阅读理解-单选 较难0.4 引用1 组卷151

I have a question for all of us. Is all winning success? Winning is really, really fun. But I am here to share my idea: Winning does not always mean success.

All around the world, we have created the win-at-all-cost culture. As a society, we honor the champion (冠军). We cheer for those people who win championships. Winning at all costs has become acceptable. We have become so focused (关注) on that end result instead of the process, and when it is a win, usually how we got there often gets little attention.

We need to redefine (重新定义) success. Real success is developing champions in life for our world, win or lose. We may be able to plan our way to a win, but we can’t plan our way to success.

Back to 1990, when I was first made the head coach of the UCLA Women’s Gymnastics Team, the best I could do was what other “successful”coaches had done. So, I became tough-talking and mean. I acted like a head coach whose only thought was to figure out how to win.

After putting up with me for a few years, our team asked me for a team meeting. And for over two hours, they gave me examples of how my arrogance (傲慢) was hurtful. That was my time-out, and I chose to change. I found out that I needed to support our student players as whole human beings, not just players who won.

It is so much easier to give orders than to actually figure out how to encourage someone to be better. And it takes a really long time to take root. The key was to develop trust through patience and honesty. Let’s think about what you are talking with your parents on the car ride home. Are they focusing on the end result? Are you excited to use that time to show you are a winner? All of you care too much about the end result instead of your steps of learning. We are all coaches in some ways. We all have the responsibility to develop champions in life for our world. That is what real success looks like, and that is what we call a win-win.

【小题1】The writer introduced the topic by _______.
A.asking a questionB.showing some examples
C.listing a few numbersD.comparing two different things
【小题2】The underlined word “it” in the Paragraph 2 refers to (指代) _______.
A.the processB.end result
C.the championD.real success
【小题3】As the head coach, the writer chose to change because _______.
A.other“successful”coaches asked him to do so
B.he was trying so hard to figure out how to win
C.he learnt to care more about players than winning
D.he learnt he should only support players who won
【小题4】According to the writer, which of the following is a real success in life?
A.A kid who shows the medals and prizes he won to his parents.
B.A player who tries to win a gold medal at the cost of his health.
C.A coach who respects his members even though the team didn’t win.
D.A parent who keeps asking about the grades his kid gets in the exams.
【小题5】The structure of the passage is _______.
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Save lives and help slow the spread of coronavirus(冠状病毒)

Stay home

●You should avoid leaving your house for any non-essential activity.

◎Don’t leave home unless you have to.

◎Don’t invite family or friends into your home.

●Stay at home unless you are:

◎going to work or education(if you are unable to do so at home)

◎shopping for necessary things(return home without delay)

◎going out for personal exercise in the neighbourhood, on your own or with one other person

●Medical services, supermarkets, banks, petrol stations, post offices and home delivery services remain open.

Stay safe

●Always practise good habits, wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water, cover your coughs, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

●Keep social distance of at least 1.5 metres when outside your home.

●Avoid(避免)body greetings such as handshaking, hugs and kisses

●Use online-pay instead of cash.

●Travel at quiet times and avoid crowds.

●Only use trusted official information

Stay connected

●Check in on family and friends by phone or online.

●Volunteer organizations and charities can provide services to people who need them most.

【小题1】What does the underline word “non-essential” mean?
【小题2】Which place is probably closed?
【小题3】According to this passage, what is the right thing to do?
A.Invite some friends to have a party at home.B.Cough in the open air without covering.
C.Do exercise alone at home.D.Shake hands with people outside
【小题4】Which part of a newspaper can this passage be taken from?
A.HealthB.Sports. C.EducationD.Travel.

Sitting on the chair, your mind races through everything you need to do: finish your math homework, play sports, memorize the English words, eat dinner, start your other homework, shower... All before bedtime at half past ten? You ask yourself. "What should I do?"   【小题1】.

First, find a blank sheet of paper and write down everything you need to do today. 【小题2】 — just get it all out of your head and onto a list.

Next, figure out the things you must do first. 【小题3】 for example, play sports at 5:05 or dinner at 6:30. Now, go through the rest of your list, and put a star next to anything you must get done today or that's really important.

Now take a note of how long you think each task will take to do. 【小题4】. If you find it hard to estimate(预估) time, try using kitchen timer or a stopwatch for a while to track how long different tasks take. It'll get easier after you've done it a few times.

Now you have a plan—you just need to stick to it! 【小题5】. But if something takes a lot longer than expected, just stay calm and adjust(调节) your plan as needed. Remember, the plan is there to help you. If you need to change it to make it work better, that's okay.

A.Try to give yourself more than enough time so you don't feel rushed
B.Make a note of anything on your list that has to be done at a certain time
C.Pay attention to your time, and check your schedule often to make sure you're staying on track(轨道)
D.Don't worry about writing in complete sentences
E.Add in times for showering and doing the dishes
F.The answer is time management

It’s important to learn to protect our environment. Here is a 5R rule for you.


If you want to reduce waste, you should use your brain (脑子). Just buy what you need when shopping. Make good use of everything and don’t waste anything. Reducing waste is a good way to protect the environment.


You should always think of reusing the usable things before throwing them out. Give your old clothes you do not use or the ones which are too small to others. You may pass on such clothes to young brothers or sisters.


Bottles, cans and paper can easily be recycled, and many other things can be recycled too. By doing so we can save lots of time and money.


When you buy a box of apples, there may be a few rotten (腐烂的) apples. You could cut off the rotten parts and eat the good parts. In this way you are recovering the eatable parts of food. So you see, “Recover” is using the things that can be used.


If one of the legs of your table is broken, you can repair it instead of throwing it away. If you want to change for a better one, it is better for you to sell the old thing or give it to other people who can use it after doing some repair.

【小题1】What should we do to “Reduce?
A.Using things many times.B.Going shopping less.
C.Using fewer things.D.Using things wisely (明智地).
【小题2】What can be easily recycled?
A.All waste.B.Little waste.C.Much waste.D.Only bottles, cans and paper.
【小题3】Which is NOT the right way to deal with broken things?
A.Send them to others.B.Throw them away.C.Sell them.D.Repair them.
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.“Make good use of things” is reusing things.B.“Give your old toys to your little brother” is “recycle”.
C.To reduce waste, we should not go shopping any more.D.“Recover” rule requires us to use the good parts of things.
【小题5】Which of a website does the text most probably come from?
A.National geography.B.Population and environment.C.Outdoor photography.D.Popular science.
