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Dads have Father’s Day. Moms have Mother’s Day. Kids have Children’s Day. Do our grandparents have a special holiday? Yes, they do!

The Double Ninth Festival is a special day for elderly people in China. The festival is on the ninth day of the ninth month of the lunar (农历的) calendar. As the Chinese word for nine has the same sound as the word for long, people take the Double Ninth Festival to show their wishes of long life for elderly people. This year it falls on October 23rd.

There are many traditions for this festival. On that day, families get together and climb mountains for luck and in the hope that elderly people will live much longer. They also drink chrysanthemum wine (菊花酒) and wear a plant called “zhuyu” to celebrate it . Both chrysanthemum and “zhuyu” are considered as clean plants that can clean houses and treat (治疗) diseases.

It is a traditional virtue (美德) in China to respect elderly people. Respecting elderly people is shown not only on this special day but also in daily life. For example, when an older person enters a room, everyone stands up. When there are several guests at the table, the host usually introduces them from the oldest to the youngest. When a younger person is presenting something to an older person, two hands are used. On a crowded subway or bus, younger people always offer their seats to elderly people. Chinese people believe that to respect the elderly people is to respect themselves tomorrow.

【小题1】Grandparents have a special holiday called _________.
【小题2】Chinese people celebrate the Double Ninth Festival to show wishes of _________.
【小题3】Chrysanthemum and “zhuyu” are both considered as clean plants that can be used to _________.
【小题4】According to the passage, people should stand up when _________.
【小题5】Chinese people believe that to respect the elderly people is a way to _________.
知识点:中华文化说明文传统节日 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Qingming is not only one of China’s 24 solar terms, but also the time for Chinese people to honour their lost family members. Qingming falls in early April of spring when the temperature begins to rise and rainfall increases. It is the right time for spring sowing (春播). At the same time, Chinese people will visit tombs of their ancestors (祖先) around Qingming to pay respect to people who have died. Most of the time the whole family will go together with something like flowers, food or paper money, clean up wild grass around the tombs and pray for family prosperity (兴盛).

A traditional Chinese painting named Riverside Scene on the Qingming Festival was drawn 900 years ago. It shows the prosperous atmosphere and activities on that day. People returned from tomb sweeping with horses and packages in the picture.

Chinese people call themselves the children of the Yan and Yellow emperors. A great ceremony is held on Qingming every year in order to honour the Yellow Emperor, also known as the Xuanyuan Emperor. On this day, the Chinese from all over the world pay respects to this ancestor together. This serves as a reminder of the roots of Chinese people and a chance to revisit the civilization (文明) of our ancestors.

Qingming became a Chinese public holiday in 2008. During the holiday, there is also a popular and relaxing activity—spring outing. The spring sunshine brings everything back to life, and it’s the best time to enjoy the beautiful views outside. The mild temperature and fresh air make spring outing another good choice for those who lead busy modern lives.

Qingtuan, a round green dessert, is one of the must-have foods for the festival. It was originally an offering (供品) to ancestors during Qingming. But it is now regarded as a spring outing snack, especially popular among people living south of the Yangtze River.

【小题1】What’s the weather like around Qingming?
【小题2】When was Riverside Scene on the Qingming Festivel drawn?
【小题3】Why is a great ceremony held on Qingming every year?
【小题4】What is the popular and relaxing activity during the Qingming holiday?
【小题5】Who prefers to eat Qingtuan?

There are many holidays and festivals. Dads have Father’s Day. Mums have Mother’s Day. But do our grandparents have a special festival? Yes, they do!

The Double Ninth Festival is a special day for older people in China. It started long ago. The festival is on lunar September 9th. On this day, people show love and respect for their grandparents.

Respecting older people is a tradition in China. That’s because the Chinese know that older people have much knowledge and experience that young people can learn. There are many ways in which Chinese people express their respect. When an older person enters a room, everyone should stand up. Also, people are introduced from the oldest to the youngest. When we present a book to an older person, two hands are used. And young people always offer their seats to older people on a crowded subway or bus.

In Western countries, however, older people have different lifestyles from those in China. Western seniors don’t often live with their children—they live alone. They’d rather do everything themselves than get help from others. They even don’t want to be offered seats by others. Besides after retirement(退休), they would like to take up new hobbies, do part-time jobs and join in different kinds of activities.

Westerners still respect their older people. For holidays, families usually get together at the grandparents’ homes, and a great smile and a warm hug for their parents are enough for grown children to show their respect. What’s more, seniors usually don’t have to buy tickets for trains and buses. They are given discounts(折扣) in stores and restaurants as well.

【小题1】Do the Chinese have a festival for the old?   
【小题2】What is the right order when we introduce people in China?   
【小题3】According to the passage, why do the Western older people choose such lifestyles?   
【小题4】Would you like to offer your seat to the old on a crowded bus in China? Why or why not?

There are many holidays and festivals. But do our grandparents have a special festival? Yes, they do!

The Double Ninth Festival is a special day for older people in China. It started long ago. The festival is on lunar September 9th. On this day, people show love and respect (尊重) to their grandparents.

There are many ways in which Chinese people express their respect. When an older person enters a room, everyone stands. When we present a book to an older person, two hands are used. Young people always offer their seats to older people on a crowded subway or bus.

Respecting older people is a tradition in China. That’s because the Chinese know that older people have knowledge and experience that young people can learn. Chinese people are proud of being old.

In Western countries, however, older people seldom think they are old. They are called “seniors” instead of “old people”. They’d rather do everything themselves. Even after retirement (退休) they take up hobbies, part-time jobs and new activities to keep their bodies working well.

Westerners respect their older people, too. Usually, seniors don’t have to buy tickets for trains and buses. They are given discounts (打折) in stores and restaurants.

But Western seniors don’t often live with their children-they live alone. For holidays, the family usually gather at the grandparents’ home, and a great smile and a warm hug for their parents are enough for grown children to show their respect.

【小题1】When is the double ninth Festival?
【小题2】How many ways in which Chinese people express their respect are mentioned?
【小题3】What can the young learn from older people in China?
【小题4】What will the seniors do when they retire in the western countries?
【小题5】How do Western grown children show their respect?
