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Always do your homework before you get too tired. Don’t wait until very late in everything, or your work will seem much harder than it really is.

If you have more than an hour’s work, give yourself a break after an hour. On the other hand, don’t break it up so much, or you can’t finish anything, you should be able to work at least a half at a time without stopping.

Don’t put it off (推迟) until the last minute. If you put off doing your homework, you will have it on your mind, and you will not enjoy your free time so much. If you put it off until the end of the week or until right before a test, you will have too much work to do.

Do your homework at the same time every evening. This will help you make it a habit. It will make it easier to do, and it will make your free time more enjoyable, as well.

【小题1】If we wait very late in the evening, our work will________.
A.look very easyB.go to so much trouble
C.become a little hardD.seem much harder
【小题2】Some students in schools won’t enjoy their free time so much because they________.
A.never finish their homework in time
B.want to keep up with what is happening in the school
C.have to do their homework each night
D.will have too much catching up to do
【小题3】How many pieces of advice does the passage give to you?
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My friend Abs went to a new school two years ago. We live near each other and play in the local football team, so we are still friends. Then he started playing rugby and cricket and lost interest in football. We still like each other, but we don’t see much of each other. All my new friends like football—unlike Abs, he seems to be doing rugby and homework all the time. We are good, but can we be friends like before?


Simon says

Sometime it is sad when best friends go different ways. So when something changes in your life like this and everything goes well, you should be happy: you managed to deal with it! There is no need to think about your worries and neglect your happiness.

Anita says

Everyone goes through changes as they get older, and you should be happy that the choices you have made are right for you. It is good to hear that you and Abs are still able to spend some time together and accept each other as you are, even though you now have new friends with the same interests.

Mac says

Friendships change as we get older. It is wrong to think we’ll keep the same sets of friends throughout our lives. Don’t stop seeing Abs, but don’t try to force a friendship that seems to be fading when you don’t really have much in common anymore.


【小题1】Tom and his friend have been friends ________.
A.all their livesB.for two years
C.for over two yearsD.for less than two years
【小题2】What is Anita’s opinion?
A.force Abs to give up his own interestB.give up his interest in football
C.not keep in touch with AbsD.face the changes in life
【小题3】What’s the topic of this passage?
A.Tom loves football very much.B.Tom has a problem about friendship.
C.Tom has many friends.D.Abs had a new friend.
