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Good manners mean politeness. Politeness can be seen in our daily lives, such as in one’s way of dressing, speaking and standing. Everyone should pay enough attention to his manners all the time. A man with good manners is welcomed everywhere and can make friends easily. On the other hand, a man with bad manners is thought to be rude and nobody wants to be friends with him. He would feel lonely and unhappy.

If you want to be a person with good manners, you will learn to use some useful expressions, such as “Please”, “Excuse me” and “Sorry” on different occasions. Also,where help is needed, you should be happy to lend a hand.

Like customs (风俗), good manners maybe different from country to country. Good manners in one country may not be good manners in another country. In order to behave like a person with good manners in different places, it is necessary for one to learn about cultures of other countries.

【小题1】In the passage, a person’s good manners can be seen from the following EXCEPT ________.
【小题2】A man with bad manners is thought to ________.
A.be welcomed here and thereB.make friends easily
C.be rudeD.enjoy himself all the time
【小题3】What does the underlined word “occasions” mean in Chinese?
【小题4】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Good manners can make us lonely and unhappy.
B.People with good manners say “Sorry” all the time.
C.People with good manners are happy to help others.
D.Good manners are the same all over the word.
【小题5】What is the main idea of this passage?
A.How to be careful in our daily lives.B.How to make friend easily.
C.How to say useful expressions.D.How to be a person with good manners.
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Has your mother or grandmother ever made embroidered (刺绣的) clothes for you? In the past, Chinese people often embroidered on hats, shoes and dresses to show the beauty of nature or the best wishes to others. Some girls would even embroider on a sachet (香囊) as a gift for their lovers.

Shu embroidery comes from Sichuan. It is said that Shu embroidery is the oldest kind of embroidery in China. People began to make it during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD). They sold it to other countries such as ancient Rome.

Shu embroidery takes time. It might take as long as a whole day to finish just 10 cm. Embroidery workers need to divide each silk thread into more than 10 or even 30 smaller threads. Each smaller thread is thinner than a human hair.

Meng Dezhi, who used to work at the Chengdu Shu Embroidery Factory, has been making Shu embroidery for 40 years. She loves this form of art and wants more people to try it, so she gives lessons in universities. She said, “Although the work is hard, Shu embroidery stands for thousands of years of Sichuan culture. It is a symbol of Chinese culture as well.”

【小题1】Where didn’t Chinese people often embroider in the past?
A.On hats.B.On shoes.C.On dresses.D.On the wall.
【小题2】When did people begin to make Shu embroidery?
A.During the Han Dynasty.B.During the Tang Dynasty.
C.During the Song Dynasty.D.During the Yuan Dynasty.
【小题3】What does the underlined work “thread” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?
【小题4】How long has Meng Dezhi been making Shu embroidery?
A.For 10 years.B.For 30 years.C.For 40 years.D.For 50 years.
【小题5】Why does Meng Dezhi give lessons in universities?
A.She wants to live a happy life.B.She wants to make more friends.
C.She wants to make more money.D.She wants more people to try Shu embroidery.

While living in China, I have learned new things about vegetables. Although many vegetables here are not new to me, the way they are cooked is quite different.

I had eaten eggplant in Australia before, but as soon as I tried a Chinese-style eggplant dish, I felt like I was eating a new type of vegetable. In the West, eggplant is often grilled (烤) so it becomes soft. However, it doesn’t taste like the Chinese dish. In China, people add many things like garlic and spring onions, which make it truly mouthwatering. That’s really wonderful!

Another special thing about Chinese vegetables is the variety (种类). For example, in China, there are more kinds of mushroom than in Australia. You can even eat black fungus (黑木耳), which is difficult to find in Western countries. The same goes for the different kinds of leafy, green vegetables, such as Chinese cabbage and pea shoots.

What’s more, in Chinese culture some vegetables have good meanings. Stepping inside a Chinese person’s home, you may find paintings and small sculptures of different vegetables. For example, because of its pronunciation, the Chinese cabbage is seen as standing for wealth. Or there is the gourd melon (葫芦). Because of its shape and pronunciation, it has many different cultural meanings, including happiness, having a large family and old age.

You could say that for Chinese people, vegetables stand for much more than just a healthy diet. They represent delicious food and a good and happy life.

Chinese people don’t just love cooking delicious vegetable dishes. They also love planting vegetables. Chinese people have grown vegetables in their backyards for centuries. Now, they have also grown them in the Antarctic (南极), and even in space!

【小题1】What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.Different kinds of vegetables.B.Different cultural meanings of vegetables.
C.Different places of planting vegetables.D.Different cooking methods of vegetables.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “mouthwatering” in Paragraph 2 mean?
【小题3】Which of the following vegetables can be usually eaten in Australia?
A.Eggplant.B.Black fungus.C.Chinese cabbage.D.Pea shoots.
【小题4】What makes the gourd melon have different cultural meanings?
A.Its pronunciation.B.Its shape and pronunciation.
C.Its good meanings in Chinese.D.Its eating habits in China.
【小题5】What will the writer talk about in the next paragraph?
A.The advantages of growing vegetables in backyards.
B.The way the Chinese people plant vegetables.
C.The reasons why Chinese people cook delicious vegetables.
D.The importance of growing vegetables in space.

Nowadays, it is more and more convenient for us to travel around the world. But each country has different rules about social situations. It is helpful for us to learn as many of these customs as possible. Here are some suggestions.
1.Avoid giving certain flowers in Russia.
Be careful when sending flowers to a friend or a business partner in Russia. Yellow flowers mean being cheated or a broken relationship. Red carnations (康乃馨) are also not expected, either. Traditionally, red carnations are placed on the graves of the dead.
2.Skip the salt in Egypt.
When you are invited to enjoy a meal in an Egyptian family, you are not supposed to use the saltshaker (盐瓶) at table. It’s impolite to sprinkle (洒) salt on your food in front of your host. If you have to season (调味) your plate, it means that you find the meal terrible.
3.Don’t show up on time in Venezuela.
Showing up early or on time is one of the good Chinese customs. Yet it is regarded as being rude in Venezuela. If you are invited over to someone’s home for a meal, you are supposed to arrive 10 to 15 minutes later than the requested time. Early or punctual (准时) guests are viewed as being too eager, even greedy (贪婪的).
4.Be careful of the number of your flowers in Finland.
If you are invited to the party in Finland, you are expected to be exactly on time and bring the hostess some flowers. The hostess is excited about receiving five or seven flowers, but make sure to avoid dual (双数的) flowers and number thirteen is regarded as a very unlucky number. Nobody looks forward to receiving them.
Learning what you are supposed to do and not supposed to do in social situations may be difficult, but it is worth the trouble doing that.
【小题1】We are not supposed to give red carnations to a Russian as a gift because ________.
A.Russians think red is a kind of unlucky color
B.red flowers mean being cheated
C.red carnations should be presented on the graves
D.red carnations mean a broken relationship
【小题2】Sprinkling salt on your food in front of your Egyptian host is very ________.
【小题3】If you are invited to have dinner in Venezuela at 7 p.m., you are expected to arrive at ________.
A.6:45 p.m.to 7:00 p.m.B.7:00 p.m.to 7:10 p.m.
C.7:10 p.m.to 7:15 p.m.D.7:45 p.m.to 7:50 p.m.
【小题4】In Finland, you are supposed to bring ________ flowers to the hostess.
【小题5】It is very important to be on time in ________.
