补全对话-7选5 适中0.65 引用1 组卷57
根据对话内容,选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整 (选项中有两项是多余的)。
A: Hey, Mary. What about going to the cinema with me this weekend?
B: 【小题1】 I haven’t seen a film for a long time.
A: 【小题2】
B: War movies. The Battle at Lake Changjin II is popular with people.
A: I heard of the film. My cousin watched it last Sunday.
B: 【小题3】
A: She loves it, and she says it is worth watching.
B: Great. Let’s watch it. 【小题4】
A: We can get the tickets online.
B: 【小题5】
A: Let me have a check. 20 yuan each.
B: OK. Let’s book the tickets at once.
A.That’s a good idea.
B.How much is a tickct?
C.What does she think of it?
D.Where can we get the tickets?
E.When can we book the tickets?
F.What kind of movie do you like?
G.Who did she watch the film with?
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