阅读理解-单选 较难0.4 引用2 组卷141

After Mr and Mrs Darling leave the house, the candles(蜡烛) in the children’s bedroom stay lit (点燃的) for a while. Then they go out(熄灭). Now there’s another small but very bright light in the room. It’s flying around quickly. And when the light stops, you can see that it is a fairy(精灵). Her name is Tinker Bell. She is looking for Peter’s shadow(影子).

Suddenly, the window blows open, and Peter Pan jumps into the room.

“Tink,” he calls softly. He doesn’t want to wake up the children.

“Where’s my shadow?”

“It’s in that drawer(抽屉),” Tink says, and she flies into the drawer.

Peter is very happy. He forgets that Tinker Bell is still in the drawer, and he closes it. Then he tries to stick(把……粘到) his shadow to his body, but he can’t. Peter doesn’t know what to do. He sits on the floor and begins to cry. He wakes up Wendy. She isn’t afraid when she sees Peter.

“Boy,” she says politely. “Why are you crying?”

Peter is polite too. He stands up and bows(鞠躬) to her. She is very happy and bows to him from the bed.

“What’s your name?” he asks.

“Wendy,” she says.“What’s your name?”

“Peter Pan.”

“Where do you live?”

“Second to the right, and straight(笔直) on until(直到) morning.”

“What a funny address(地址)! Do people write it on your letters?”

“I don’t get letters,” he says.

“Does your mother get letters?” Wendy asks.

“I don’t have a mother,” he says. He does not have a mother, and he doesn’t want one. But Wendy thinks this is very sad.

—Taken from Peter Pan

【小题1】Where is Peter’s shadow?
A.In the drawer.B.In the candles.C.In the pockets.D.In the letter.
【小题2】Tinker Bell ________.
A.is another candle in the children’s bedroomB.wakes up the children in the bedroom
C.tries to find Peter Pan’s shadowD.opens the window for Peter Pan
【小题3】Peter Pan cries because he ________.
A.wakes up WendyB.can’t find his shadow
C.closes Tinker Bell in the drawerD.can’t stick his shadow to his body
【小题4】Which is the right order of the following events?
a. Peter stands up and bows to Wendy.
b. Wendy is very happy and bows to Peter from the bed.
c. Peter calls softly. He doesn’t want to wake the children up.
d. Wendy isn’t afraid of when she sees Peter.
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Peter and Sam are best friends. One day Peter told Sam a secret he had heard in the office. He softly whispered (耳语) to Sam that the school was going to host a Sunday party for all the fifth graders who had a perfect behavior record. Sam asked Peter what a perfect behavior record meant. Peter told him perfect meant a student hadn’t been sent to the headmaster’s office or punished to stay after school the whole year. Sam thought this was a great idea because he was tired of being good without reward (回报)—it seemed all the naughty kids were having the most fun.

Sam couldn’t take his mind off the party and kept thinking about delicious creams. During reading group, Sam told his group partner, Daniel, the secret. Sam whispered so softly that Daniel misunderstood the secret. Daniel thought that Peter was having a candy party and kids had to be on their best behavior to be invited. Daniel was thrilled to be told a secret.

Daniel wanted to go to the party so badly, but he wasn’t sure if Peter knew him. After school, Daniel waited for Peter outside of his classroom. When Peter came out, Daniel asked him, “Can I come to your birthday party on Sunday?”

Peter looked at Daniel curiously, “What are you talking about? I’m not having a birthday party! Where did you hear that? I told Sam the school was having a Sunday party!”

【小题1】How did Peter know the secret?
A.From Sam.B.From teachers.
C.From a group partner.D.From the headmaster.
【小题2】What is the secret?
A.Students with good behavior will be awarded prizes at a party.
B.The school will reward good behavior with a Sunday party.
C.The headmaster will go to Peter’s Sunday birthday party.
D.The fifth graders will plan a surprise party for good behaviors.
【小题3】A student who ________ can have a perfect behavior record.
A.stays after school to help the teachers
B.serves the headmaster for the whole year
C.obeys school rules for the whole year
D.helps others and expects nothing in return
【小题4】The underlined word “thrilled” probably means _________.
【小题5】The story mainly tells us __________.
A.why it’s hard to keep secretsB.how kids get perfect behavior records
C.secrets travel fast in the schoolD.message can easily be misunderstood

I had arrived at the airport about 30 minutes before check-in. It had been a very busy three days for me with lots of meetings. But then came the announcement — the flight had been delayed (延误) because there was a problem with the plane.

As I sat waiting for my flight to be called, I reflected (思考) on my last meeting for the day. It was a very enjoyable lunch with an old business friend. We had not seen each other for over 12 years. At the end of our time together, we both said how much we had enjoyed it and that we must do it again.

It was great to think about all that we had talked about. I realized just how important it is to have reminders of the good times in your life. I was lucky enough to have the time to take a short break and reflect on the good things that had happened in my life over 12 years ago. It was like looking at an old photo album stored away in a cupboard in your house. There before your eyes are lots of wonderful memories that take you back to times and places, and to those people who are in the photos.

My flight home was finally called three hours later. I smiled as I boarded the plane and realized that I was not at all upset about the delay in the flight, as I had been able to spend the time reflecting on the good times from days gone by.

【小题1】What was the writer going to do that day?
A.To take a flight back home.B.To go on a business trip.
C.To have a lot of meetings.D.To meet an old business friend.
【小题2】What did the writer do while waiting for his flight?
A.He had lunch with an old friend.B.He recalled his life over the past 12 years.
C.He thought of his last meeting for the day.D.He complained about the delayed plane.
【小题3】It can be inferred from the story that the writer ________.
A.was a little upset about the delay in the flight
B.arrived home about three hours later angrily
C.would like to have plenty of wonderful memories for his life
D.had reminders of the embarrassing relationships with his families
【小题4】The writer wrote the story to ________.
A.complain to the airport about the delayed plane
B.recall the past 12 years of his life
C.recall an enjoyable meeting with an old friend
D.show it was enjoyable to recall good times in the past

I was now in my twenty-third year of residence(居住)in this island and preferred to the way of living. One year I was again on the west side of land when I found something which made me feel ill. There were savages(野人). I was so angry that I fought with them alone and killed them by the gun. Later I was sure that no savages would come to the place to trouble me and I could have been happy to spend the rest of my time there, even to the last moment, till I died, like wild old goats(山羊)in the cave.

I had also arrived to do something funny, which made the time pass more pleasantly with me than before.

At first, I had taught my Poll to speak. And he did it so well and talked so clearly that I was very happy. And he lived with me no less than six and twenty years. How long he might live afterwards, I know not;though I know people have an idea in Brazil that they live a hundred years. Perhaps poor Poll may be alive there still, calling Poor Robin Crusoe to this day.

Besides it, I had two more parrots(鹦鹉)which talked pretty well and would all call Robin Crusoe, but none like my first. Nor indeed did I spend more time teaching them than the first one.

My dog was a very pleasant and loving friend to me, for no less than sixteen years of my time, and then died at the old age. As for my cats, they produced so many little cats that I had to shoot several of them at first to keep them from eating up all I had.

【小题1】Robin Crusoe taught Poll to speak because________.
A.Poll looked forward to learning
B.he could spend time more happily
C.he preferred to teach others
D.Poll wanted to make progress in speaking
【小题2】What does the underlined word "they" in Para 3 refer to(指)?
【小题3】How many kinds of animals did he keep in the passage?
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.His loving dog died at the age of 13.
B.The man disliked living on the island.
C.The man got well with savages all the time.
D.Killing some cats would save the man's food.
【小题5】What do you think of Robin Crusoe in the passage?
