任务型阅读-补全句子 适中0.65 引用1 组卷29

Have you heard of the sandstorm? It is a natural disaster (灾难). It often happens in the desert. A sandstorm is like a snowstorm. They both bring a lot of trouble to people. In sandstorms, the wind carries the sand. Sandstorms are different from other disasters. They come with a warning (前兆) but other disasters come without any warnings. So when you see that clouds have a dark colour, it means there is going to be a sandstorm.

If it doesn’t rain for a long time, sandstorms may happen. When there are sandstorms in cities, there will be no planes in the sky. It would be dangerous for the pilot (飞行员) to fly the plane because he cannot see clearly. There would also be more traffic accidents in the street. The sky is grey and people cannot see very far.

There are many deserts in Africa and Asia. Sandstorms often happen in these places. People can stop sandstorms by planting trees.

【小题1】A sandstorm often happens in the ________.
【小题2】When a sandstorm happens, the wind carries the _________.
【小题3】Sandstorms come with _________.
【小题4】It would be _________ for the pilot to fly the plane in sandstorms.
【小题5】People can stop sandstorms by ________.
知识点:自然灾害与防范说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Sara was thinking about the birthday party she would have been having if the terrible hurricane(飓风 )hadn’t come up, Her parents had cancelled (取消)the party because a hurricane came. She couldn’t understand that since her family didn’t even live near the ocean and the hurricane won’t influence their home.

" Sweetie, you can't sit there all day, "her mother said. "We’ll have your party next weekend. I have already called may people. It's the same to have a party next weekend."

"It's not the same. My birthday is today, not next weekend. ‘Sara turned on the television.

She wanted to watch something interesting, but every channel was talking about the hurricane, "I can't even watch my favorite show. This storm is ruining(毁掉) everything."

Her mother sat down next to her. “The hurricane is ruining a lot. Look at that. Those people are trying to save their houses. Could you imagine if we lost our home?”

Sarah looked at the pictures on TV. The storm sounded terrible. She knew she’d be really sad if her family lost their home.

“Usually when there’s a big storm like this, people raise money and send food and other things to the homeless families. Some people even help rebuild houses.” “I want to help, too, ” Sara said. “Maybe I can give my birthday money to them. Those people are going to need it more than I do.’’

【小题1】How did Sara feel when her parents cancelled her birthday party?
【小题2】Why didn't Sara have her birthday party today?
【小题3】Could Sara watch her favourite show when she turned on the TV?
【小题4】What would some people even do after the hurricane, besides raising money and sending food and other things to the homeless families?
【小题5】What did Sara decide to give the homeless families at the end of the story?

Natural disasters are a part of life and there is no way to stop them from happening. However, the harmful effects of natural disasters can often be reduced.

First, avoid places where natural disasters often take place. For example, the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in northern Japan happened in exactly the same place as other serious disasters in the past. Because of past disasters, some towns were moved away from the area and warnings were posted everywhere, reminding people that if there was an earthquake, a tsunami would certainly follow. However, many people did not pay attention to the warnings. Many towns were rebuilt in the same places as before, so they were destroyed again in the 2011 earthquake.

Second, build stronger houses and buildings because sometimes we don’t know an area is a disaster zone(地区)until a disaster hits. Often, the disaster itself doesn’t kill people. People are often killed because they are living or working in badly-made buildings.

Finally, we need better warning systems, so people can leave disaster areas before a disaster hits.

If these rules are followed, many lives can be saved.

【小题1】Can we avoid natural disasters?
【小题2】What’s the first rule of reducing the harmful effects of natural disasters?
【小题3】What was posted everywhere in the disaster area of northern Japan?
【小题4】Why were many towns destroyed against the 2011 disaster?
【小题5】What do we need to build to reduce the harmful effects of natural disasters?

Jim is on holiday in Australia. There are bushfires in the area where he is staying. He is telling his friend Mark about the fires.

Mark: We saw the news about the bush fires. Are they close to you?

Jim: Yes. They are very close. The weather is hot and windy. The conditions are ideal for bush fires and once they get started they spread quickly. Yesterday the temperatures hit 44°C and there were reports of over 50 fires in the area. It will take days to put them out.

Mark: Have you seen any fires?

Jim: Yes, I have. I’m staying with my uncle Ted. He’s a volunteer firefighter. He says the fires have killed a lot of animals, but no people. He says that the safest thing is to stay inside unless your house catches fire!

Mark: Is it safe where you are?

Jim: We’re fine. We listen to the radio to keep up to date with the latest news. So we know if a fire is coming our way. One got very close yesterday. Three houses nearby caught fire. Luckily, the families put the fires out before they did too much damage.

Mark: Are you worried? Do you think you will need to move to a safer place?

Jim: It’s a normal part of summer in Australia. Bush fires are a fact of life here. It’s a bit scary, but I am sure I’ll be fine.

Mark: Well, you look after yourself! We don’t want you to be the first human victim of the year!

【小题1】Where is Jim on holiday?
【小题2】What’s the weather like today?
【小题3】What was the highest temperature yesterday?
【小题4】What problems have the fires caused?
【小题5】How do people get the latest news about the bush fires?
