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In the 1950s, scientists caught a shearwater (剪水鹱) on an island off the coast of Wales. They took it to the city of Boston, and set it free. Twelve days later it was back in Wales. Many birds share this gift for finding their way.

Most migrating (迁徙的) birds fly between cold and warm places, partly to avoid the winter. Their trips are tiring and dangerous-fewer than half of first-time migrating birds make it back the next year. Small birds often fly at night, so they must stay over land and travel by day.

Some migrating birds seem to be born with a map that tells them where to go. Cuckoos,for example, can find the way without being shown. Other birds learn the way by following a group of birds and remembering landmarks, such as mountains and rivers. Landmarks based on smell and sound-such as the smell of a pine forest or the sound of crashing waves-may also help.

Experiments with homing pigeons tell us that some birds have a built-in magnetic compass (磁罗盘). This helps pigeons to find the way home from hundreds of miles away. But when tiny magnets (磁铁) are tied to their heads, they get lost.

Birds that migrate by day use the sun as a compass. They also have a built-in clock, to make up for the sun’s movement across the sky as the day goes. Snow geese migrate by the sun; when days grow longer, they become unable to stay quiet and want to set off on the long journey.

【小题1】How does the writer start the text?
A.By telling a story.
B.By listing numbers.
C.By asking questions.
D.By giving an opinion.
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?
A.Large birds migrate by riding on the rising warm air.
B.Cuckoos are born with the ability to find their way.
C.Magnets can lead homing pigeons to right places.
D.The snow geese set off on the migration when days grow longer.
【小题3】What can help birds to find their way?
①warm air ②the sun ③smells ④a map
【小题4】In which part of a magazine can you read the text?
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When talking about new technology, you will probably think of artificial intelligence (AI). But have you heard of AI chips (芯片)? Companies around the world that develop AI need this kind of chip, making it very important in the technology field.

To learn about AI chips, we first need to talk about graphics cards (显卡). They are a kind of computer chip that makes images (图像) look better and clearer. The main part of a graphics card is the GPU, or graphics processing unit (图形处理器). It was developed by NVIDIA in the late 1990s. Although it was first made for video games, it has amazing computing power (计算能力).

For traditional computers, their CPU (central processing unit) processes one piece of data at a time. But a GPU can process many pieces of data at once. This is why gamers buy GPUs to have a better video game experience.

However, as technology developed, GPU’s real superpower turned out to be its use in training AI models. So, AI chips were built based on GPUs. AI companies such as OpenAI and Google use AI chips to speed up and improve the way their AI “learns” things. These chips are especially useful for making large language models perform better, such as the well-known ChatGPT. With their excellent ability to deal with a lot of data at once, there’s no telling how far they’ll go.

For us, if we have AI chips in our smartphones , data processing can happen on the phone rather than in the cloud. This makes phones work faster, keep information safer, and use less energy.

【小题1】How is GPU different from CPU?
A.It can do computing better.
B.It can show images to viewers.
C.It can process data one piece at a time.
D.It can work for video games.
【小题2】Which of the following statements about AI chips is correct?
A.AI chips are mainly used to improve the performance of graphics cards in smartphones.
B.AI chips are only used by Google and OpenAI.
C.The development of AI chips led to the creation of GPUs.
D.Using AI chips can improve the data processing speed of smart devices.
【小题3】What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Which smartphones perform better.
B.How smartphones process data.
C.Good things about AI chips in smartphones.
D.The future development of smartphones.
【小题4】What is the main focus of the article?
A.The development history of AI chips
B.The business development of NVIDIA
C.The future trends in mobile phone development
D.The influence of AI chips on AI model training

Near the hometown of the giant pandas sits the Leshan Giant Buddha, which is one of the most popular places for tourists at home and abroad.

The building of the giant Buddha started in 713. At that time, floods (洪水) often happened in Leshan area where Min River, Qingyi River and Dad u River ran together. Chinese monk (僧侣) Haitong decided to lead people to build a Buddha sculpture to deal with the waters that did harm to the boats traveling down the rivers. It was a super project in ancient times, which required lots of money.

Haitong went to many places to raise money, and after years, he finally raised enough money to start the project. When he got back to Leshan, the officials wanted to force Haitong to hand in the money. Haitong refused even though the officials sent soldiers (士兵) many times. He gouged (挖) his own eyes out to show his sincerity (真诚), scaring the soldiers away.

In the year 713, Haitong started the building of the Buddha, but he passed away when the giant Buddha was built to shoulders. Because of the death of Haitong, the building of the giant Buddha was forced to stop. Later, after many difficulties it was finally completed in 803.

The stone Buddha is the tallest Buddha sculpture in the world with a height of 71 meters. It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site together with Mount Emei in 1996.

【小题1】It took over 100 years to finish building this world’s largest stone Buddha.
【小题2】Paragraph 2 is mainly about the reason for building the huge stone Buddha.
【小题3】Monk Haitong built the Leshan Giant Buddha himself till it was done before he died.
【小题4】Haitong overcame lots of difficulties, like collecting money for years and losing his both eyes.
【小题5】No Buddha sculpture is as tall as the Leshan Giant Buddha in the world.
