阅读理解-七选五 较易0.85 引用1 组卷62

“Hello,” “Yo!” “How’s it going, mate?” “Good morning, sir”. 【小题1】 And in the UK, we usually greet different people in different ways.

If you are greeting someone who is older than you, it’s polite to use their last name to show respect. 【小题2】 But if we are meeting friends, we use “Hi, mate” and “Alright, buddy”. For girls, it is common to use compliments (赞美). We usually say something like “Hello, my lovely” or “Hi, gorgeous” when meeting friends.

Each greeting shows what kind of relationship is between two speakers. We feel uncomfortable when someone greets us with “mate” or “buddy” if they are not our friends. We like to use words that our friends understand like “Yo” (Hello) or “Howdi” (How do you do? ). 【小题3】

【小题4】 Some good friends have their own handshake that others do not know. This shows that they are very good friends. It is something only they share. 【小题5】 This is informal (不正式的) but it shows they are close friends.

A.They say, “Long time no see.”
B.Greeting people in any culture is important.
C.For example, we might say, “Hello, Mr. Green.”
D.It can also happen to other languages, such as Chinese.
E.Another common way to say “hello” is to shake hands.
F.Good friends sometimes change a handshake to a “high five”.
G.This makes our friendship stronger through a common understanding.
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Mary was a student in a middle school. It was Monday today. For her she was unlucky, because she had two tests today. Maths was the first test and she was bad at it. Lucy was her best friend. She sat in front of Mary. Lucy didn’t have problems with Maths. She didn’t have problems with anything. Mary hoped Lucy could help her in the test.

Test started. There were five questions that Mary couldn’t answer. They were too difficult. She looked up and found the teacher didn’t look at her. She took out her phone. She asked answers from Lucy by using her phone. Then Mary saw Lucy reading from the phone. So she waited for her friend’s answers. But nothing came. “Stop writing and put your pens down,” said Mr Li. Oh no, Mary still had two answers left.

After the test, Mary went to the library and found Lucy. Mary was angry when she saw Lucy reading books.

“Lucy! Why didn’t you answer my phone? I saw you read it! Are you my best friend?” Mary asked angrily.

“It’s a cheat! We are friends. I didn’t want you to cheat. It’s bad! You weren’t good at Maths. That’s OK. I can help you with it. But I can’t help you in the test.” Lucy answered carefully.

Mary didn’t say anything but hugged her friend. She understood Lucy was her true friend at last. This is really a test to the friendship between Lucy and Mary.

【小题1】What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.Lucy sits behind Mary.B.Lucy studies very well.
C.Mary likes Maths very much.D.Mary only has a Maths test today.
【小题2】Why didn’t Lucy answer Mary’s phone on the test?
A.Lucy didn’t look at the phone.B.Lucy didn’t have time to answer.
C.Lucy was afraid Mary would do well in the test.D.Lucy didn’t want to help Mary cheat in the test.
【小题3】Which statement is TRUE?
A.Mary will never be friends with Lucy.
B.Lucy will not help Mary with her study.
C.Lucy is Mary’s true friend and thinks for her.
D.Mary had three questions left before the test was over
