短文填空-语法填空 适中0.65 引用1 组卷33
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容 (不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

An old man was ill in hospital. A young man visited him every day. He helped him eat his food and take his shower. He then took him for a walk. After that he 【小题1】 (bring) him back to his room and helped him lie down. He stayed in hospital for a couple of 【小题2】 (hour) and went away after making sure everything was going well with the old man.

One day a nurse said to the old man, “Your son is one of 【小题3】 (kind) sons that I have ever seen. Every day he visits you and takes good care 【小题4】 you.”

The old man replied, “I wish he were one of my children, 【小题5】 he isn’t. He is an orphan (孤儿) in my neighborhood. I walked past his house one day. He was 【小题6】 (sit) in front of the house alone crying after his father died. I stayed with him and bought 【小题7】 (he) some candies. I hadn’t seen him for a very long time until one day he came to my house. He had grown up. Since then he 【小题8】 (visit) my wife and me every day. When I came here because of the 【小题9】 (ill), he took my old wife to his home. He now comes to the hospital to see me every day. Once I asked him, ‘Dear, why do you care about us so much?’ He 【小题10】 (simple) smiled and said, ‘The taste of the candies is still in my mouth.’”

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