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It wasn’t a very good week. On Tuesday, Sam’s father lost his job. Then on Wednesday, Sam’s mother said that the house rent (租金) was going up. On Friday, Rosa asked Sam to go to her birthday party, but he wasn’t happy. He had only one dollar and that wasn’t enough to buy a gift. He knew he couldn’t ask Mom or Dad for any money — not this week!

“Well,” Sam thought, “I don’t have time to worry about this. I have a report (报告) to write, and I need to go to the library.”

In the library, Sam found there was a book sale. A book got his attention. It was a cookbook (食谱) of Chinese food. With his last dollar, he bought the book. He thought Rosa might like it because he often saw Chinese food in her lunch box.

The party on Saturday was a lot of fun. Rosa opened (打开) all the gifts and thanked everyone. When she opened Sam’s gift, she paused (停顿) and didn’t say anything. Sam wanted to know if she liked the book. When Sam got home, he got an e-mail from Rosa.

Dear Sam,

Your gift was the nicest. How did you know I would like a cookbook of Chinese food? My grandma is from China. With the cookbook, I can make Chinese food for her. Thank you so much.



The week turned out to be not so bad.

【小题1】Why didn’t Sam feel happy?
A.Because his father lost his job.B.Because their house rent went up.
C.Because Rosa didn’t ask him to her party.D.Because he didn’t have enough money to buy a gift.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “attention” probably mean in Chinese?
【小题3】What do we know about Rosa from the thank-you e-mail?
A.She is from China.B.She liked Sam’s gift.
C.She is good at cooking.D.She liked Chinese food.
【小题4】What does the story tell us?
A.Every dollar is important.B.Second-hand things are useful.
C.It’s OK to go to a party with no gift.D.The gift coming from the heart is the best.
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The girls spent the rest of the day preparing a play. The sisters often performed plays for their friends. A dozen girls arrived about six o’clock and took their places in the big bedroom. The play was a great success. Everybody enjoyed it very much. The girls were still laughing and clapping when Hannah came in and said, “Supper is ready.”

A surprise was waiting for them on the dining room table- dishes of ice cream, pink and white, fresh fruit, cakes and real French chocolates. And in the middle of all this delicious food there were four vases of beautiful flowers. The girls couldn’t believe their eyes.

“Did the fairies bring the supper?” asked Amy.

“No, Santa Claus brought it,” said Beth.

“Mother did it,” Meg said.

“No! Aunt March sent it!” cried Jo.

“You are all wrong,” said Mrs. March. “Old Mr. Laurence sent it.”

“The Laurence boy’s grandfather!” exclaimed Meg. “Why did he do that? We don’t know him!”

“Hannah told one of his servants the story of the Hummels. Mr. Laurence was sorry to hear about your poor Christmas breakfast, so he decided to give you a surprise.”

“My mother says he’s very proud,” said one of the girls at the table. “She says that he doesn’t like mixing with his neighbors. His grandson has to stay in the house and study all day. We invited him to a party once, but he didn’t come. He’s very shy.”

“I am going to talk to him one day,” said Jo. “He needs to have some fun. I am going to invite him to our next play!”

From Little Women

【小题1】Who prepared the delicious supper for the sisters?
A.HannahB.Mrs. MarchC.Old Mr. LaurenceD.Santa Claus
【小题2】How did Mr. Laurence hear about the poor Christmas breakfast?
A.A servant told him.B.Hannah told him.
C.Mrs. March told him.D.Aunt March told him.
【小题3】What will Joe do according to the passage?
A.Study at home all day.B.Invite the Laurence’s boy.
C.Go to a party.D.Talk to Mr. Laurence.
【小题4】What was Mr. Laurence like?
A.He was very proud.B.No neighbors like him.
C.He was very thoughtful (考虑周到的).D.He was very lonely (孤独的).
【小题5】Which is the following is true about the sisters?
A.They didn’t like preparing plays for their friends.
B.They acted the plays in the dinning room.
C.They were still preparing the play when Hannah came in.
D.Everybody thought their play was great.

My mom’s life was a busy one. Raising four kids on her own was a full time job in itself, but she also worked outside the home. Surprisingly, she always seemed to find a little bit of extra time for us.

She would take us over to my aunt’s in the evening when she worked as a waitress in a small restaurant. I thought she would pass us over to our aunt and hurry off as soon as we made it through the front gate, but that didn’t happen. Instead, we would sit on the porch(门廊), my mom in her waitress uniform, and we would rock in my aunt’s big wooden swing(秋千) and talk about what happened that day.

“I learned how to add numbers up to the hundreds,” my sister Sandy would say.

“That’s wonderful,” my mom would reply, holding her tight.

“I learned how to write my name!” Larry, my younger brother, would shout.

My mom would get a piece of paper and a pencil out of her purse and hand it to my brother. “Show me how you do it,” she’d ask softly.

“Do you have enough time to hear what I did today?” I’d ask her.

Mom would smile at me and nod. “I’m never too busy for something important like that!”

She gave us the gift of time again and again throughout the years. Later on in her life, when she came to live with us after her retirement(退休), my mom gave the gift of time to my children too. They would run around excitedly, asking their grandma if she would play with them, or read them a story, or go for a walk with them. By then my mom had health problems, but she would always nod and sit down and read to them or tell them stories about when she was a little girl. Those moments were a wonderful gift that my children still talk about and treasure.

In the last few years of her life, I would take her to lunch or sit with her on the porch, and we would talk about the past, the dream of the future, and just enjoy being with each other. My mom would listen as I shared all of my hopes, my fears, and my dreams for my family. I would look at her and ask her if she minded me taking up so much of her free time.

“Nonsense” she’d tell me. Then she’d give me a wink and say, “I’m never too busy to spend time with you. It’s one of the greatest joys of my life.”

I will always remember those wonderful words and the loving heart behind them. It is a gift my mom gave to me for which I will forever be grateful. In this busy world of ours, and in a life filled with challenges, she always had time to share her joy with me.

【小题1】According to the passage, we know that the writer grew up ________.
A.in a small restaurantB.with her four sisters
C.only with her auntD.in a low-paid family
【小题2】What did the children do on the porch of their aunt’s?
A.They helped their mother do some work.B.They shared their daily experiences.
C.They played games together with their aunt.D.They told stories to their aunt.
【小题3】After retiring, the writer’s mother ________.
A.always stayed on her own at homeB.took care of the writer’s children
C.moved to live with her daughter SandyD.often gave gifts to the writer’s children
【小题4】What does the author think about her mother?
A.Humorous and kind.B.Busy and sad.C.Caring and patient.D.Lazy and tidy.
【小题5】What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Mom’s Gift of TimeB.Always for Pleasure
C.Never too busy, MomD.My Mother’s Lifetime

We can see flying cars in TV shows and movies. Many companies (公司) are trying to build them, and now the flying car has come into our life. The flying car is called AirCar. And it just finished a 35-minute test flight (试飞) between two airports in Slovakia.

The AirCar was made by Stefan Klein. When Klein was a little boy, he watched a French movie. In the movie, there was a flying car and he was interested in it. And he dreamed of building a flying car one day. At last he made it. Klein flew the car himself on the test flight.

The AirCar is expensive and it costs around £1.7 million (百万). It can change from a car into a plane in just 2 minutes and 15 seconds. The Aircar has spent 40 hours in the air. During these tests the AirCar’s top speed (速度) was 190 km per hour. It can fly 1000 km at a height of 2500 meters. It can carry two people up to 200 kg.

Dr Branko Sarh, from Boeing company, praised Klein for building the AirCar. “It is fantastic. It’ll be useful in the future because it can solve the traffic problems in the world.”

Some people hope that flying cars will be a big part of everyday life one day.

【小题1】What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?
A.Klein’s interest as a child.B.The flying cars in movies.
C.The way of making the AirCar.D.The reason why Klein made the Aircar.
【小题2】What do we know about the AirCar?
A.It can only carry one person.B.It first appeared in a French movie.
C.It isn’t cheap to build the AirCar.D.It takes the car 5 minutes to change into a plane.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “praise” mean?
【小题4】What does Dr Branko Sarh think of the AirCar?
A.It is fast.B.It is too expensive.
C.It will have a great future.D.It will be a big part of everyday life.
【小题5】Why does the writer write the passage?
A.To sell the flying car.B.To let people make more flying cars.
C.To show Klein is a smart man.D.To let us learn something about the AirCar.
