy than what was used to start the fusion engine. This new experiment, although it only lasted five seconds, showed it’s possible to make more power.

Another good thing about the experiment is that the reaction stopped when the equipment (设备) got too hot. This problem can be solved with cooling systems. Future fusion reactions may last much longer than five seconds, minutes or even hours.

You may wonder why fusion energy is so hard to make. Creating conditions similar to a star is not easy. The machine must reach temperatures as high as 10 times that of the sun’s core (核).

Even so, it’s time to get excited about star power. If it can be successfully rolled out (开展), it will be a landmark (里程碑) in human history.

【小题1】What does the word “plants” in the first paragraph refer to?
A.scientistsB.nuclear plantsC.stars in the skyD.mini stars on Earth
【小题2】In 1997, the world record for nuclear fusion produced as much energy as ________.
A.a wind turbineB.two wind turbinesC.three wind turbinesD.four wind turbines
【小题3】According to the passage, what can make the reaction last longer?
A.Choosing hotter equipment.B.Starting a new experiment.
C.Creating a warmer environment.D.Using a cooling system.
【小题4】What can we learn about fusion energy from the passage?
A.It exists in a very cold environment.B.Scientists are trying to take it from the core of the sun.
C.It is very difficult to make on Earth.D.It is now useful in everyday life.
Here’s the picture of how a day starts: You find the sky really dark. But after a while, it starts to look brighter little by little. Then of a sudden, the sky is all pink and red and gold, sometimes it looks even a bit green. The day comes.
The sun is always shining. When the sun is shining on the other side of the world, it is night where you are. At night, you can see the stars.
All day the stars are in the sky, but the sun is so bright that you can’t see them. When the sun is gone, the stars are bright enough to see. Stars look as tiny as pinheads(针头), but some are even bigger than the sun. They look very small because they are so far away. The sun is closer than the other stars. So it looks bigger.
【小题1】The sky turns          until the sun is shining on the place.
A.pink and brownB.pink and red and gold
C.pink and goldD.pink and green
【小题2】When the sun is shining where you are,           on the other side of the world.
A.it is brightB.it is nightC.it looks brighterD.it is day
【小题3】We can’t see the stars in the sky because          .
A.it’s darkB.the sun is gone
C.the sun shines too brightlyD.they are too small
【小题4】The moon in the sky looks bigger than the stars because it’s          .
【小题5】Which of the following is right?
A.The sun is the biggest star in the sky.B.We can’t see the stars that don’t shine.
C.The sun is always shining.D.The earth shines as brightly as the sun.
