任务型阅读-多任务混合 适中0.65 引用1 组卷44
Dear Grace,

Thanks for your letter. I’m writing to tell you something about our next term.

Do you love volleyball? On September 7th, we have a volleyball game at four in the afternoon. It’s interesting for me. My teacher says we can see some great volleyball stars in the volleyball game. In October, we have a school trip. It’s relaxing for us. In November, we have an art festival and an English party. The art festival is on November 3rd. The English party is on November 18th. It’s in the classroom. Sally’s birthday is on December 11th. I want to buy a white model plane for her. Tim wants to buy a book. Jane wants to buy a birthday cake for her. She must be very happy.

It’s really a fun term, isn’t it?



【小题1】In the volleyball game, the students can see ________.
【小题2】When does Bob have a school trip?
【小题3】Where is the English party?
知识点:计划个人庆典文体活动应用文游览活动 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Wonder why the New Year money always disappears so quickly? Well, this may be because you don’t plan to spend it carefully. Plan a budget (预算) and you will find you can stop your money from disappearing.

A budget is a plan to control where your money goes. Careful budget can help you save for the things you want, but can’t pay for right now.

Sounds useful? Look at the following before you start your budget:

1. Every week there are things we have to pay for, like school lunches and buses. There are also things we would like to spend money on — just for fun! All of these are weekly expenses (开销).

2. Since we can’t have money for everything, we have to make choices. We need to ask if we really need something or just want it. Needs are what you must have in order to live, like food and water. Wants are things you would like to have or do, but that you could live without, such as CDs and cartoons.

3. List what you must spend on needs — and if there is money left over, what you will save for the things you really want. This is called a budget.

4. If you don’t have enough money for what you need and want, you may have to give up one for the other.

Any budget will change. Keep an eye on yours. Maybe you wanted a cartoon book but now you want an MP3 instead. Your needs may change into wants, or your wants may change into needs.

Control your spending

Background introduction

If your New Year money 【小题1】 out too quickly, this may be because you don’t have a 【小题2】 budget.

What is a budget

A budget is a plan to place your money under 【小题3】.

【小题4】 to plan a budget

Have a clear idea of your weekly expenses, paying special attention to the money for the things that aren’t 【小题5】.

Know the 【小题6】 between your needs and your wants. List all your needs as 【小题7】 as your wants. Your wants will be cancelled if there’s not enough money 【小题8】.

Make a wise 【小题9】 between your needs and wants; you may have to give up your wants for your needs.


As no budget is 【小题10】, make timely changes between your needs and wants.


When we are trying to get to any personal purpose (目标), one of the biggest problems is that we always put them off till tomorrow, or next week. Unluckily, tomorrow never gets here. If you want to finish a purpose, you have to start on it today. So what can you do to find the time for your personal purposes?

One purpose at a time.

Often the problem is that we try to take on too many purposes. We have a list of things we want to achieve, reading a book, learning French and many other difficult things. Maybe we are interested in them, but because of that, we never start. Instead, we can start with choosing one purpose at a time, because it’s difficult to keep the attention (注意力) and energy on too many purposes at once.

Make sure you really want it.

It’s not enough to say, “It would be nice to learn French” or “It would be cool to do yoga every morning”. It has to be something you really want. Ask yourself why you want to get to this purpose, and how much you want it. That’s important to do early on, or you won’t make time for it.

Keep it easy.

It’s important not to make your personal purpose too difficult. You don’t want to have a huge list of things to do in order to achieve your purpose. Instead, pay attention to a smaller purpose that will lead you to your bigger purpose.

Stay focused (集中的).

One of the most difficult things to achieve purposes is keeping your attention on that purpose. It’s easy to become crazy about something else, and when we lose focus, we suddenly stop making time for the purpose. Instead, find ways to keep the attention.

Title: 【小题1】 to Make the Time for Your Personal Purposes

Usually we can’t achieve any personal purpose because of 【小题2】 them off till tomorrow. So if you want to finish a purpose, you must start on them now.
One purpose at a time
Sometimes we try to take on too many purposes at once. Maybe we show 【小题3】 in them but we never start. Instead, we can start with choosing one purpose at a time.
Make sure you really want itThere must be something you really want to do. Find out the 【小题4】 you want to get to this purpose and how much you want it.     
Keep it easyIt’s important to make your personal purpose easy. Pay attention to a smaller purpose instead of a 【小题5】 one.
Stay focused (集中的)
The difficult thing is that it’s easy to become crazy about something else. So we must find ways to keep the attention.

I began to think about my future job at the age of fourteen. I was born into a family of teachers. My parents are both teachers and I like the job.

When I was a little girl, I often went to school with my mother. When my mother was in the class I watched her, and I wanted to be popular among(在……当中)pupils like her.

One day in the 9th grade, the head teacher asked me to give an English lesson to the 5th grade pupils because their English teacher caught a cold. When I entered the classroom, many pupils had been at their desks. I said “Good morning” and began the lesson.

I wanted the pupils to like English. We read, wrote, sang songs, asked questions and answered questions. Later, I gave English lessons several times and I was happy teaching the pupils. Now I know what I am going to do after leaving school. I want to be an English teacher. It’s a very interesting but difficult job. It’s interesting because I can work with pupils. It’s difficult because I have to teach them a foreign language.

To be a good teacher means to know a lot. Every day I improve my English by reading books, reading English newspapers, looking through magazines and speaking with English people.

【小题1】What did the writer’s mother do?
【小题2】List two ways mentioned to improve the writer’s English.
a. ______________________               b. ______________________
【小题3】What does the writer think of the job?
【小题4】Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
【小题5】Give a proper title for the passage.
