任务型阅读-阅读表达 较难0.4 引用1 组卷39

Captain Sir Thomas Moore (April 30, 1920 — February 2, 2021), more popularly known as Captain Tom, was a British Army officer and fundraiser who made international headlines in 2020 when he raised money for charity in the run-up to his 100th birthday during the COVID-19 pandemic. The English army captain raised a large amount of money for the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) by walking in his garden. He also raised a lot of excitement and good feelings.

Captain Tom had been very impressed by the efforts of the health care workers of the NHS. They risked their lives to help patients with COVID-19. So he decided to raise money to support them by walking around his garden. At first, his plan was just to complete 100 laps. He hoped to raise $1,000. In less than 24 hours, he had reached his goal. Shocked by his success, the captain set a new goal of raising $100,000 by his 100th birthday.

Interest in his efforts grew quickly as people learned about the project. By the time the captain finished his 100th lap, $14 million had been raised. Things didn’t stop there. Captain Tom promised to keep walking as long as people would keep giving money, and people kept giving money.

Though his age was a part of what made Captain Tom successful, his positive messages really brought hope to many people. “Remember, tomorrow is a good day,” he said.

Captain Tom had the Guinness World Record — the most money raised by an individual (个人) through a charity walk. He raised $29 million. Captain Tom became so popular in the UK that he got over 125,000 birthday cards. The Royal Mail was even humoring Captain Tom by putting a special postmark on all letters in the UK.

【小题1】Why did Thomas Moore make international headlines in 2020?
【小题2】How did Captain Tom raise money?
【小题3】What brought hope to many people besides Captain Tom’s age?
【小题4】What Guinness World Record did Captain Tom have?
【小题5】What can you learn from Thomas Moore? (List two points.)
知识点:志愿服务其他著名人物记叙文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Gan Yu and Luo Yong are the workers of a hydro power station(水电站). When a 6.8-magnitude earthquake hit Luding County in Sichuan Province on September 5, they chose to stay and save people’s lives.

They climbed up to the dam(水坝and opened two floodgates to let the rising water out. It saved the lives of hundreds of villagers. Then Gan and Luo realized the generator(发电机) was still on. It was a huge risk, so they rushed to turn off the station that day without eating any food.

The next day, they moved out together to save themselves. Gan is nearsighted. Unluckily, he lost his glasses and got too weak to walk on. He asked Luo to leave first and he would stay where he was and wait for help.

Before parting from Gan, Luo found some dry leaves to help Gan stay warm. He also left some wild fruits, bamboo shoots and other food. Luo was rescued(营救) on September8, but Gan was no longer at the place when a rescue team arrived.

On September21, Gan was finally found by a local farmer named Ni Taigao. Ni’s village is at the foot of the mountain. After knowing that the people were looking for Gan, he joined the search. He set out for the mountain early that day. Two hours later, he heard Gan’s weak cries for help. He soon found him lying on the ground. Later that day, other rescuers arrived and took Gan to the hospital.

The whole rescue has been called a “miracle(奇迹) of life”. Luo Yong, Gan Yu and Ni Taigao are all heroes.

【小题1】How did Gan Yu and Luo Yong saved hundreds of villagers’ lives?
【小题2】Why did Gan Yu ask Luo Yong to leave first?
【小题3】When was Gan Yu saved?
【小题4】Is Ni Taigao one of the members of the rescue team?
【小题5】What do you think of Gan Yu and Luo Yong?

Here to Help

Dear Jordan,

I learned from the Internet that you are a young activist (活动家). What you did was so inspiring! Now I want to go out and do something to make a change in my community and become an activist myself! So I wonder: What does it take to be an activist? How did you start? Can I become one?



Dear Carolina,

Anyone can become an activist if there’s an issue they feel strongly about. I started speaking up about disabilities because I know what it was like to have one and to be treated differently because of it. When I was little, I wondered why toy figures didn’t look like me. So at the age of ten, I wrote to ask a big company to do something about this problem. I spoke about it on the news, and I even did a TED Talk about it. After more than a year of using my voice, I got to work with a design team on a Barbie doll that uses a prosthetic leg (假肢). That experience showed me that the more I spoke up, the more changes I might be able to make.

Sometimes, being an activist means stepping up and speaking up in a more public way than you normally would. Taking risks is a big part of being an activist.

Your age doesn’t matter. I know so many kids who are fighting for change. Mari Copeny, 13, is making sure people have safe drinking water. Haven Coleman and Taylor Richardson are both teenagers. Haven is raising awareness of climate change, and Taylor is making sure that girls around the world are involved in STEAM education.

If you really care about an issue, learn as much as you can about it and find creative ways to speak up. Maybe it’s writing a letter to the editor of your local paper. Maybe it’s creating a club at your school or in your neighborhood. You can work with other kids to unite your voices so as to be able to make a change.

You don’t have to do something as big as creating a new toy or speaking in front of a crowd. If you help even one person learn and change, you’ve made a big difference!


Jordan Reeves

【小题1】Carolina wrote a letter to Jordan, didn’t she?
【小题2】What did Carolina want to do?
【小题3】Why did Jordan Reeves start speaking up about disabilities?
【小题4】What did Jordan learn from producing a new toy?
【小题5】Why does Jordan list the examples of Mari Copeny, Haven Coleman and Taylor Richardson?
【小题6】What change would you like to make most in your school or community? How do you plan to make it?
