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One day, Devin came to a town. Many town people bought horses from the city of Green City. Devin told everyone the horse from the city of Alex City was better than theirs. They were against him and challenged Devin to prove his point in a horse race. After the race date was decided, all the others started training their horses.

On the race day, they brought their strong horses. They also invited best riders to ride their horses. To everyone’s surprise, Devin’s horse looked very thin and it seemed not to eat for many days. Devin rode it himself.

When Devin sat on his horse, he held a long stick with some fresh green grass on one end. As soon as the race started, Devin hung grass in front of his horse. Horse wanted to eat it, so he ran fast.

No matter how fast he ran, grass remained out of his reach. It ran faster and faster and it came first in race. After winning, Devin fed it green grass. When others asked him his secret of success, Devin smiled, “One must be hungry for success, only then he will be successful.”

【小题1】Why did the town people invite riders to ride the horses?
A.To win the race.B.To get more money.
C.To drive away Devin.D.To train their horses.
【小题2】How did Devin make his horse run faster and faster?
A.Beat the horse with a long and hard stickB.Fed a lot of grass to his horse before the race.
C.Don’t give anything to his horse to eat.D.Hung fresh green grass in front of the horse.
【小题3】What’s the best title for the text?
A.Animals’ success comes from trainingB.Success is from hunger for success
C.Grass can help horse to run fasterD.Hard work can achieve our dream
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David, a famous scientist, has made several important medical breakthroughs(突破), a reporter interviewed him asking why he was able to be so much more creative than most people.

David said that it all came from an experience with his mother that happened when he was about four years old. He tried to remove a bottle of milk from the fridge and it fell, spilling the milk all over the kitchen floor - a real sea of milk!

Instead of shouting at him, giving him a lecture or punishing him, his mother said, “What a great and wonderful mess you have made! Well, the damage has already been done. Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?”

Indeed, he did. After a few minutes, his mother said, “David, whenever you make a mess like this, which do you prefer to use, a sponge, or a mop?” He chose the sponge and together they cleaned up the floor.

His mother then said, “You have a failed experiment in how to successfully carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands. Let’s go out in the back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can discover a way to carry it without dropping it.” The little boy then learned that if he held the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it.

This famous scientist said he had learnt a lot from that little accident. It was at that moment that he knew mistakes were not something bad at all. Instead, he learned that mistakes were just chances for learning something new, which is, we still can learn something valuable from it.

【小题1】What is NOT true about David?
A.He is a well-known scientist in medicine.
B.He is considered to be unusually creative.
C.He keeps his fantastic achievements as secrets.
D.Many people wonder how he got his success.
【小题2】Which picture can best describe the underlined word “spilling” in Paragraph 2?

【小题3】After the milk accident,   his mother did the following EXCEPT________.
A.asking him to play in the milk
B.cleaning up the floor with him
C.encouraging him to find a new way
D.teaching him how to carry a big bottle
【小题4】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.A wise mother.B.A wonderful lesson.
C.A fantastic scientist.D.A failed experiment.

Gillian Lynne never did well at school as a child. She couldn’t keep sitting quietly for long. Her mother was worried and took her to a doctor. For twenty minutes, the mother talked about the problems Gillian had at school. Finally, the doctor said to Gillian, “I need to speak to your mother privately (私下). Wait here, and we’ll be back soon.” Then the doctor turned on the radio on his desk. When they got out of the room, he said to Gillian’s mother, “Just stand here and watch her.” The minute they left the room, Gillian began to dance to the music.

They watched for a few minutes and the doctor said to the mother, “Mrs. Lynne, Gillian isn’t sick. She’s a dancer. Take her to a dance school.”

So she did. Gillian’s new dance school was full of people like her. They loved to move to think. Later Gillian went to the Royal Ballet School and became a great dancer. After leaving the school, she worked for some successful musicals (音乐剧).

It’s hard to believe that years ago, somebody would let her take medicine to keep quiet.

【小题1】Why did Gillian’s mother take her to a doctor?
A.Gillian didn’t want to go to school.B.Gillian wasn’t able to speak.
C.Gillian couldn’t keep sitting quietly for long.D.Gillian didn’t feel well.
【小题2】What did Gillian do after the doctor and her mother left?
A.She also got out of the room at once.
B.She turned on the radio and listened to musicals.
C.She stood in the room and watched her mother.
D.She started to dance to the music on the radio.
【小题3】What was the doctor’s advice?
A.To let the girl watch some musicals.
B.To let the girl take some medicine.
C.To find a new teacher for the girl.
D.To send the girl to a dance school.
【小题4】The underlined word “she” refers to (指代) ________.
A.Mrs. LynneB.Gillian LynneC.the doctorD.a great dancer
【小题5】What can we learn from Gillian’s story?
A.Parents are their children’s best teachers.
B.Not even a doctor can tell a person’s talent.
C.The earlier we find problems, the better it will be.
D.It’s important to look inside to find our true talents.
