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Do you dream of being a soldier when you grow up?

Zou Aimin is a border defense soldier (边防战士). He is stationed (驻扎) on top of Changbai Mountain in Jilin province.

When Zou got his PhD (博士学位) from Jilin University in 2011, this 29-year-old young man applied (申请) to come to the outpost (前哨). He is one of the few soldiers in the province with such a high level of education.

The weather there is very terrible. It often has heavy snow. And the weather can be very cold—the coldest temperature was -47 C. There are around 260 days a year when the wind speed is above 11.7 meters per second.

“It is very difficult to fall asleep at the beginning, because the wind outside cried like a wolf,” Zou said.

They can’t go down the mountain because of heavy snow. There is never enough drinking water on the mountain top. The soldiers have to melt (融化) snow for water to drink, cook and wash with. They can only take a bath once a month.

While most of the soldiers were born between 1990 and 1999, Zou said that they were not “spoiled” (溺爱). He said the difficulties were valuable experiences and he could share their stories with their friends at home.

【小题1】How old was Zou Aimin in 2011?
【小题2】Why was it difficult to fall asleep at the beginning for Zou?
【小题3】How can they get enough drinking water?
【小题4】How often can they take a bath?
【小题5】What does Zou Aimin think of the difficulties?
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阅读下面短文, 回答文后各小题.

Once there was a poor lady who lived on a hill near the seashore. Her husband died. She had no children and lived a lonely life. She was so poor that she had to work hard.

But one night when she sat at the table, the lady said to herself, “I wish I could be useful to the world. Why can’t I do good to someone else besides myself?” At last, she ①________ an idea.

She decided that she would keep a lighted lamp at the window for the sailors every night. She found that ships sometimes hit the rocks in the sea, since there was no lighthouse to warn them of the danger at night. Maybe her lamp would warn them when their ships came near the rocks on the coast.

The lady felt glad when the thought came into her mind. She found that, if she worked an hour longer each night, she could make enough money ②________ the oil for the lamp. So she worked late and got enough money for the oil and then she placed the lamp at the window each night. In this way she saved many lives.

She did this for five years without any reward, or the hope of reward. However, good deeds are often found out. The sailors whose lives had been saved began to send gifts to her from far away countries. They sent her tea from China, cloth from India, silk from France and grapes from Spain. But the poor lady did not need these gifts to make her happy. She gave many of them to the poor and the sick.

She was happy with the thought that she was doing something good. So, as long as she lived, she would light her lamp each night and place it at the window.

【小题1】找出下列句子的同义句. She was very poor so she had to try her best to work.
【小题2】在空格处填入所缺内容, 使句意完整. (每空不超过三个单词)
【小题3】According to the passage, why did ships sometimes hit the rocks?
【小题4】How did the woman save lives?
【小题5】英译汉:But the poor lady did not need these gifts to make her happy

Lots of people start each year with New Year’s resolutions. A resolution is a promise to help you live a better life. You plan to do something good or to stop doing something bad in the coming year. Here are some children’s New Year’s resolutions.

My name is Tony. I’m going to improve my Chinese and get better grades. How am I going to do that? I promise to work harder than before.

I’m Jenny. I have many different kinds of hobbies, like singing, dancing and swimming. This year, I’m going to take up a new hobby—taking photos. I will learn it from my uncle. He takes photos for some magazines and he is very good at it.

I’m Rose. I hope to be healthier. I usually watch TV a lot at night and only sleep seven hours a day. I will listen to my body and sleep more. Also, I decide to run for half an hour every morning. I know the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. It seems to make sense (有道理), so I’m going to eat some fresh fruit too every day.

It’s OK for you to have a big or small resolution. What’s important is that you should take it seriously and try to keep it. Don’t let it work only for a few weeks or months.

【小题1】What’s a resolution?
【小题2】How is Tony going to improve his Chinese and get better grades?
【小题3】Who is Jenny going to learn a new hobby from?
【小题4】Is Rose going to eat some fresh fruit every day?
【小题5】What do you think of resolutions?
