完形填空 适中0.65 引用1 组卷23

When you think of Africa, what comes to your mind? What is life there like?

At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a ________ American shoe-making company (公司). However, because of market changes, the company has a problem with ________ shoes. The boss is ________ this, so he had a meeting to discuss this problem. A new business strategy (策略) was planned—opening new markets in ________ countries. He decided to send the two best salesmen (销售员) in his company to ________ to do a survey (调查) first ________ salesmen left for Africa by boat, but they went to different countries. Within a month, the first salesman finished his ________ of the African market. He called the boss, telling him that the African market for shoe sales was ________. He said, “Boss, it is bad news. The ________ here is so hot. People all go without shoes. No one wears ________ shoes. There is no market for us here! We are not going to be able to sell a single ________ of shoes in Africa!” The salesman ________ pretty sad.

After a few days, the second salesman ________ the boss. He was quite excited and said, “Boss, good news. It’s a fantastic place and a great business opportunity(商机) for us. No one here wears ________. No one sells shoes. There is a big potential (潜力的) market for us. We are going to sell thousands of pairs and make a lot of money. All we need to do is to educate them on the good things and importance of wearing shoes on the ________ road.”

A.good atB.happy aboutC.worried aboutD.sure about
A.anotherB.otherC.othersD.the other
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One day, a student asked his teacher,“ What is greed (贪婪)?” The teacher didn’t answer his question _________, but asked the student to walk through the gate of the chocolate factory next to their school and pick out the biggest chocolate bar he could find. But there was a rule: when he passed through the factory, he could not turn _________.

The student went to the chocolate factory. As he walked, he saw a _________ chocolate bar. He liked it, but he thought he might be able to find an even bigger one if he kept going.

He kept walking and saw _________ chocolate bar. This one was a little bigger. But again, he thought he could find an even bigger one if he kept going. As he got close to the end of the factory, he saw _________ chocolate bars, and none of them were as large as the earlier ones. He started to regret that he made a wrong _________ to keep going.

Finally, he gave up. He went back to his teacher empty-handed and _________ what had happened.

The teacher told him, “You liked the _________ chocolate bar, but you kept looking for a bigger one. And later, you realized that you had given up the best chocolate bar _________ you thought you could do better. That is called greed.”

__________, we let go of good things in our life because we think we can find something even better. You should learn to make your choices wisely.

A.anotherB.otherC.the otherD.others
阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最 佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。

There was a lonely kitten in a small village. She had no families or friends, so she spent her days lying around. She wanted to make friends with others, but everyone was too busy to _________ her.

One day, the kitten saw a group of children playing in the _________. She walked to them quietly, hoping to make some friends. But as soon as she got close, they started _________ her. They said she was too small and too dirty to play with them.

The kitten was heartbroken. She _________ the park, crying. She didn’t understand why nobody wanted to be her friend. She felt so lonely and _________

However, she met an old cat who was sitting by a tree. The old cat asked her what was wrong, and the kitten told her everything. The old cat listened _________ and then said, “Don’t worry, little one. I will be your _________. And I will teach you how to be strong and brave.”

The kitten was surprised and thankful. She spent the rest of the day with the old cat, learning how to _________ trees. She also learned how to be confident.

From that day on, the kitten was never _________ again. She had a friend who loved her and taught her everything. Whenever she saw the children in the park, she would walk by them __________ because she knew that she didn’t need their approval(认可) to be happy.

A.playing withB.laughing atC.shaking hands withD.taking photos of
A.ran away fromB.arrived atC.drew a picture ofD.heard of

Happiness is important for everyone. Most people want to be happy, but _____ know how to find happiness. Here is a story to help you.

Once a bird lived unhappily. So it traveled far away to look for its happiness.

It flew and flew. _____, it saw spider climbing up a wall. The spider fell off the wall halfway. But it kept climbing again and fell off again. Even so, the spider didn’t _____. The little bird asked the spider in surprise, “Why don’t you have _____ but happiness on your face though you fail again and again?”

“Because I keep making my _____, I’m happy.” said the spider.

Then the little bird saw it: Happiness is a will (意志) in the heart.

The bird continued flying and saw a lame (跛脚的) duck helping a little duck _____ got lost to find the way back home. _____ it was disabled, it had a smiling face.

“I’m happy because I can help others,” said the lame duck.

So the bird saw it: Happiness is a love in the heart.

The bird flew even _____ and saw a little dying flower, whose face was full of smile. The bird didn’t know the reason. So it asked the little flower, “You’re going to die. Why are you _____ so happy?”

“Because my dream will come true,” said the little flower.

“What is your dream?”

“To _____ sweet fruit.”

The little bird saw it: Happiness is a hope in the heart.

So the little bird no more looked for happiness because it had seen the truth: Happiness is not in the faraway (遥远的) place but in your own heart. You are the maker of your own happiness.

A.littleB.a littleC.fewD.a few
A.give outB.give awayC.give inD.give up
