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If you look at the top of your phone, you can see a little symbol that says 3G or 4G. The “G” stands for “generation (代)” of your mobile network. But the symbols will become things of the past after 5G networks fully arrive.

On March 30, 2019, Shanghai vice-mayor Wu Qing made the first 5G video call. Shanghai has also become the first city in China to start testing 5G networks.

About 100 times faster than 4G networks, 5G will let people download and upload data faster than ever before. But 5G won’t just bring faster mobile Internet. People can use it for many other things too.

For example, 5G will help to make self-driving cars faster. Today’s self-driving test cars have one problem—the lag (时间间隔). When the car “sees” an obstacle (障碍物), it sends this information to a data center and receives instructions. However, it will be some time before it sends and receives this information. With this kind of lag, the cars might crash because they don’t receive instructions in time. With 5G, this lag will be greatly lowered, making the cars safer.

5G could also be used to optimize (使最优化) the Internet of Things ( IoT ), that is, a large online network that connects all people and things. Fast Internet speeds will be the key to developing this technology. The IoT could be used in a lot of ways. For example, with IoT, your fridge could automatically (自动地) place an order online for eggs when it finds that there are no eggs left inside.

【小题1】5G was tested in _______ for the first time.
【小题2】According to the passage, we can infer (推断) that _______.
A.5G is widely used in China now
B.cars can order things online with 5G networks
C.4G is 100 times faster than 5G
D.5G networks will make our lives more convenient (方便的)
【小题3】The writer uses self driving cars as an example to _______.
A.show how 5G’s fast speed can be helpful
B.show the possible dangers of self-driving cars
C.show how self-driving cars work
D.show how fast self-driving cars run
【小题4】The underlined word “IoT” refers to _______.
A.a robot that can do housework
B.an online store where you can buy things
C.the self-driving test
D.a large online network that connects people and things
【小题5】According to the passage, it’s clear that _______.
A.5G will help us buy eggs quickly
B.our fridges can order eggs online for us with the help of IoT
C.robots can help us buy eggs online
D.5G will make self-driving cars more dangerous
知识点:科学技术说明文5G技术 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
下面的材料 A-F 分别介绍了六种新型房子。请根据五个人的需求选择合适的房子。
A. The 3D printed houses will be made by ICON in Texas.The company can print a 60-square-metre house in just 12-24 hours. The walls of the house look like cream. Each house costs $10.000 The materials can be used again.
B. Some houses have been made in a shape like a ball. The walls, ceiling and floor are all in a house with this shape. The wind moves around the outside of the house. Ball-shaped houses can be hung from things or float on water.
C. Some people live in windy places. Big winds can blow houses down. A dome house is made of triangle shapes to let the wind to around it. There is no wind in a dome house, so it is safer in a fire.
D. A house in a tree doesn't use any space on the ground at all. No trees have to be cut down to make room for these houses. And the tree house can be built in the shape of a bee nest. Such a house doesn’t take very long to move to a new place.
E. Some scientists have made a house that can walk. The house has six legs. It can walk over any ground. When it walks, three legs are always on the ground. A walking house would be very good if there was a flood or a fire.
F. Some scientists are tying to turn used plastic into bricks. These bricks are designed well and can be used to build houses for the poor families in some parts of the world.
【小题1】Ken worries that there will be less and less space on the ground if people keep on building houses. It is bad for human to cut down so many trees for houses.
【小题2】Cindy is interested in houses with new technology, because it takes less time and costs less to build this kind of house. And it is better for the environment.
【小题3】Carrie lives near the sea. Sometimes her house will be blown down by the strong wind. She really hopes that her house can be kept away from the wind.
【小题4】Mary’s son is a super ball fan. He is crazy about ball games. He even dreams that he can live in a ball.
【小题5】Nancy is an environmental protection member. She hopes that she can build some houses with used things like plastic, bottles and so on.

Humans’ Greatest Achievements

The Earth is about 4.6 billion years old, but the humans have lived on it for just 200,000 years. In that short time, we have achieved some amazing things.

【小题1】 The list is almost endless. The invention of the airplane has changed our lives. The discovery of antibiotics( 抗生素 ) has saved the lives of millions of people. Can you imagine living without electricity? What about the printing press(印刷术) ? Without the printing press, you wouldn’t be reading this. In the last 50 years, there have been great achievements in communication, such as radio, TV, computers, the Internet. and smartphones(智能手机). 【小题2】   

What about the arts? The arts have brought pleasure to many people, but are the Beatles and Bach more important than antibiotics? 【小题3】

Finally, we must not forget humans’ early achievements. 【小题4】 We can’t imagine modern life without cooked food and cars.

What are humans’ greatest achievements? To answer the question, we need to decide what we mean by “great”. 【小题5】 Or is it just something that makes us say “Wow”, like the Great Wall? What do you think?

A.Is it something that makes us rich or happy or saves lives.
B.They used fire for cooking and heating and invented the wheel.
C.Many of humans’ great achievements are in science and technology.
D.And is Mickey Mouse as important an achievement as going to space?
E.We could probably live without them, but life wouldn’t be as interesting.

AI(人工智能)makes our lives easier and better. Let’s see the amazing AI.

Cool driverless bus

A bus door opens and you get on. Wait, where is the driver? Here is a new kind of driverless bus called Apolong.

   It can seat 14 people and doesn’t need a driver. The bus follows traffic rules. It stops every time it sees a stop light.

Your close friend

   Hi, everyone. I’m Xiaoice, a chatbot(聊天机

器人). I speak like a 17-year-old-girl. If you feel lonely, you can talk with me. I’m good at singing, writing poems and telling stories. I want to be your friend!

World’s first AI anchor

Hey, look! The famous Chinese anchor( 主播) Qiu Hao is reporting the news for us. But, is “he” really Qiu Hao? The answer is “no”. This is the world’s first AI anchor.

It looks and speaks just like a real person. It speaks both Chinese and English. It can work 24 hours without any mistakes. The AI anchor joins Inhuman reporting team. You might see it on TV soon.

Popular AI artist

This beautiful painting was at an auction(拍卖) in 2018. It sold for about 3,000,000 yuan! But it is not a work by a famous painter, such as Vincent van Gogh. It was painted by an AI artist. Three Frenchmen created the AI.

The AI artist studied over 15,000 paintings. In this way, it learned to paint. Now it is among the most popular artists in the world.

【小题1】The fact about Apolong is that _____.
A.There is a driver in itB.the door is opened by the passenger
C.there are 24 seats in itD.it stops every time it sees a stop light
【小题2】Xiaoice CAN’T _____.
A.go out to play with youB.talk with you if you feel lonely
C.be your friendD.sing, write poems or tell stories
【小题3】The painting is ______.
A.a work painted by Vincent Van Gogh
B.worth about 3,000,000 yuan at an auction
C.studied by three French artists over 15,000 times
D.among the most beautiful paintings in the world
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Xianice is a 17-year-old girl.
B.The AI anchor can only speak English.
C.The AI anchor can work 24 hours without mistakes.
D.The AI artist is one of the most popular artists in China.
【小题5】We can probably see the passage in _____.
A.a guidebookB.a noticeC.a novelD.a newspaper
