选词填空-短文 较难0.4 引用1 组卷40
have     she     ask     watch     nine     father     to     strawberry     but     play

I have a happy family. This is my family photo.

My 【小题1】 name is Bill White. He likes 【小题2】 sports. He 【小题3】 three kinds of balls. They are a soccer ball, a basketball and a volleyball. My mom is Anna White. She is a teacher. She never plays sports. She only 【小题4】 sports on TV. 【小题5】 favorite color is red.

My name is George White. I like 【小题6】, 【小题7】 I don’t like hamburgers because my mom says they are not healthy. My 【小题8】 birthday is coming. We will have a birthday party from 1:00 p. m. 【小题9】 4:00 p. m. this Sunday. I will 【小题10】 my friends to my party. I think we will have a good time.

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what     as     enough       anyone     sure       make   for   serious     mean   she     ask

One day, a 12-year-old girl asked her dad, “What are you going to give me 【小题1】 my 16th birthday?” The father replied, “Don’t worry about that. You still have 【小题2】 time.”

But on a day after her 15th birthday, she passed out and was taken to the hospital. The family learned that the girl had a 【小题3】 heart disease (心脏病) and that she might die. At night, she 【小题4】 her dad, “Did they tell you that I would die?” The father said, “No , 【小题5】 else.” She asked, “How can you be sure?” He turned to 【小题6】 and said, “I just know it.”

After the girl turned 16, she had a heart transplant (心脏移植手术). After she got better, she came home to find a letter on her bed. It said, “My dear daughter, when you are reading this, it 【小题7】 that everything went well 【小题8】 I told you. Four years ago, you asked me 【小题9】 I would give you for your 16th birthday. I wasn’t 【小题10】 at that time. But now you know that my present to you is my heart.” The father donated (捐献) his heart to his daughter.

Parents often make great sacrifices (牺牲) 【小题11】 their children happy. Keep this in mind when you feel angry to your parents. They’re just doing what they think is the best for you.
